Reasons von abgemeldet ================================================================================ Kapitel 4: What a maze ---------------------- Updated Version 4. What a maze If you get lost, just start over. Sam knocked at the door, hoping, Dean would be awake already. He tried the door handle and noticed that the door was not even locked at all. "Dean? Dean, are you alright?" Moving his head in slowly, he noticed the little blood puddle on the ground next to an angels blade. Turning his attention to the bed, his mouth fell open wide at the sight that met his eyes. Dean was not alone anymore. How the hell did he get himself a girl so fast in such a religious town? He slid inside, closing the door behind him. His feet led his way over to the bed where he could see them. Pausing in his movement, he noticed that the sheets were moving. Now as he got closer he noticed the most important thing, his brother was lying on his side, arms wrapped loosely around the visitor. Sam was about to turn around and leave his brother alone, but when he noticed a familiar brown fabric showing under the sheets he could not prevent himself from laughing out loud, causing his brother to jump from unconsciousness into consciousness. "What... where. Who?" Dean shouted, turning his head around a few times before he let it fall onto his pillow again. First, he closed his eyes again, but opening one to glare over at the person who woke him up. "Sammy... what're 'u d'ing in here?" Mumbling into the pillow Dean's one open eye was slightly falling shut again. "Giving you the morning call, sleepy princess or should I say prince?" What the hell was is this man talking about? Nodding towards the other person in Dean's bed, Sam continued. "What's he doing here anyway?" Sam asked, trying to hide a huge grin by biting his lips in the process, but failing completely. "Uh... what do you mean?" Dean was still sleepy and did not notice the body that was lying close to him yet. Running his fingers through his hair and yawning, he moved himself up a bit as he brushed against the body of the seemingly still sleeping person. "Whoaoh, Jesus Christ!" Dean threw his arms up in the air, trying not to touch anything that belonged to the unmoving angel. "I thought angels do not sleep?" Sam asked curious watching the ridiculous behavior of his brother, acting like Castiel was some kind of hot coal. "I... I dunno Sam, lately I have no idea what else angels do and what they don't." The older Winchester tried to move off the bed without causing too much irritation. Getting out of bed looking over to his brother, he said "He better is sleeping otherwise I won't show any mercy!" He kept pulling on the sheets and tried to find any sign of awareness from the still sleeping angel. "Oh! C'mon Dean! He didn't bite ya did he?" He felt like Dean was overreacting once more. "No! He did worse!" Immediately, after he said that he felt like he should have kept his mouth shut. "Yay? So... like what did he do then?" "I stabbed him." The voice came from somewhere underneath the sheets, where Castiel had laid before but right away, he was standing on the other side of the bed, his hair looking even messier than ever before. Sam could not believe what the angel had said. From sheer force of habit he started laughing, thinking that Castiel had started making jokes, but when he looked over to his brother he realized how serious this situation was. "You serious?" he asked the angel who only responded with a simple "Yes." From that moment, Sam was more than just confused but at least the bloody mess on the ground was explained and now he was standing between his brother and the innocent looking angel. "Why this distance all of a sudden?" Dean raised an eyebrow. "You're angry. That's why I'm staying over here but I don't think I deserve your anger right now." was the simple answer the hunter got from the floor facing angel. So, he was awake the whole time after all? "You really think you don't?" The older Winchester had to control himself from jumping over the bed and smashing Castiel's figure into the ground. At least this time, his mind succeeded over his actions and he just kept staring in disbelieve at the not even concerned looking angel. "You invited me to stay." "You did?" Sam interfered with a surprised yell, grinning immediately as he heard that and grinned even more as he saw Dean's reaction. Pointing towards Castiel, he spoke up again. "I did say you could stay! I never mentioned any snuggly-cuddly-action!" he hissed, furiously pointing towards the angel. "I did nothing else than staying. Actually, you moved a lot the whole night." Castiel's head turned towards the bed and back up towards Dean, still not knowing why the other man was upset again. "Alright that's it, next time you stay we order separate beds or simply: the couch!" "That sounds like he's breaking up with ya, Cas." The younger Winchester tried hard not to laugh out loud, finding this all way more ridiculously funny than odd. "Shut up Sam" Still chuckling, Sam cleared his throat. "So are we up for some breakfast with fresh apple juice and another two missing people?" he asked. "Yeah, whatever! You. Two. Out. Now!" Before neither of them could say any more, Dean had thrown his brother and the angel out of the room. For bathroom purposes, so he said, if not more... Not even 15 minutes later, they were sitting in a little diner next to the motel. While Dean was busy and Castiel apparently not willing to talk to him, the young Winchester had left to pay the bill for their stay, had a little chat with Marla and came back shortly after. Now, Dean was devouring his apple pie and drinking coffee. Sam, on the other hand, was staring at his brother and the angel sitting next to him alternately. He figured it may be better not putting both men on one side of the same table. And he was right. Already after they had ordered, Dean started glaring at the angel. Castiel did not even seem to care much about that, he just stared back. Sam sighed, knowing this would not end as soon as he wished it would. "Soo, you guys wanna talk about it, or not?" he asked, raising his eyebrows. "Or not." Dean said low. Sam rolled his eyes. "C'mon, Dean. Why did Castiel stab you? He wouldn't do it without a reason, would he?" "So if there was a reason it would be alright or what are you trying to say, Sam?" His anger grew again but this time caused by his brother who just could not stop asking stupid questions, not even facing Sam but instead, still looking straight into the angels eyes, as if they had an ongoing staring contest. Castiel, who was not blinking at all, was obviously winning. "Alright, if that's the case, just listen." Sam moved his sandwich aside and unfolded the newspaper. "Since last Friday, 6 young girls and 5 men have disappeared. The police have no evidence and no suspect yet. All they know is that the crime is always committed at night and that the victims had been on their way home from college. They couldn't recreate yet what has happened. It's said that the serial killer from 9 years ago maybe has returned to finish the job." Folding the paper and placing it on the table Sam took out his computer. Turning the screen around so Dean could see. First, the oldest Winchester ignored it, still facing the angel but then moved his eyes slightly, focusing on the pictures and information Sam had obviously gathered all night long. "Anything all of these students have in common?" Dean turned his face back towards the angel and staring at an empty seat in front of him, twitching and hitting the table with his food at the notice, that he obviously should not have turned his attention from the angel at all. Sam was moving into the middle of the seat, taking the place for himself and continued, used to the sudden leave of the unpredictable angel and not even bothering at all. "The missing people were all pretty religious but that's nothing special, this whole place is built on religion. There's even a club for youngsters, teenagers and young adults called 'Abstinence and Humility: Take the future in your hand'. It's founded by Pastor L. Rickbee, responsible for nearly everything even the festivals over here." Dean made a displeased face when he heard about 'Abstinence and Humility' and took a sip of his coffee, exhaling the air with a pleased sigh. "Alright, let's pay him a visit shall we?" Sam closed his laptop and looked up to his brother, who stood up, laid money on the table and was about to head out. "For what reason?" Dean turned around with a knowing grin on his face. "Well, that Rickbee might tell us something about his lambs or maybe even point us towards the evil that has taken these poor bastards." Sam made a turtle face, grabbing his stuff and they left the diner, heading towards the church of the city. Dean drove the Impala toward their destination not in the mood for small talk. Too busy thinking where that little chicken wing had left to. Great, he was starting to think about Castiel and food alike, that could not work out. Not at all! As they got closer to the huge building, which was positioned in the east of the city, a great amount of people and greatly decorated floats came in sight. They passed a large banner which stated 'Maze festival'. As the church got more and more into view, the Winchesters noticed a huge wall of trees flanking the building. Dean stopped the car and Sam let his eyes travel over the 9 feet tall plants, conifers actually, which were cut into shape and placed in long rows. Near the large door of the building was the only entrance into the maze, it looked like the sunlight was swallowed by the huge trees, creating one long shadow on the ground. "Does this look like a normal enjoyable, peaceful church garden to you?" "Not really." Sam replied checking his tie one last time before getting off. His brother did the same, except the tie-checking. Dean stretched a little when he closed the door. Both men walked over to the giant door bypassing some stalls and people busy preparing and organizing things. "Guess we're at the right place at the right time." Dean said. His brother shrugged. "Whatever." The older Winchester looked up, raising one eyebrow. What a strange behavior. Dean shook his head. When they noticed a man in black clothes, they hurried over. "Excuse me." Sam said and the elderly man, indeed a Pastor, turned around. "Welcome my sons. What can I do for you? You are not from here, are you?" "No, FBI." Sam and Dean showed their gold shields. "Agent Dee and Illsley, we would like to talk to Mr. Lawrence Rickbee." The man nodded smiling. "I am Lawrence Rickbee. What can I do for you?" "We are currently investigating the case of the disappeared girls and boys. Can you tell us anything about it?" Dean asked, raising his eyebrows a little. The smile on Lawrence Rickbees face vanished, instead a sad look showed up. "How could I not? I mean, we are a town with the lowest criminal cases in this county. We even have been awarded for that." Sam and his brother exchanged looks. "Apparently, there is somebody who likes to strike every nine years, though. This has happened before, right?" The Pastor nodded. "Yes, and it is terrific. Especially, now while we are preparing everything for the festival." "Soo..." Sam started, waiting for the Pastor to answer his question. "Nine years ago, 14 people went missing, and now it starts all over again." He shrugged. "They were good kids. Going to church every Sunday. Good in school. Never did something wrong." Rickbee sighed. "Whoever did this shall be punished by god." "Of course." Dean said, hiding a smile, knowing, god would not move a single finger to do anything about this case. "Excuse us, then." With this, the brothers turned around and left the man behind. "This guy is more concerned about his little town than about the victims. What a douche bag." Dean whispered, going somewhere offside, that nobody could hear them. "This guy was of no help. We should get started questioning the family members. Let's see if this is more helpful." After three hours of questioning, whining and crying mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers, Dean practically fell into the seat of his beloved Impala. He started the engine and drove backwards onto the street, heading back to their nice, no, wonderful motel. "I can't believe somebody could cry so much! I mean, you have to admit, that was just..." Dean shook his head while Sam started laughing. "Dean, their kids got kidnapped and probably killed, what would you do?" Dean glanced over to the younger Winchester. "Okay, let me rephrase that sentence." he said, before Dean could say anything but then he shook his head. "Just forget it." Sam continued. He knew how his brother was. He would have gone after the creature or man and started shooting before asking questions. The young hunter smiled. Family always came first for Dean Winchester, and he was glad about that fact. "Sammy, I'm hungry, fancy some food and a drink?" His brother was good in changing topics and Sam let him do so. At least for now, they could think about themselves before playing heroes again. Sam smiled. Even superheroes needed some breaks. Back at their motel, they headed towards the diner, immediately. Taking a seat, they grabbed the menu. Dean started smiling. "Wohoo, listen to that, Sammy. Auntie Agathe's most delicious apple pie! Have a try and you will never want to eat anything else." Sam started laughing. He did that quite often, today. The brothers waited until one of the, in Deans opinion, hot looking waitresses approached their table. Smiling, she asked politely. "Hello, what can I get for you strong men?" Dean's smile grew to double the size it was before. "One of your delicious apple pies, burger with bacon and coffee, black, for me..." the older Winchester started. "And some crispy Caesar salad with dressing and herbal tea for me, please." Sam continued. The waitress wrote everything down and smiled at the younger brother. "Anything else you want?" He shook his head and the waitress left, without looking at Dean. He in turn, made a face. "Since when do the chicks prefer you?" he asked smiling. "Guess I don't have a smile saying: I get you laid in 3 seconds." Sam replied. His brother just shrugged. "So, what? I need some fun every now and then." "Well, if I remember correctly, you've got Castiel for that." Sam's smile was huge and it grew even larger when his brother's cheeks turned bright red. He kept poking in the wound. "Oh please, Cas, stay..." Sam could not help but laugh out loudly. His brother's face was just gorgeous. How he tried to hide behind his well-known poker face. They kept teasing each other until the waitress returned. From the moment she had put the plate in front of Dean, he started annihilating the burger with its bacon. Sam in turn was at least in control over his actions until the waitress had left, after that, he started killing his salad as well. They simply had not eaten anything the past days and their job required a huge amount of food intake. At least for Dean! "Oh god, Sammy, you have no idea what you're missin'!" Licking his fingers while devouring even the last tiny bit of the burger, he turned towards the promising apple pie and started to torture it with his fork. "This feels like sex in my mouth!" he continued, grinning all over and speaking mouth full but being happy at least. Sam killed his salad. The need to control his eating behavior was strong but the nice cent of the pie was getting over to him. Minutes later, he killed his own piece of pie. They finally finished but the older Winchester was not satisfied yet and ordered another piece. Who knew when they had another chance to spend some free time just to sit and eat like this? Sam was already back, focusing on their mission. He placed the dishes aside and took out his computer. "So you said two girls went missing last night? Hell that makes seven in one week. Makes a nice group of 13 people disappearing without anybody noticing." Dean could smell the freshly baked apple pie getting closer each second, the missing people not really getting on his need to taste that so promisingly delicious treat again. „Hey, check this out: nine years ago 14 people went missing, not even leaving a single trace. The only similarity between the victims was that they were al virgins." „Yeah, we know that already, so what?" Dean was still annoyed but kept telling himself that this mission would make it better. „It's the day! These people went missing on the exact same day. It started last Friday and if I compare those dates, the last one will be gone in two days. If we can't figure out who's takin' them, we gotta wait 9 years. Actually, this place will probably not even exist anymore in that time anyway." Sam said, looking back down on his computer. „What do you mean by that?" his older brother asked, knowing exactly what Sam meant but could not believe he had said it out loud. "If Lucifer and Michael fight, this place won't exist anymore and neither will we, so, if we can't figure it out, whatever." As he was about to continue typing into his laptop, Dean slammed it shut and threw his brother an angry glance. „Don't say it like it already happened. Don't say it like any of us will say 'yes' to either of those angels! We talked about it Sammy and I won't let it happen, I rather kill myself or I'll kill you." „And we'll be brought back to life since we're the only vessels they can fit in. I know. I don't think they will wait that longer. Maybe we should just quit here and... drive to Disney World or something?" Sam removed Dean's hand and opened his laptop again. Why, just why, does everybody feel the need to die today, Dean asked himself angrily and shot Sam another death glare. Mentioning Disney World did not really brighten his mood but he just let out a heavy sigh and felt this conversation would not get them anywhere. Sam was obviously right, but it was way too hard for him to admit that. "When we're done with this job, we might do that. For now, focus on this virgin eating thing we have no clue about what it exactly is." Feeling his hunger faint he poked the rest of his pie but gobbled it up anyway. "If you insist, maybe we should take a look inside that garden of the church. It's not official but some of the parents said their children were on their way home from the club, which is located at the church. That huge maze just screams for anything to hide inside." the younger Winchester said, like the earlier topic had not even existed. They decided to visit the maze at night time when the place was not that crowded. As they entered the maze they switched on their flashlights. Sam was busy holding up the map of the garden, so they would not get lost in it. Moving slowly, bending down here and there to inspect the ground, they got closer to a three-ways-possible part of the maze. Sam looked at his brother in silence, they nodded and separated, making the search go easier and faster. Time passed by but without any result or trace of whatever had taken all those people away. Growling in annoyance, Dean kicked one of the conifers creating a chain-reaction which caused the whole row to shake. "Dean?" Sam's voice was hearable from behind the trees. "Yes Sam?" "I think we have a huge problem and with huge I mean enormous!" his brother replied shortly after. Dean tried to push the plants out of his sight and made his way through the conifers, getting himself covered in branches, scratches and spider webs. Brushing away the mess he searched for Sam, as he noticed his brother kneeling down next to some huge footprints. "It seems the Pastor has gotten lazy here!" he stated, pointing towards the hollows in the ground in this dead end and moving the light over the freshly raked ground a few feet away. Dean narrowed his eyes. "So I was right, he cares more for the image than the people themselves." he said in disgust. "A maze, virgins, 9 years and giant footprints, does that ring a bell?" Sam stood up from the ground, his question earning him a simple shrug. "Oh Dean, really? Minos' labyrinth? The virgin eating minotaur? Did you oversleep this in school, again?" he continued, already trying to remember what exactly the story told about how the beast was killed in the end. He needed to look that up as soon as they got out of the maze, searching for the map in his pockets. He froze a little when he felt nothing but emptiness inside them. A spark of hope in his eyes as his eyes met with his brothers, he asked. "You've brought the map I handed you before with you, right?" Dean opened his mouth, trying to spit out any acceptable reason, why he had not done so, closing his mouth and smiling sheepishly. "It's just a little maze. We just walk the way we came! It's a piece of cake!" Dean said turning around to make the first step into a one hour lasting walk to find the exit. Sam sighed again. "I've told you this was the wrong way." he said, facing another dead end. His brother rolled his eyes. "Yeah, well, whatever. Do it better, bitch!" he barked, receiving a 'jerk' from his brother who went the opposite direction. Shortly after turning a couple of times right and left, they ended up in another dead end. Sam could almost feel the smile of his brother behind him. He moved his hand through his hair and turned around. "Okay, say it!" Sam hissed, eyeing his brother. But he simply made a face looking as innocent as possible. The younger Winchester walked pass by his brother and turned around another corner to find himself in another end, again. Sam escaped a loud frustrated growl. This was getting ridiculous! When Dean found him, he was punching and kicking the conifers, probably trying to vaporize them. The eldest Winchester smiled. That's my little Sammy, he thought and walked over. He gripped his brother's shoulder, trying to calm him down. "C'mon, stop it. Let's just call Cas. It's already hours that we're stuck in here. We won't get outta here before dawn if we keep doing this!" he said. Sam eyed at him. "You sure, he's gonna get us outta here? Last time we talked to him, he did not seem to be fond of you!" Dean shrugged. "So what? I'm gonna call him and he's gonna show up. If you don't like it, you can try to get outta here by clicking your heels together." Dean stated and cocked his head towards the dark clear sky. "Hey Cas, uhm, we got a little lost down here. So, we figured, you might come descend from heaven to zap us out of this friggin' maze." A moment after Dean finished his sentence the brothers could hear a fluttery sound, signaling an angel arriving next to them. Sam could not believe it. He really had shown up, something must have been wrong with this angel lately. Dean in turn, seemed not to notice. Castiel appeared behind him, as always and he got goose bumps, as always. Dean turned around, glaring at the angel. "Hello, Dean." Castiel said, calm and controlled as always, staring at the older Winchester. "Hey, we got somethin', you know." Dean said. The angel tilted his head to one side, patiently waiting for more information. "Sam's thinkin' it's a friggin' minotaur, like in King Minos' Labyrinth, you know." The older hunter kept going making several gestures while describing what they had found out. Still, no reaction of the angel! Sam interfered. "I think, what Dean wants to say is that we have to go and slay a minotaur, here." Castiel turned his head to the younger brother. "I did understand Dean, Sam. I simply do not understand why he called me for that." Sam raised his eyebrows and put on a forgiving smile, looking at his brother for help. "I called you... because we somehow got lost and couldn't find the way out. Besides, I figured, you might know a weapon to kill such a roman creature." "It's greek mythology, actually." Sam corrected his brother, earning a sharp look at the same time. "So, what do you think about, zapping us outta here and helping us gank that thing?" Castiel remained quiet. First, he looked at Sam, then at Dean. Finally, he said "You called me because you don't get out of this place and you need a weapon to slay a minotaur." Castiel's face darkened for a second and Dean could have sworn that he looked outrageous but this look vanished as fast as it had appeared on the angels face. Castiel walked over to Sam, putting two fingers onto his forehead and then, Deans baby brother was gone. Before he moved over to Dean, Castiel said "I know a weapon you can use for slaying the beast. I will bring it to you." Then, two fingers were put on Dean's forehead and he showed up outside the maze, next to his brother but with no sign of Castiel. His brother seemed nervous and Dean raised an eye brow. "What's the matter, Sammy?" The young Winchester growled. "You know what time it is? It's already past midnight. We have only one day to go, otherwise our chance is gone." Sam explained to his brother, who did not seem to like the idea of letting a minotaur staying alive. Before he could reply anything, again, the fluttering noise of wings was to be heard. The Winchesters looked at Castiel, in surprise. "It was not where it has been for the time being." He started, earning a confused look from the men in front of him. "The sword! It is gone. Apparently found by a human and brought to another place." Castiel continued. "So what?" Dean asked. "You don't know where it is?" Castiel nodded, obviously feeling not comfortable with this situation. "Ah, c'mon, you're a friggin' angel! Use your mojo to find it." And there it was again, just a glimpse of rage in the angels face for less than a second. "I do not know where it is." Castiel repeated. "Why is it so hard to understand that?" He moved one step forward. Sam, noticing the electricity between his brother and the angel interfered. "We're gonna find it for you and then, you can get it. This should work, right? So, what are we looking for?" Castiel turned his head. "Theseus' sword! After a fierce battle, he was able to decapitate the minotaur with his sword. Since then, it was considered as a weapon made by men's hand to slay a minotaur. It is the only weapon which can pierce the body of the creature." Castiel moved back, looking down. "If you know where it is to be found, call for me and I will get it for you." With this, Castiel was gone without waiting for the Winchesters to say anything, again. Dean groaned something that sounded like 'great' when he lifted his arms above his head. "Let's get back, Sammy." he said and both got back to the car. Back at the motel, Sam had started investigoogling for 'Theseus' sword' and had found reliable data immediately. It was located in an old mystical history museum over in Michigan. Dean had called for Castiel, telling him, where to find that ancient artifact and not even five seconds later, the sword had appeared on their room table with no sign of the angel though. Sam and Dean glanced at each other, confused about this behavior but not minding at all. At least not Sam! Dean pondered with this reaction. He sighed. Still in thoughts and not noticing that his brother was watching him. Dammit angel, not showing up, being pissed 'cause of nothin'. What the hell's goin' on? Dean sighed again. "Dean!" his brother called out loud, interrupting the older hunter's thoughts. "Yes?" Sam smiled. "Attention! Here!" he said, pointing towards his laptop. Then, he started. "King Minos from Crete had a deal with Poseidon. He would become king and sacrifice the first thing coming out of the waters for the god. But he cheated. He kept that white giant bull for himself and sacrificed another one. Poseidon was not that pleased and made his wife get laid by... well... that very bull in return. Later on, he let build a labyrinth for the offspring of that arrangement. Daedalus built the maze and from then on, every 9 years, Minos sent in seven female virgins and seven male virgins. Minos' daughter Ariadne was in charge of the labyrinth. Then, one day one of the sacrifices was Theseus, who intended to slay the minotaur. Apparently, Ariadne fell in love with him, giving him a sword and a ball of thread and he went into the maze to kill the beast." Sam explained watching his brother smiling about the memory of the getting-laid-by-a-bull-part. He was so childish! "And what was the thread for?" Dean asked. "To get back out of the maze, of course! You think he wrapped that thing up with it?" Sam grinned meaningful. Dean shrugged. "Who knows?" "You are mistaking porn with reality again, Dean." The eldest Winchester cleared his throat. "Whatever, bitch." "Jerk." Dean raised one eye brow. "I wonder how many years in a row this has been on." Sam only shook his head. "I'm sure we don't wanna know. Besides, what are we going to do now? We've got the sword but I don't think that creature will come at us at will. The only thing we need is bait but that thing only runs for..." "Virgins, yeah I've got that part." Dean finished his brothers thought. Sam could hear the wheels starting to rattle in his brothers head. "We need a virgin, you said!" Now it was Sam, who raised an eye brow. "Yeah... but that would be difficult since you and I are no virgins and we can't just ask people around here, whether they are or not. Besides, the police ordered every citizen to stay at home and we can't wait for one of the people getting attacked!" Deans little brother continued, waiting for the older Winchester to tell him about the idea flying around in his head. There was only one thing that came into Deans mind when he heard virgin, it was some little pissed angel named Castiel. Leaving Sam out of his thoughts, the eldest Winchester turned around and started praying. "Hey, Castiel... would you move your sweet ass down here for a moment? Need to talk!" Sam stared at his brother, mouth agape. "Ey, dude, did you just say 'sweet'?" he wanted to know, not sure, if he had heard his brother right. Before Dean could find any excuses, Castiel answered the question. "Yes he did, Sam." Dean shrugged. Seemed like, somebody was still pissed! The hunter turned around, looking at the angel. "That's the normal way to say 'move down here, ASAP'." Dean explained, not sure, whether he would believe it himself. "What do you want?" Castiel asked. His face did not show any feelings but his voice did all the more. The eldest Winchester cleared his throat. This was definitely not the right time! "We finally know what we have to do and we need you to help us gank this thing!" Castiel tilted his head, looking at Dean, emotionless, on the surface at least. "Why?" "Because this thing is after virgins." he said with a big frog in his throat. Okay, this is embarrassing, Dean decided."And I... remember that you never... you know." The hunter put on an awkward smile. Sam hid his face in his hand. He did not believe what was happening. Oh, dear, he thought, trying to hide his smile. "You want me to be the bait. Do I understand you right, Dean?" Castiel asked, still no sign of emotions on his face, not as embarrassed as the hunters seemed to be. Jeez, this angel was persistent. "Yes, that's what I want you to do. You alright with this?" "Call me, when need be. I will be there." With this, the angel was gone again. It was the best that could have happened, because Sam started laughing as soon as Castiel was gone. Dean turned his head to his little brother. "I think I missed the fun part." he said with low voice. "Dude, you wanna tell me what's going on with you two, or what?" he asked, not able to stop laughing at all. Dean rolled his eyes, pulled his jacket from the chair and left the room. He needed some fresh air! At the very moment, Dean stepped out of the motel he inhaled the cold air deep into his lungs. He lifted his head a little so he could see the sky above. "No clouds, so many stars." Dean froze. He, hopefully, did not say that out loud, did he? The Winchester looked around, in case, anyone might have heard it. "There is nobody here, Dean." a calm voice from above his head said. Dean looked towards the roof and the angel came in sight. Now it was on Dean to tilt his head. "What are you doin' up there, Cas?" The angel looked down at the hunter. His blue eyes shining bright in the darkness surrounding them! Dean shook his head. What the hell, he thought before the familiar voice started to talk again. "I have no place to go, Dean. I have been casted out from heaven due to my actions." Castiel was still calm. Dean could not understand how this angel was actually ticking! One moment he was all gods' living wrath and the other, he was all little puppy not knowing what to do in this big bad world. Dean sighed. He somewhat felt guilty. He was the reason why Castiel had become number one on Heavens most wanted list, next to Sam and himself. He actually had never thought about where the angel was going all the time, when he was not with them. Obviously, he was standing or sitting somewhere waiting for you moron to call for him, his head answered. The hunter sighed again. "Dean? Are you well?" The angel had never heard him sigh so often. Dean had to smile. "Yes, Cas, I'm fine. Just thinking!" Pause. "Hey, c'mon down here. You commin' with me." he continued. A fluttering sound was to be heard and Castiel was standing by his side. "Where are we going?" he asked, tilted his head to one side and started staring at the Winchester in his special way. "To a place were you're not gonna become a frozen chicken wing. I'm not gonna let you stay on the roof or whatever. You'll be staying in my room. End of discussion." Without thinking about his actions, he grabbed the angel by the coat, dragging him back inside the motel and into his room. As the door went shut, silence fell over both of them. The last time they shared this room, it started awful and ended even more awful. But he brought him here and would not throw him out again. So, why exactly did he feel the need to know where the angel was all of the sudden? Because I never thought about it, was all he could come up with, right now. When he realized, that neither of them could find anything to talk about he decided to break the silence with a yawn, stretching and turning towards the angel. "I know you angels don't have to sleep and stuff but I, for myself, I feel pretty much done for today." Making his way towards the bed he heard the soft steps of the angel following him. Dean turned around before he reached his bed, pointing a finger towards the angel's chest and poking against it slightly. "No, Cas. Couch." he said, moving his head towards the couch which standing a few feet behind the bed. Castiel tilted his head to the side, if the Winchester only could read the angels mind right now. "I don't want you to leave and stay outside from now on but sharing a bed is... it's just not cool, ya know?" The angel nodded but did obviously not understand the point of this at all. "Of course, Dean." he simply responded and made his way past him, sat down on the couch, folded his hands and remained silent. Shutting the light and welcoming the pillow under him, Dean laid down, kicking off his shoes and turning his back towards the couch, with the unmoving angel. A relieved sigh left his lips, as he closed his eyes for a few seconds. Something was odd. His eyes shot open again and with a swift he turned his body around to look for the angel, somehow hoping he was still there but also wishing he would be gone at the same time. He wished he had not mentioned that Castiel could stay again but this time, not in his bed. Dean could hardly bear to watch the figure in the dark, even though he knew it was just the angel staring at the ground. But still, it felt weird. Turning around and closing his eyes again, he tried to drift off to sleep. There was no sound, no move, nothing, but still, Dean opened his eyes again immediately after he had closed them. Jerking his head up and looking over his shoulder. The angel was still sitting there but now, he was not starring at his feet. The Winchester could not see his face or his eyes, but somehow he knew Castiel was watching him. A shiver ran down his spine. Maybe the angel did not mean to stare but it crept him out. Dean remembered, when he was able to see, the man lying in front of him, his back turned towards him, it was much easier to fall asleep. But now, it just felt like, if he closed his eyes, he would not wake up in the morning. Placing his face back onto the pillow he gnarled to himself at the thought. Why would Castiel try to kill him? That was just ridiculous. He forced his eyes shut, moving restlessly in the sheets. Was the angel still watching him? Those blue eyes focused and burning holes into his backside? He could not resist the urge and opened his eyes once again. He sat up and shot a frustrated but also a little panicked glare towards Castiel, who had not moved an inch since he had turned the light off. "Something wrong, Dean?" the hunter could hear the innocent sounding voice coming from the dark shadow. Smiling faintly but still wondering why his mind could not cool down he nodded. "I'm fine... I'm going to sleep. Now." he added and turned his attention away from the angel. He drifted off to sleep eventually, dreaming of eyes, haunting him with their deep blue and emotionless expression. Dean winced as he felt something brushing his forehead. Opening his eyes, feeling worse than the day before and thinking he was still dreaming as those blue eyes were right in front of him. Dean's heart paused for a moment. A very important moment! As a hunter, such moments were always critical. As a reflex, he gave a shriek, but at the same moment his fist moved forward, hitting the angels chin. The angel did not move but the hunter did even more, Dean simply fell out of the bed, staring at Castiel, mouth agape. The punch had no effect on the angel, who was now towering over Dean. "You don't seem relaxed, Dean. People normally feel relaxed after they slept the whole night." "Get off me!" Dean got up on his elbows staring straight upwards into the angels face, feeling furious and about to punch him again. Castiel did not bother to move at all and kept staring downwards. "I said, get off Cas! Move!" "Always ordering others around..." the angel commented insensibly. "And you keep following those orders!" Castiel did not bother to bend down, when he replied. "Did you ever think about the reason for that, Dean?" The angel stressed the hunters name on purpose. The spoken to narrowed his eyes a bit before they grew wide, those eyes, he dreamed of them but seeing them in reality was different, especially with that longing inside of them. What the hell did the angel want from him? He opened his mouth but could not think of an appropriate reply when a sudden knock at the door interrupted Dean's thoughts. When his brother entered the room, the angel was gone. Seeing his brother on the ground instead of on the bed, Sam pursed his lips. "Dean? What are you doin' on the ground? You alright?" he asked out of curiosity. Dean noticed he had held his breath. He slowly exhaled, calming himself down. His brother did not need to know. "Yeah, I'm fine." he said, standing up, smiling at his brother. "How did you sleep?" Sam shrugged. "Good. You?" "Wonderful! Just wonderful." he replied, getting a towel and all the stuff he needed in the bathroom. Before Sam could ask or say anything else, he disappeared in the smaller room, closing the door. He needed a shower. Hot, cold, whatever, just water on him! He knew, this would be a long day, especially the part with Castiel. Breakfast was unbelievable annoying for Dean. Sam had not stopped asking questions, his mood had decreased into the lower levels of 'shut up or die' and he felt confused. Whatever that damn angel was talking about, it forced him to think about it, whether he wanted it or not. And this was definitely not the best time. Dean ran a hand over his face. This would be a very long day... And he was right, the morning had passed and he was thinking about that freaking angel. Noon had passed and he kept thinking about that stupid angel. Afternoon had passed and he still kept thinking about that blue-eyed angel. And now it was half past six and he still kept thinking about Castiel. The fact, that Sam had to prepare everything on his own for their hunt tonight did not bother him at all. At nightfall, the Winchesters got in the car and made their way to the church. Sam had handed Dean another map of the maze, so he would not get lost again. The sword of Theseus was laying on the backseat and would hopefully put an end to this outrageous virgin killing. At least, they hoped it would work out alright. Dean had not bothered calling for the angel before they arrived at the garden, thinking about him all day was enough to prevent him from doing so. Besides, maybe it was just his imagination but he felt like Castiel was watching him anyways, even if he was not showing up. Turning on their flashlights and entering the maze together, Sam and Dean walked pass several turns of conifers. The trees unmoving since the wind had calmed down in between the rows. Only followed by quiet steps of their feet and their strained breaths they went deep inside and stopped when they finally reached the center of the maze. "You know, it's actually wrong they created a center. It's not a true maze anymore. It's like a hybrid of a labyrinth and a maze." Sam folded the map and looked around. "Yeah thanks, very important information, Sam." his brother replied sarcastically. Dean slapped his hands together, rubbing them and started to call for Castiel, hoping he would still appear, since he had agreed to help them either if he was still angry at him or not. "Castiel, we're all settled down here so... would you come over here you pretty bait?" he said, retrieving a 'what the hell dude' look from his brother before Dean felt a hand on his shoulders. Feeling the angel invading his space on purpose, Dean jumped, as usual but refused to insult the angel this time, they had way more important business to do than keep insulting each other for their behavior. They explained their plan to the angel, resulting in him standing right there, waiting. "Do something a virgin would do." was all Dean said with a cheerful smile but frowned right away, at the look Castiel threw at him. While the brothers covered behind a close by row of conifers, the angel got in position, looking around for any sign of an opponent. Castiel would play the decoy to lure out the minotaur. Dean and Sam would attack it from behind and stab the creature with Theseus' sword. No more dead, eaten virgins. Sounded good, at least to the Winchesters! Castiel had his doubts but had refused to mention any of them. The three of them waited for around ten minutes before something finally happened. Castiel moved his head into one direction, sensing what was coming towards him before the Winchester brothers heard the stomping out of nowhere. It was getting louder with every breath, the ground slightly shaking with each step. Finally, when the minotaur was in sight, their mouths gaped open. Dean glared to his brother with a look saying: You did not mention that thing was made of stone! The younger brother could only hike his shoulders. Eye-telling him: How should I know? In the very moment, the minotaur appeared in Castiel's sight, he hated being right. How were they supposed to slay a minotaur made of stone? The angel drew his blade, staring right upwards to the eight feet tall thing. He could simply have flown away but then the two brothers were in great danger. So he had no choice. Honestly, he had the choice but despite his anger he still protected the Winchesters, or at least, he tried to. When the huge creature approached him he backed off slowly. That thing could not be that fast right? The minotaur lowered its head, pointing the great horns onto Castiel. It snorted with rage. The angel took a deep breath and prepared himself for attack. The mythical creature stomped once, before it started running, directly heading towards Castiel. With a fast and smooth move, he flanked the minotaur, sliding his blade along the stony leg. The minotaur just growled, unpleased about its targets spirit to fight. When the angel realized that there was just a simple scratch, where he had hit the stone creature, he put his blade away. He had already expected that, so Castiel turned his head towards the hunters. "Give me Theseus' sword!" he yelled and was able to get out of the minotaur's way, when it attacked once more. Rolling over the grass he landed on his knees. "What are you waiting for? Dean!" the angel yelled and got hit by the bull in the back. Castiel was lifted up onto the minotaur's horns, before it threw him right into the conifers. Dean clenched his yaw. He got out of their hideout, running towards the giant stone minotaur, but the creature was stronger. That thing turned around, ducked and grabbed the hunter by his leg. With this, another person flew across the maze and landed where already the angel was lying. Dean sighed and held the sword out for Castiel. "Here you are." He said, gasping for some air. Castiel did not understand what the older Winchester was talking about, since he knew that he was laying next to him but he took the sword and got himself up, out of those plants. The minotaur roared loud. Castiel moved forward, getting between Dean and the bull-human-hybrid. This time, it was him who did the first move. He practically smashed into the cairn, raising his arm and lowering it immediately strong and forcefully, piercing the minotaur. At least, that was what it looked like for Dean. Unfortunately, the sword had no effect. Surprised, Castiel cocked his head before a mighty hand slapped him directly into the face. Losing the sword the angel hit the ground and moaned. Dean did not believe what he saw getting up and drawing his gun. A few shoots cut through the night drowned by the loud growl of the now, pretty pissed, creature. Sam had stayed where he was, since he could only think of the one person, to help them out. Calling Bobby's number, chanting c'mon c'mon c'mon into the speaker, he desperately tried to make Bobby pick up the phone faster. When the ringing finally stopped and the old man's annoyed voice was hearable, Sam bursted out portraying Bobby their current situation. Apparently, the sword was not working. Bobby on the other hand just called him an idiot for being dumb. "What do you mean the sword does not work, if Castiel is using it?" Sam almost yelled into the phone. "Oh dear, stop yelling and listen. I mean, that it is useless in the hands of an angel. Theseus was a human being, no demi-god, no super being, he was simply a man! It will only work if you or Dean uses it, so do it instead of chit-chatting with me on the phone!" "Especially, when he's already busy!" A lower, well known voice of a demon ended the conversation and the call was cut off. The younger Winchester narrowed his brows in confusion but had not the time to care about that right now. He put the phone back into his pocket and run towards their opponent. Meanwhile, his brother and the angel were still trying to get a hold on the minotaur, failing bravely. At least, as long as Castiel was using the sword! "Castiel." Sam yelled. "I need the sword." That was all it took to get the minotaur's attention. The creature turned around heading for Sam. Dean yelled and Castiel smacked the giant living stone statue once more. Landing on the ground they rolled over the grass, fighting for dominance. Since the minotaur was taller and much heavier than Castiel, he made it to press the angel down. Not for long at least. One bullet hit the minotaur directly between the eyes. Groaning it turned its head towards the one who had shot. Dean gulped. "Not good." he said and forced a smile on his face. "Nice, minotaur. Be a nice little bull." The minotaur roared again. "Guess you're no nice little bull." the older Winchester said still smiling, desperately. "Ooooooh... shiiiiiiit." With this, Dean started running, behind him, the minotaur. Castiel and Sam following, with the only weapon that could end this chase! When Dean got into a dead end, he turned around, facing the minotaur. Before it could attack, though, Castiel jumped at it, tightening his arms around the strong neck. The stony creature bent backwards, trying to keep its balance. "Sam, do it, now!" Castiel shouted losing his rough grip on the stone. Sam sprinted towards the giant creature, stabbing it into the chest. The minotaur writhed one last time, throwing Castiel from his back and slamming Sam into the mazes walls, it died roaring and disintegrating into fine dust. For an undefined moment there was only silence. The only sound they could hear where each other's fast breathings, urging for more oxygen. Then, Dean started laughing. "Wasn't that difficult, was it?" he said, looking at Sam and the angel alternately. Sam just moaned and put on his 'yeah sure it was easy peasy' face on. Castiel on the other hand, who still was angry, simply stated "Easy for you to say, who ran away." Sam started laughing out loud, when he heard the angel's serious voice, falling backwards onto the grass, his hands on his stomach. Dean glared at the angel, before he started laughing too. "Yes, I was running, into a dead end... and you guys ganked it. You're my heroes." Dean smiled at the angel, waiting. Nothing happened, except the fact, that this very angel stood up and turned his back towards the brothers. Castiel's voice was low, when he said "I should go then." He made his way over to the tossed aside sword, bending down and picking it up. It had to be returned to the museum. "You probably want..." He was thinking about the right word not even looking at one of the brothers. "Some time alone!" he finished his sentence before he disappeared. Dean's smile died seconds later and he punched the ground beneath. "Oh you damn angel! C'mon, don't you dare to do that again." I never ask you to stay, huh? You never wait for me to ask, Dean thought, feeling his anger boiling up inside. "Dean... you're alright?" Sam asked, finally getting up from the ground. "Yeah, let's go before anyone notices that we ruined their maze. We're done here anyways." Dean answered while standing up from the grass. They made their way back to the motel, leaving the lost, broken trees and white dust of the minotaur behind them. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (