Reasons von abgemeldet ================================================================================ Kapitel 3: Have a Break ----------------------- Updated Version 3. Have a break Have a chit-chat. Feeling the ground under him shaking Dean woke up, opening his eyes and staring at the leather seat in front of him. His eyes widening, he sat up grabbing the seat in front of him and recognizing his brother driving the car. „Sammy, where... how long?" Holding his head he felt an ache coming up from inside, slowly making its way to the front and spreading around his temples. „A few hours." Sam said, looking back once before he kept concentrating on the road. „I wanted to ask you the same. What happened up there? Castiel seemed pretty upset. Didn't you thank him properly afterwards?" he chuckled, teasing his brother a bit to help him get alive. „Shut up." The older Winchester just rubbed his forehead, tried to focus and to remember what exactly had happened. Dean closed his eyes as if it would help to remember. And it actually did. He remembered the room and Castiel, where this damned angel tried to massage him. Then, the voices and the shots! Sam! He went to look after his baby brother. Then, there were those ghouls. Dean moaned, a little lost in his thoughts. They had tortured and tried to eat him. No, they actually succeeded in doing so. Dean remembered the pain very well and he remembered Sam, tied to that freaking chair and Castiel. The angel had tried to help him but unfortunately, they managed to catch him as well. The Winchester shook his head. Crowley. He remembered the demon appearing to their rescue. And then, there was Castiel... healing him. „Holy chicken wings, that bastard!" Dean sat up straight as his memory was fully recovered. Sam peeked into the rearview watching his brother freak out. „Are you going to tell me what's been going on between you two or do I have to picture it in my head?" He tried to focus on the street, but was way too curious to stop asking now. Angry mumbling and cussing was all he got from his brother who kind of managed to squash himself onto the front seat. It had been a long time he sat there and he disliked it. „Stop the damn car." Alright, cursing his car was a bad sign, Sam decided. „Dean, c'mon just tell me. I'm your brother, right? You can talk to me." Not even trying to hide his curiosity this time, Sam continued. „I left both of you for... 5 or 10 minutes, so what the hell has gotten into both of you?" „Sammy, I won't repeat myself. Stop the car and we'll switch positions. If I feel the need to share my experience with that kinky angel with you, I will bring it up myself!" Sam glanced over to his brother before he slammed into the brakes. Not caring about Dean, who had not fastened his seatbelt. He almost hit the dashboard, glaring at his brother. „Sam..." he just said, hissing. The younger Winchester turned completely to his brother. „No, Dean. You're gonna tell me what is friggin' goin' on, or I swear, I'll walk the rest of the way!" One car passed their Impala, pressing the horn and presenting the finger outside the window. Sam had stopped directly on the lane without caring about other cars on the highway. He was obviously pissed, Dean could tell. „Sammy..." Dean started, but shut his mouth again. Sam pierced him with his eyes daring him to speak and explain. „There is nothing goin' on with Castiel and me. We're just... I dunno." Dean sighed. He really did not know what actually was going on. So, how was he supposed to tell Sam? The Winchester could feel his brother's eyes on him. „Look, I really don't know, but what I know is that yesterday was a very, very, very bad day for me and I don't wanna talk about it, okay, Sammy? And could you please stop staring like that, I'm not gonna sleep with you." Sam rolled his eyes. „Jerk!" „Bitch." And with this, both Winchesters got off the car, swapping sides. They remained silent for a while as they passed several villages and cities. Dean turned on the radio to cheer their mood up a bit but instead of an upbeat sound he got nothing more than news and more news. About to turn the radio off and replacing one of his music tapes, Sam interrupted him: „Wait, listen!" „ seems the tragedy continues. By now 5 young girls and 6 young men have disappeared without a trace. The Danville police have announced a curfew for all younger citizens. It is possible that the crime will repeat itself. The Denver Broncos made a good start this season..." Dean's eyes traveled to Sam who returned the look. „Sounds like a new job to me." „Yepp, definitely." Sam opened his bag and retrieved his laptop, starting the investigation immediately. The older Winchester just shook his head and changed the lanes. Heading towards the closest exit signing „Champaign – Danville". Driving the Impala onto the parking lot of the Hotel 'Danville Sycamore Inn', Dean finally noticed the return of his exhaustion. He had slept like one or possibly two hours on the backseat but that was still not enough. Not at all! When they arrived at the hotel it was already dawn and the mid-aged woman at the reception yawned slightly. „Good morning, dears. How're you? Driving all night I assume?" she asked and turned her back to the two men. „Yes Ma'am. We did have indeed a very long night. Do you have a room for my brother and me?" Sam was as polite as always when he spoke. Dean was way too tired to say anything, his brother knew that. „Sure thing, little one." The woman said, turning around again with two keys in her hand. „Unfortunately, I don't have two bed rooms vacant, I hope this is no problem?" Sam took the keys and smiled. „No Ma'am. Thank you Ma'am." The elderly woman smiled warmly. „Marla." Sam nodded and got his wallet out. „Don't worry boy, do that when you're better." she said. The younger Winchester nodded again before he and his brother left. Sam pressed Dean one of the keys into his palm. „Here you go, buddy. I'm next door! Get some sleep." Dean's throat escaped something like a growl. He opened the door and shut it again, as soon as he entered the room. He pressed his back against the door, his hands running over his face. The eldest Winchester was tired but there was something he had to settle before sleeping like a baby. Dean looked up at the ceiling „Cas... move your damn ass down here, ASAP. We gotta talk!" A fluttering sound echoed through the room and Castiel was there, standing in front of the hunter. His face without any sign of emotion! His head tilted to one side, staring at him, a very familiar sight to Dean . „Hello, Dean." the angel said in his Castiel-ish manner. Neither of them moved for a second until Castiel made one step forward. „Don't! Stay right where you are!" Dean said, raising one hand to indicate the angel to not come any closer. His reward was an even more confused looking Castiel who stopped his movement. At least he listened to him and followed his plea, for now. A relieved sigh escaped the hunters lips and he prepared himself for the upcoming speech he was about to give. „Castiel, I... I guess we may have a few issues we should sort out before we continue to work together." he started, optimistic that everything they had run across the last few days would have been a huge misunderstanding. Castiel stood at his ordered place, not moving and kept staring at the other man. Good, the further away the saver for me, Dean thought, managing to throw a smile at the angel. „Look, let's just pretend nothing happened at all and we can go on as we did before. How does that sound, dude? You gotta agree this can't go on that way, right?" To his surprise the angel in front of him did not respond but instead vanished into thin air again. Taking a few steps into the middle of the room he ruffled through his hair. „Oh c'mon you damn bastard! I'm not done talking yet!" he cursed into the air as he felt a presence right behind him. „I'm here, Dean." Shuddering at the sudden loss of his personal space, once again, he made a few fast steps forward, nearly jumping like a fairy from flower to flower, turning around to face the angel. He did not like the thought anymore to have Castiel creeping behind his back. Bad memories! „Go on." Castiel said but Dean could feel the stress in his voice. Did he really just commanded him? „Uh... uhm. I think you don't get my point at all!" What was he doing? Being afraid of that little angel in front of him? He was supposed to be Dean Winchester and he would not just stand here, afraid like a little girl in front of Santa Claus. „Cas, it's probably not your fault at all. You're not used to act with people but as I said, repeating myself over and over again, I don't appreciate it, when you get so close to me. Got me over there, birdie?" Narrowing his eyes, Castiel remained silent, thinking about what Dean had just said. „But Dean, when I see you and your brother, you don't seem to have any kind of hesitation touching him." Castiel deadpanned. He was talking like an emotionless robot. „I watched you touching Bobby too and I saw you touching yourself. I don't understand why you refuse to be touched by me." He couldn't believe what Castiel was saying, at first he thought it sounded cute that he seemed to be jealous about his family bond but when he talked about watching him, a shiver ran down his spine and he felt his face getting hotter. He was obviously close to burst out screaming even though he did not want to admit it. „Did you have heard anything about privacy? Is that some kind of kick for you angels? To watch people do all their stuff, hell, even when we sleep, fuck or eat? What's so freakin' interesting in watching me doing all this?" He wished he had some kind of glass or bottle to throw right now but instead he had to bring his anger and embarrassment out by clenching his fists until the knuckles turned white. Dean wanted to hurt, break, or damage but the only thing that was nearby was the still innocent and curious looking angel. That damn angel. Since god was nowhere to be found, Castiel was around him every day as it seemed. He could not remember since when his presence made him feel so uncomfortable. Before Dean could continue his thought, the angel moved forward, gripping the hunter's upper arm. „Watch your voice, Dean. I may be patient but everything has an end. Even my patience." There it was again. The same expression Dean had seen in the angels face when he was healing him. The hunters gaze moved towards Castiel's eyes. They were still blue, but furious as well. He could almost feel how the angel was fighting inside to not lose control. „Let go of me, Castiel." Dean hissed. His voice was rough but the angel did not make a move. „I am not you servant, Dean! Do not forget this. I am not your personal footman. I am an angel of the Lord and not your special toy." Castiel's voice was low and threatening. „Really? Then why do you keep beein'around all the time?" Castiel pressed his fingers deep into Dean's biceps. „Because, certain people call me every time they need help. Besides, I am not longer welcome in Heaven, you might have forgotten about that!" With this, he let go of the eldest Winchester regaining control over his emotions. Dean was pissed. Why the hell was this angel behaving so differently, at some occasions almost daring? Sometimes, he thought Castiel did that on purpose. And now the angel said those things. Yes, Dean Winchester was pissed in every way he could imagine. When Castiel had told him that he should not see him as something oh-so-special, Dean snapped. He drew his colt and pointed the barrel at the angels face. He unlocked the safety switch and growled. „I always wondered what would happen, if I put a bullet straight through your head." For a moment, there was an awkward silence between the hunter and the angel. Castiel did not respond. He kept staring at Dean. „Open your mouth." he commanded and surprisingly, Castiel did as he was told. Dean made one step forward, sliding the end of the barrel into the angel's mouth. The hunter was uncertain. Why did the angel obey? Why did he do everything he said? Dean pulled a face. Why did Castiel not make a move, he possibly, no, certainly, could have made him stop by smashing him into the wall or something similar. Dean sighed. What was he doing here? It was Castiel he was threatening. His friend! Dean felt his anger and rage turn into disgust. He withdrew the gun from Castiel's mouth, whipping of the small amount of saliva on his jacket and put it back into the holster. Dean sighed and turned around. „You seem to bring up the worst part of me." was all he could come up with. Dean's thoughts were rushing in circles in his head, but once again he was interrupted by the feeling of Castiel's hand on his shoulder. What else could it have been? Dean closed his eyes, not trying to escape the touch this time. Turning his head around to catch a glimpse of Castiel's face, his eyes widened at the sight behind him. „Dear god, not again..." he uttered, before the angel smashed him forth. Luckily, he fell right on the bed instead of on the hard floor. No time for being confused, he turned around to see the well known, long angel blade in Castiel's hand. „Cas, c'mon, I got your point. It's okay really just... stop this." Ignoring Dean's pleas, the angel tightened his grip on the blade. „I will show you what you would be without me." Lowering himself over the Winchester, whose eyes widened as he noticed the lack of sanity in Castiel's face. „Cas!" he shouted, trying to break through to the man he knew who was somewhere inside that thing that heaved his arm over his head. With a swift move, Castiel jammed the holy blade down into Dean's right hand tearing flesh and parting his skin. He felt the sudden rush of adrenaline flowing through his veins. This could not be happening again! Dean opened his mouth but only a muffled little cry was to be heard as Castiel placed his other hand roughly onto the Winchesters mouth, to deafen his screams. „Shhh." He brought his face closer and grinned slightly. This is just a bad dream, I will wake up soon curled into stainless sheets and I will hear Sammy snoring from the other side, Dean thought, closing his eyes to ban that weird look on his 'friends' face from his sight. „You don't understand, Dean. I want you to understand and listen to me. I want you to..." What else did he want? What was he longing for in the first place? The Winchesters respond was only a muffled growl into Castiel's hand, which turned into a painful, also muffled scream as the blade was first twisted around, making the wound ooze blood even more, removing it slowly, tearing some more tissue apart. Before he even had the chance to recover and take control over the pain, a new one was added to his discomfort. The angel slammed the blade down again into Dean's right palm, nailing it to the bed, like it had been to the table by the ghouls. Castiel let go of the blade and stared absently straight forward. „You need me." he said, his fury drifted away and was replaced by a doubtful expression. „When you need assistance, you call for me. You keep calling for me but you never ask me... to stay." Castiel slowly moved his hand from Deans mouth, letting him breathe and gasp painfully. The blade was still jabbed into his flesh. The human moved a little and even tried to retreat the damn blade himself, when his actions caught the thinking angel's attention. He tilted his head and stared at his own blade, which was the main cause of Dean's pain, it felt worse than this damn ghoul's knives. With a jolt he grabbed the blade and removed it from Dean's palm, followed by a low groan from the Winchesters throat. Dropping the blade next to the bed the angel placed his hand over the bleeding wound immediately, mumbling silent, little prayers to himself, healing the damage he had caused moments ago, his hands wandered over the hunters torn palm. He touched the wound as careful as possible. „My apologies. I did not want to do that." The angel's voice was quiet and Dean had to concentrate to understand, what Castiel was saying. He healed Dean's right palm. Castiel dropped his head. „Dean, I really owe you an apology. My actions were..." Castiel was interrupted by Dean punching him into the face, what he immediately regretted, since it felt like punching stone. „Shit." Dean shook his hand, exhaling painfully. Castiel turned his head back to look at the Winchester, grabbing his hand softly. „I made you angry. I am sorry." he said, making the pain in Deans hand vanish. The eldest Winchester was not able to say anything. He was clearly shocked. Captured between a mix of pity, hate, anger and something else unfamiliar, he could not decide what to do with Castiel, not right now. And here it was again, one of those awkward moments of silence which apparently could not be avoided. „I will leave you to rest now." the angel said, getting up from the bed, bending down to pick up his blade. „Stay." Before he knew what he was doing, Dean grasped for the angels trench coat. It was like a reflex. „Stay." he repeated, as if it would be some kind of spell which would make the angel be as he always had been. Castiel, on the other hand, looked down at the Winchester, curious. Dean let go of the fabric and patted on the white sheet of the bed. „Come'ere." Dean moved a little to the other side that Castiel had enough space to lie down. The angel hesitated, once more Dean gave orders in a confusing way but staying was the only thing he could think about. Standing around on the highway, the whole night watching stars and passing cars could be nice once or twice, but not for weeks and certainly not for months. Lying down on his back right next to the Winchester, he stared at the ceiling. „Turn over Cas, this bed isn't supposed to hold two people. Lay on your side." Dean tried to not use a commanding tone and watched as the other did as he was told, turning his back towards him. „If I find your face staring at me when I wake up I swear I'll punch it!" Even if it hurts me more than you, he thought, moving as far to the edge of the bed as possible. Dean pulled the sheets closer to himself, his back turned towards the angel, reaching out for the bedside lamp and turning it off. When he realized that turning his back to the angel was a bad idea, he turned around, only to stare into the darkness but clearly could make out Castiel's back. This way he would be able to keep an eye on the stressed angel. Making sure he stayed right where he was could be probably the best way to make him stop his awkward appearances. While he thought about what the hell just had happened and why a damn angel of the so called Lord was lying on the other side of the bed, which was a huge enigma, he felt his eyes fall shut. Too exhausted from lack of sleep and two days torture! Next day would do too, to kick some feathery ass. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (