Reasons von abgemeldet ================================================================================ Kapitel 7: Smile ---------------- Updated Version 7. Smile If you want to get rid of the devil Dean cocked his brows, opening his mouth to say something but closing it again when nothing came out. The hunter looked at his brother, than back at Gabriel, finally at Castiel. He tried again, opening his mouth, shutting it again. Gabriel smiled, very satisfied with the situation the three men in front of him were in. Castiel was the first one who was able to speak. "Why would you want this to happen, Gabriel?" The archangel sighed, opening a chocolate bar. "I hope you know that there are more important things than entertaining Castiel? We have a fight goin' on. We need to fight Lucifer and the hordes of angels who are currently after our asses." When Gabriel did not bother to answer the older Winchester turned around, running his fingers through his short hair. "This is ridiculous." he said, laughing out in despair. Sam stepped closer to Gabriel. "He's right, kind of. We have to find a way to beat Lucifer and end the apocalypse." Pause. Gabriel bit into his chocolate bar watching Sam furrowing his brow. "Sam, you can't tell me you didn't notice what's goin' on. You know as well as I do, that, if they don't get things straight, it will only cause more trouble you can't afford now. Don't tell me I'm wrong, because I'm not!" This time it was the younger Winchester who sighed. Indeed, Gabriel was right, he had to admit that. "Fine, okay, yeah, you're right." Sam said, and moved his hands over his jacket. He was still soaking wet. "By the way, thanks for the crocodiles, Gabriel!" Sam said sarcastically. He moved his head to his brother. "What happened to him?" "We had an encounter with ghosts." Castiel answered with low voice which made Gabriel just smile. "It's not completely my fault, dear brother." The young Winchester looked at the angels alternately, connecting the points with each other. He nodded understanding. Before Sam could say anything his brother moved in front of the confused blue eyed angel. Staring at Castiel, he commanded with a low voice. "Smile!" Hearing his brother commanding the angel, the only thing Sam could do was to run his hand over his face. Gabriel pursed his lips when he heard the younger Winchester murmur 'just great'. "Dean-o, I don't think this is the right way." "Shut up you chicken wing. I don't have time to friggin' play your games." Dean replied, throwing a death glare at the archangel. Turning his attention back to Castiel, he commanded again. "Smile!" But the only thing the angel did was to tilt his head, narrowing his eyes. "I don't know how to smile, Dean." Pause. "Dean-o, you're forgetting, Cassy is not like me." "And I'm friggin' glad about that." the eldest Winchester replied vicious, making a face like he did not know whether to cry or laugh. The archangel simply shook his head. "You better know that you can have it the easy way or the hard way. And believe me, when I say, you don't want the hard way, Dean-o." Dean stepped unwillingly backwards. Castiel, who had kept himself out of this conversation, interrupted the two men by stepping between them. He turned his gaze toward the Winchester. "We should not waste time, Dean. I trust that you know how to smile and what makes you smile." Castiel stopped, lowering his head, thinking. "I believe you will find a way to make me smile." "I'd love to see him try." Gabriel grinned victorious. There was no way the dumb human could make this angel smile, not even if he tried hard. Victory was his and he knew it from the start, the rest of the day would just be fun to see the older Winchester try and his angelic brother, well, he would spend his day thinking about something else than heaven, hell or the apocalypse. When he noticed the younger Winchester was tugging on his wet clothing, Gabriel turned his attention to Sam. He enjoyed the slightly see-through of the tall mans clothes but for the hunters health and for the 'poor' kids in this park, he decided it was not the time to stop and stare for a while. The archangel could have simply dried and cleaned Sam's appearance from the place he was standing, but he decided to walk closer instead. Since the Winchester had pulled his wet top out, obviously to remove it and just close his wet jacket, Gabriel interrupted him and started to tuck his shirt back inside, gaining a surprised jump from him, as the wet, damp clothes were dry and clean again. "We're in Disney World. You shouldn't walk around like a bunch of party poopers. Let's change that." he said with a huge grin and with a snap, the FBI suits were replaced by their civil clothing. It seriously felt great to be an archangel. "Uhm, thanks?" Sam was not sure if he really should be thankful or if he should start to scream about personal space like his brother always did. Dean looked down at himself, the torn and bloody clothes were gone, but when he touched his back, he could still feel the sharp pain were the glass had cut him. It would not take long and the blood would start to ooze through the new clothes too. As if Castiel had read his mind once again, he placed a hand on Dean's chest. If the hunter had a mission to fulfill he should be in full health and not be bleeding all over the place. "Was about time!" The older hunter was glad the pain was finally gone and stretched his back a few times. The angel turned his face away, facing the distance and tried to swallow the new upcoming anger inside him when Gabriel grabbed his arm. "This is your day little brother. What would you like to do first?" he said cheerfully and replaced the angered look in Castiel's face with confusion. "Let's go to Space Mountain! Or Splash Mountain! Or we could go to the Haunted Mansion! It's supposed to be way better than the Tower of Terror." Dean started to list which places he wanted to visit and drew the attention of the angels and his brother towards him. He smiled uneasily at the awkward looks he received. "Dean!" Sam threw his brother an angry face and pointed towards Castiel with his head. The older Winchester just perked his eyebrows up. What did he miss this time? "It's not easy being so selfish, right Dean-o?" Gabriel said sarcastically and shook his head. "Where do you want to go first, Dean?" Castiel ignored Sam's and the archangel's objections and turned his gaze towards the, now happy looking hunter. Gabriel's mouth fell agape when he heard his brother. That would be a long way to go! The archangel sighed. Dean gave the archangel a 'who's the king, bitch' look, placed his arm around Castiel's neck and laid his hand on his shoulder. "I know a place where we can see you smile for sure!" The angel stared at the hunter with the same confusion as usual when Dean said something he did not follow at all. Hopefully, the Winchester knew what he was doing and where he wanted to go. For a moment Castiel just felt the sudden weight of the others arm on him, before he finally looked straight at him. "Hey, before both of you get lost inside each other, there's another rule for the game. You only have time 'till, let's say, midnight. When the clock strikes midnight! Neither sooner nor later." Gabriel tried to remind them that they were not alone here. "The magic hour." he added with a soft grin. "Wherever that place is, Dean, let us go there." Castiel finally said and lowered his gaze again. He did not understand the 'magic hour' reference but he surely knew, that there was not enough time to waste. He had to smile if the archangel wanted him to. He had to, for the brother's sake. For the sake of them all, to gain a little bit of information it was worth to try hard. The angel got caught off guard when Dean made a few steps forward, his arm still around Castiel's shoulder and dragged him towards a huge map, showing the 'you are here' sign. He placed a finger in the air, followed the possible directions they could take and decided for one, as he pointed at a drawing of waterslides, pools and a pretty huge chute with a snowy white building on top. Sam and the archangel followed the duo and when the younger hunter noticed which place his brother had in mind, he growled deeply. "Seriously? I've been swimming way too much lately!" The lake vacation had been fun but somehow he could still feel the scaly creatures kicking at him. "Fine Sammy! You decide where to go than or shut up?" Dean snarled and removed his arm from the angels shoulder, not noticing the slightly displeased look on Castiel's face in the motion. Sam made his way towards the map, passing the archangel and studied the area. "Let's go there!" he said a few moments later and laid his finger onto the map. Dean followed his motion with his eyes and stared at the spot his brother was pointing at. "Splash Mountain? There's water too, Sam." "Might be but it's way closer and I don't have to swim. I rather get wet than swim in some pool. Not with that guy around." Sam threw a slightly annoyed gaze over his shoulder towards the archangel which, to his surprise, seemed to be gone. The hunter furrowed his brows for a split second. "Seems, we have to go and enjoy ourselves without him!" Dean said with a bright smile on him, as he noticed the loss of the archangel. "Splash Mountain! Great choice Sam! The theme song is so catchy!" When Gabriel was standing right beside them again, both hunters send a curse in the air and nearly jumped at his sudden reappearance. "I'll never get used to your goddamn angel-zapin' methods!" Dean cursed once more, sending an angry view towards Gabriel. The archangel ignored the older Winchester, having a bite into his candy floss. He held the treat under Sam's nose. "You want some?" The hunter shook his head, forcing himself to smile. "Well then, Splash Mountain it is." Castiel said, meeting Deans gaze one last time before the Winchester moved forwards, shouting a "Let's get goin'." 20 Minutes to Midnight The fireworks had already started when the three men arrived at the giant castle in Magic Kingdom. Gabriel had disappeared before they entered this Resort area. It had been a hard day. Wherever they had gone, whatever they had done, nothing had caused the angel of the Lord to smile. Dean sighed. They had only 20 minutes left and he did not know what else to do to make Castiel smile. He thought about what they had done today. First place they had gone to was Splash Mountain, a giant waterslide. All four of them had sat down into little canoes being pulled trough the mountain. Little puppets were dancing and telling stories around them and Dean wished he could do the same to them as he did to the Chucky-Murder-Barbie each minute that passed. Why did Sam want to go here in the first place? It took them five annoying Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah minutes until they finally got to the top, just to fall down again with an increasing speed. Everyone behind and ahead of them had screamed but not them, well, except Sam. Gabriel had kept him quite busy. When the ride had finished everyone got off those canoes, smiling, except Castiel. Of course not! Being soaking wet he had just asked what the purpose of getting wet was. Dean had sighed, Sam just smiled desperately and Gabriel had started laughing. Dean could not help it but start laughing too, when he saw one of the photos they always took at the ride. His brother seemed to try desperately to gain his space back, as the archangel tried to 'accidently' invade it while they fell down the hill. Castiel looked completely out of place, since everyone around him was in motion, arms up high or grabbed around somebody. The hunter started to feel a bit sorry for the angel but it was just the start, the day would prove they could make him smile. When Sam passed him by, he noticed that his brother had bought one copy of the photo shown above. Dean had not even enough time to wonder why, since Gabriel had dragged them all to the next attraction. The second place they had gone to was the Haunted Mansion. They had attended to a tour through the 'spooky' old manor. In the darkness, stuff members had tried to scare them but the only thing that happened was Castiel, who had tried to get rid of one of those employees by stabbing his blade into the man's bare chest. After that, Gabriel had to run off his feet to make this undone. This time, it was Sam who was laughing. Dean was just staring at the angel, mouth agape. And Castiel, well, he felt the anger of the oldest Winchester. He felt more and more uncomfortable. Around 2 pm they finally managed to have lunch. It had been quite nice and the two hunters could use the time to recharge again. Walking around so much, always being surrounded by children was exhausting. After their break the two angels and the two brothers went to the Caribbean Resort. They had watched people getting make-up put on them to look like 'real' pirates. They had seen a giant ship with stuff members acting as if they wanted to kidnap family members. One had even tried to convince Dean to go aboard but he had just given the man the finger. Attraction number four was not much better than any other attraction in this Resort. The Big Thunder Mountain Railroad was a giant rollercoaster. They had gone for a ride but with the same result. Castiel was still not smiling. He was not even pursing his lips. Nothing! What nobody seemed to notice: with Dean's anger level rising, Castiel felt even more uncomfortable. And now, they were standing here: in front of Magic Kingdom Castle. Dean looked at the angel. Castiel had been quiet the whole time. The older Winchester sighed. He was exhausted and disappointed. He would have bet his ass that he could make the angel of the Lord smile but he had failed miserably. 10 minutes to Midnight, he thought, looking back at the sky and the fireworks. He sighed again. There has to be somethin' that makes him smile. Dean was determined to accomplish this goal. The whole time, the eldest Winchester did not notice the gaze that was resting on him. Those blue eyes had been very attentive. Whatever they had done, Castiel had watched Dean. He had watched him enjoy the rides, the food. He had watched him getting furious about Gabriel putting Mickey Mouse ears on his head. The more he had watched the older Winchester enjoying those little things, the more he had started to wonder whether he, Castiel, a disobedient angel of the Lord, could make the hunter feel the same thing around him. Castiel could not tell why but it made him feel sad to see that Dean was angry. Angry at him, because he did not smile! Castiel touched Dean's upper arm. The fabric felt rough. The Winchester turned his head to look at the smaller angel. Green eyes meeting blue. "What's up, Cas? You like at least the fireworks?" An awkward moment of silence occurred before the angel spoke. His voice low when he answered. "No." Castiel could see Dean shut his eyes for a moment. Apparently, thinking about something. He opened his eyes again, facing the angel. Dean ran his hand over his face. "Fine, let's go to our rooms. It doesn't make sense anymore." The hunter turned to his brother. "Sammy, we're leaving. You comin'?" The younger Winchester shook his head. "I'm gonna wait for Gabriel. It wouldn't be nice to leave him without telling him." Watching his brother and Castiel leave Sam turned around, hoping to see the archangel somewhere, but in vain. There were too many people crowded around him. He could barely see his brother after three meters. Suddenly, somebody pulled on his sleeve. Sam lowered his head to see a young boy staring at him. "Mister? I can't see anything. You are way too tall for me. Can you lift me up onto your shoulders?" Sam cocked his brows in surprise. "Sure, why not." he said, leaning down to grab the kid and place him on his shoulders. "Better view?" The kid nodded. "By the way, where are your parents? Shouldn't you be rather with them instead of a foreign person?" The kid chuckled. "They don't mind." Sam pursed his lips a little. How could parents not care about their children? "Really? Aren't you scared being all alone?" The hunter asked, moving his head a little to look up at the child. "Oh, I'm not alone." Sam furrowed his brows. "I have a strong man protecting me." the kid continued. Sam stumbled and almost lost his balance when the kid on his shoulders became heavier. "Oh, Sammy, don't tell me I'm too heavy for you." The Winchester let out a curse. "Gabriel!" he shout out loud receiving only a "The one and only." from a smiling archangel. Somewhere at the hotel Dean opened the door to his room walking straight towards the giant bed, falling on it. The hunter kept his eyes shut. He was done. He did not even bother about this horrible looking room. The princess suite! Covered in pink, white, gold and all other ugly colors he could imagine. He did not even bother about the angel standing next to the bed staring at him. Hold on! Dean's eyes shot open. "What are you doin' here, Cas. Go to your own room!" Dean said, voice soar from the yelling he did the whole day. Castiel tilted his head. "You said I shall stay by your side, the whole time." The Winchester rolled onto his back, looking at the angel. "I am just doing what you told me to do, Dean." the angel continued, staring into the hunter's eyes. There it was again, this moment Dean hated so much because he simply did not know how to behave. "Who told you to follow all my orders?" he asked. Silence. The angel did not answer Dean's question because he was afraid of the respond. Castiel lowered his head. Since when was he scared? The Winchester groaned loud and displeased. He rose to his feet. "Who the hell told you to follow my orders?" he asked again. With every passing moment he did not get a proper answer, he felt his rage level rising. Dean tried to calm himself, remembering all the times, the angel had saved him and made him laugh but today, he simply failed to do the same for Castiel. And all the times he tortured and beat me. His thoughts made it even more difficult to focus. He wanted answers and a good reason and he wanted them now. Maybe they would not win that stupid little game but he could at least gain his own profit from the whole situation. Again, silence. "Who? Cas, that's a simple question." Dean, repeated himself, clenching his fists and making his bones crack quietly. Castiel did not seem to find the proper way to calm Dean down nor could he present the answer the hunter wanted. The day had been, different, other people might have called it the best and funniest day in their life but for Castiel, it was a different way of spending time. He did not experience anything like that yet, so how was he supposed to react to a thing called 'fun'? After what felt like hours, Castiel finally seemed to have found the answer the hunter wanted to hear from him and answered in a low voice. "Myself." When the word left his mouth, he kept his view on the Winchester, expecting any kind of burst, but the man was just standing there and staring back in an utterly astonished way. "Wait a minute. So you're trying to tell me you commanded yourself to follow my orders and blame me for bossing you around and you're angry because you follow your own orders to follow mine?" he asked, pointing towards the angel, expecting any kind of answer to his question, but he was not even sure if he understood whatever he just had said himself. Castiel just lowered his head, facing his 'favorite' parts: his shoes. "I don't friggin' get it!" Dean yelled at the pink and gold ceiling while the angel made a few steps and got closer and closer each second. Stopping right in front of the hunter, he looked up to meet the eyes of the other man. Castiel tilted his head a little, following Deans slight movements with his eyes. "Dude, I... I can't. It's just weird. I'm not good at this let out your feelings stuff." He grinned and lowered his head only to look up again in the still innocent and waiting face of the angel. It had been so much fun today even though the angel did not seem to have as much fun as the brothers and Gabriel had. They had tried hard but had failed in the end, nevertheless. "Alright, that's it. Do whatever you want but do it, dude. I... I'm serious. This tension is driving me nuts. So just get over with it! Do it and just pretend it never happened. I just want these awkward moments to be gone!" He caught himself as he got captured in exactly this kind of moment once more and started to stare straight into the face of the other man. Yeah, exactly these moments, he thought as he could not resist staring back into those blue soulful eyes. "If it really makes you happy to see me bleeding, then fine you kinda deserve it for all the shit I'd said." Dean could not believe he admitted anything like that, but right now it was not important. The day was nearly over and again they had to start from scratch. Gabriel would not help them. "I cannot do this. It's not my needs that matter. Yours are important. You and Sam are important to be kept save. I won't do anything anymore of any kind that you don't want me to do and everything will be fine again. I just need to watch myself and leave if necessary." The angel turned around a little, avoiding Deans gaze completely and refused to look at him. "If that's the case, it's up to me again, right?" Dean got a hold on Castiel's coat and pulled him violently closer. "I won't witness you dying internally each time I look at ya. That's not healthy. I want you stickin' around healthy and not looking worse each time I call ya!" Castiel kept staring at the other man, unable to say anything and just kept listening. "Sam noticed it even before I friggin' did! But I guess I finally understand, so, let's sort this out Cas! Just friggin' do it! Hit me, smash me to the ground, relief your anger and just heal me afterwards, but do it!" Dean kept talking and Castiel kept staring at him. The hunter did not get anything, nothing at all but Dean kept talking anyway. "I promise, I won't mind, I won't shout, I won't be angry at ya, if you just get it over..." Closing his eyes for a few seconds, he could feel a pair of rough lips brushing against his own, but the touch was gone as fast as it came and it felt like a false memory. Like it never actually happened! Dean opened his eyes and stared at the angel. Castiel made a few steps back, getting away as fast as possible before Dean would probably snap. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to...! I... I..." The angel stumbled and turned around. With a fluttery sound he was gone, leaving the stunned Winchester behind. It took Dean only seconds to change his mood from shocked, to confused and, finally, to angered. "If you know what's best for ya, you'd better get back here again, Castiel. Now! Come back you friggin' chicken or I swear I will...!" He heard it, the sound appeared right behind him and he moved around to face the returned angel. "Dean, I'm sorry. I promise it was not my intention to make you angry." Castiel told the hunter, refusing to look up at the man in front of him. Lowering his shoulders, Dean sighed heavily. "You have no idea, what makes me angry Cas." he said, quickly approaching the angel. Dean's shoes appeared in Castiel's view and he finally managed to look up, prepared to get punched, as he always had been. Pure shock ran through his body as he felt the other grabbing him hard by his shoulders. Dean leant down in one swift move and closed his eyes. The next thing the angel felt was a strong pressure on his lips, nothing compared to the little touch he had placed on the hunter. Their skin was coarse and dry but neither of them seemed to mind right now. Castiel's eyes went shut. As Dean felt the sudden weight of the angel pressing against him, he opened his eyes and parted the kiss and made a step backwards, giving them both a bit more space to breathe in. The hunter caressed his own lips absently before he turned his full attention back to the angel. Castiel did not look satisfied yet, at least he did not look blown away, like the rest of the world, that got a kiss-treatment from Dean Winchester. His ego was as huge as the Chrysler building, possibly even bigger in those regards! "What?" he simply asked, since the angel seemed to have problems to focus again. "That... was..." Castiel started, his eyes still fixed somewhere around the floor. "That was what?" the hunter interrupted him eagerly, taking a few steps closer again. The angel would obviously not kill him for his behavior, since at least he thought he did exactly what the angel had silently asked him for. Finally, that very angel came to a conclusion and looked straight into Dean's face, not even a single sign of shame on him. "That seemed a lot different to the movies." The hunter could not believe his ears. Conflicted between asking what kind of movie the angel meant and the way how Castiel had thought this action would be continued let him feel despair. "Let me get that right: you want it to be like they do it in movies?" Dean was waiting but it did not seem like he would get another answer from the angel since the spoken to had already turned his head around, staring at something that did not contain a pair of lips. Something on the angels face answered Dean's question on its own! The game was probably lost but he, Dean Winchester, could do Castiel this kind of favor, if the other seeked this kind of treatment rather than getting hit, cut and bled, he would not ask twice. "Alright, then!" The hunter would not wait any longer for any reaction. He was a man of action: he was Dean Winchester! He took another swift step closer towards Castiel and placed one hand on his neck, making the angel turn his attention straight back to him again. His left hand found its way into the angels trench coat, moved around and placed itself on his warm back between his shoulder blades. Shifting his weight, Dean slightly bent Castiel down and got lost in blue confused looking eyes for a moment before he placed his mouth right onto the angels. Closing his eyes in the process, he stroked his hand into the angel's hair and passionately nibbled and sucked on those lips under him. His first move seemed to take the angel by surprise, who could not figure out what to do and where to place his own hands this time. At least the last problem he got solved on his own. Castiel moved his arms around Dean, placing them onto his back, grabbing the man's jacket and holding onto him, until the hunter pulled him back into a straight, standing position, releasing his slightly used-looking lips in the motion. What exactly am I doing, Dean thought but got his answer from the voice in his head immediately. You've kissed an angel, again. Castiel, you've kissed him, twice. Shaking his head at the thought, Dean tried to watch the angel's reaction this time. "Was that what you wanted or is there anything else I can do for you?" Waving his arms around, Dean tried to replay what he and the holy chicken wing just had done and why he even asked, if he should do any more than this. It was not even the angel part, which made him uneasy. It was the simple fact, that it was his and his brother's friend, Castiel, the one who raised... He felt sick right now, that was all he could think about and asking what else the weird angel had in mind was just too much for one day. At least this time, he seemed to have done his best, since the angel did not move nor say anything and just stood still, staring straight ahead, his eyes a bit more narrowed than usual. Dean was not sure if he should regret his action or be proud of himself for making the angel look that way. A few more moments passed without either of them saying a word, which made the hunter slightly worried, so he closed the space between them and placed his palm above the angel's collarbone. His action was rewarded. Castiel raised his head, tilted it to the side, his mouth slightly open. The same curious expression on his face! Dean could not help it but smile at that that sight. He even noticed that he started to miss that face from time to time and was glad to see those slightly narrowed eyes again. "Dean?" the angel asked with the same look on his face. "I needed to see that look in your eyes to assure, you're still in there." the hunter replied smirking and poked the angel's forehead with a finger. Once more, they were caught in that awkward silence, staring at each other, unmoving and neither of them saying anything. Then, out of nowhere, something was odd on the angel's expression. Dean could not tell what exactly was odd about him but his eyes moved over the angels face and he finally found what made Castiel look odd. He smiled. It was nearly invisible but it was there, in his eyes and the corners of his mouth were raised just a little. Castiel was finally smiling! Dean opened his mouth, not sure what to say without breaking the moment apart but he got interrupted by a surprised yell from his younger brother next door. Cocking his eyebrows he turned towards the wall waiting for anything else than just a yell. "Sammy? Everything alright?" he called for his brother and waited for any sign of life. Finally, he could hear some glass shatter and his brother's mumbled curses were noticeable which sounded like 'Gabriel' and something like 'get off of me'. Without any hesitation, the older hunter let go of the angel and made his way towards the door. He needed to check out, what the hell his brother was doing and why with the archangel. Meanwhile, in the room next door Sam was not pleased to be zapped without warning, especially not together into the same room with a goddamn archangel. He still tried to get Gabriel off of him but it seemed the angel did not want to leave soon. He cursed when he stumbled against the desk and the lamp fell down, shattering into little pieces. "Since your brother and Castiel are having fun over there, we should have some too don't ya think?" Gabriel said with a cheering tone in his voice. "Get off." Sam did not know how to get the archangel off his shoulders, since this little guy had crossed his legs around him. He tried to force Gabriel's legs open but in vain. "Oh, c'mon, Sammy. Don't be a spoilsport! I know you're actually enjoying this as much as I do." Sam grunted. "You know, it's very uncomfortable to have you sitting on top of me!" Before anyone could say anything else, the door jumped open and Dean entered the room, shouting, the gun ready for discharge. His eyes went wide. He expected everything but not this! The Winchester frowned in surprise. "Did I miss something?" While Dean was busy staring at his brother and the archangel on top of him, he did not pay attention to Castiel, who walked in close behind him. The angel looked up and tilted his head to the side as he saw Gabriel and Sam in their current position. He seriously did not understand what was going on here and the hunter next to him did neither. "Don't look at me like that! He tricked me!" The younger Winchester tried to pull off Gabriel's legs once more but it was no use, he was simply too strong. The archangel, on his side, seemed to grow tired of that little game, snapped his fingers and was standing in front of Dean and Castiel. "You won't need that Dean." With another snap, Dean's colt disappeared and instead, he was holding a bouquet of flowers. Sam was finally released from the weight on his shoulders and could finally laugh again at his older brother's stupid face. Gabriel smiled at the older Winchester. "Dean, you made me proud. You nearly beat me. I didn't expect you to play dirty." Sam cocked his brows, throwing Dean a 'what is he talking about' look. The older Winchester turned his attention to Gabriel. "What do ya mean with nearly?" He lifted his arm to take a look at his watch. The hunter hissed, cursing internally. "You can say that out loud, Dean-o." Gabriel smiled a full-face smile. "Just a few more seconds! Too bad, really!" This can't be, Dean thought. He looked back at the archangel. "C'mon, I made him smile, so what, screw those couple of seconds." Sam looked at the three men alternately. He had to connect the points again since nobody seemed to talk to him. It was not that difficult to do so. Apparently, Castiel had smiled, however Dean had managed to do that but, unfortunately, too late. "So, you're saying all of this was totally pointless? Just another of your stupid little games?" Dean relaxed his shoulders, disappointed of the outcome. Well, not quite true though. It had not been that pointless at least. They had a somewhat great day and it was fun. Castiel could not enjoy himself as much as Gabriel had but they tried to make him enjoy everything and even though Dean was not sure, what the hell had just happened in his room, he made the trench coat wearing angel smile, nonetheless. Thinking about the exact way, how he had managed that, he decided they could sort that out after they had finished the archangel off, or better, whenever the angel would stop fouling around with them eventually. "Oh you hurt my feelings now. I thought you had fun today? Some free time from the apocalypse and daily duties. It wasn't that bad huh?" Gabriel said pouting and managed to look even a little bit miserable at the oldest hunters insult. When he did not gain any sign of regret on the hunters face, his smile vanished. "Whatever, you try to say, you won't help us anyway! You just go back into your little world and hide." Dean nearly spit out his words and ignored the sudden pull on his jacket. Castiel had been quiet since they entered Sam's room and now, he just tried to remind the Winchester that he was talking to an archangel. He was talking to Gabriel and showed no respect. That could not lead them anywhere. Rolling his head back and groaning a little, the archangel turned his full attention toward the annoying Winchester. "Why do you think I scared all these people? If I wanted to hide wouldn't I stay quiet instead of making you Winchesters notice? C'mon! I wanted you here you idiot! To be honest, I wanted to talk to you for free but since I saw what you've been doing with little Cassy here, I decided to make it harder for you." Gabriel paused and waited for his words to sink into the Winchesters before he finally turned his face to look at the older brother. "You should be grateful. You seem to have something angels fall for, especially the fallen ones. It may be a curse but I guess your huge ego wouldn't allow that thought one second." "Jealous?" Dean enjoyed the angered look on the archangel's face and smiled victorious, even though he had not won anything at all. Sam pursed his lips and tried to stay calm and pierced his brother with his eyes instead. Gabriel wiggled his head and regained his amused state of mind. "Well my pretties, it was certainly a nice day. I even wish it could have lasted longer." he said snickering, turned around and walked slowly over towards the still death glaring young Winchester. Before Sam could do anything, Gabriel's hands found their way into both of the hunter's pockets, fumbling around a bit, making him jerk back and finally, he withdrew them, holding the photo, showing them on the Splash Mountain ride between two fingers. "I hope you don't mind. I can't let you have it and show it around to everyone." Sam stared at the angel in confusion but did not even try to argue about a stupid little photo. They could remember the day on their own. Gabriel looked around and waited but it seemed this day was seriously over. "Fine. Always leave them wanting more. Just remember, it's a tiny world." he finally said and twirled his wrist in the air. "Cheerio!" After Gabriel had disappeared the silence that spread through the room was uncomfortable. Sam cleared his throat. "Guys, no offense but it was a long day. Rest! Now." With his fingers he indicated to go to bed. He really needed that now. He could shower in the late morning but now he simply needed to rest. His mind was whirling around a topic he did not quite like to think about right now. Dean tilted his head from one side to another, cracking his bones. "Very well, Sammy. See ya tomorrow." With this, the older Winchester turned around leaving his brothers room. The angel followed suit. Castiel closed the door behind him and followed Dean into his room again, remaining quiet. Taking off his jacket, Dean threw himself onto the bed. He hid his eyes behind his hands. "Dean." the low voice sounded. The Winchester growled within his throat. "I'm sorry." the angel continued. "Perhaps, I should have... informed you earlier." The Winchester did not move but Castiel could feel the tension nonetheless. "Dean?" The man on the bed growled again before raising his voice. "Maybe you should have. It doesn't matter anymore. Just forget it, okay?" Castiel kept his eyes on the hunter who now, turned around, facing the angel. "Listen. Gabriel is a dork, a real jerk. Who knows what he has in his mind." "Dean, please. Do not speak like that about Gabriel. He is still my brother! I cannot let you do that." Castiel's voice was low but also tired. Dean furrowed his brow, sighing. "Why do you protect him so much?" "Because he is my brother! You would do the same for Sam." That was a point for the angel. "Okay, yeah, that's right. Nevertheless, he's a douche! He doesn't help you at all, compared to me and Sammy." Castiel kept his eyes on the Winchesters face. "That is not true." Dean grunted. He was slowly drifting away from reality. His mind was circling around what had just happened between him and the angel. It must have been a weird dream but it was way too real to pretend he was just dreaming. First, Disney World and second, the bang of the day, the angel had made the first move, not himself. Why the hell would I even think about doing that, the hunter thought slowly and heavily he opened one eye. He could see the blurry figure of a tan trench coat standing close by. Castiel was obviously not intending to leave the hunter, since he was invading his personal space once more and stood right next to the bed. His mind went further away. This very angel next to his bed was somehow strange. First, he did not smile, then, he smiled. Because of your kiss, Winchester! Dean had to admit, it was nice to see him smile. He had not seen that expression on the angel since they met and even though it was just a faint, short moment, it was worth his weird behavior. The moment the hunter had fallen asleep did not remain unnoticed. When the angel noticed the slowing down of Dean's breaths he promptly covered the hunter with a blanket. It was the only thing he could do to comfort him. Castiel tilted his head. He could not help but remember the last night they had spent together in the tent. Dean, sleeping of course, and him, watching the man do so! He had just kept watching until his fingers had started to move. It had been a strange feeling but it had not been unpleasant though. The angel narrowed his eyes. What was so special about this man in front of him? Castiel was determined to find out! Next door Sam watched his brother and his guardian angel leave and shut the door. At the very second they left, he stroked through his hair and grasped into it. He focused on the huge princess pinky bed next to the huge windows. He wanted to resist but in vain. With a small sprint, he jumped right onto the bed and made pillows jump into the air. It felt awesome and he did not even bother about any of the weird girlish colors and little plushs around the bed. A deep moan escaped him as he felt his bones and muscles stretch out and he started to relax. With a nearly lazy kicking, he tried to get rid of his shoes, not bothering with any of the other clothes on him. Just when he was about to close his eyes and lay his head down onto the soft pillow to finally sink into sweet nothingness, he could feel the other side of the bed sink. "You really look cute when you're all sleepy, Sammy." Sam's eyes shot open when his ears sent the message to his brain that he was not alone anymore. "Gabriel?" The younger Winchester jerked up. "What are you doin' here? Didn't you want to leave?" The archangel nodded, enjoying the little jumps the Winchester always made, when he popped up out of nowhere. "Kind of. I wanted to talk to you, buddy. In private! I promise I'll behave and won't bite you." "About what?" Sam narrowed his eyes. Gabriel smiled. "About Cassy and your idiotic brother, of course! You have seen them, haven't you?" Gabriel supported his head on his hand and watched as his words sank into Sam. When he recognized, that the young Winchester was capable to witness, what he had to say he moved a bit closer and continued. "You know Sam, I dislike admitting it but, since you're the one with the brains in this team, I rather talk to you than to your donkey brother. I'm worried about Castiel." "Dude, why are you always so persistent to stay so close to me? That's weird!" Sam was currently a bit more worried about himself than his brother's angel problems but when he recognized the stern look on Gabriel's face, he fell quiet again. "Sam, Castiel isn't as powerful as I am. He can't stay down on earth for so long without getting affected by feelings and emotions. He's surrounded by them each day. Our Cassy never felt anything in heaven and this sudden overload confuses him. Your dumb brother is making it even worse for him to understand himself." The archangel continued, with the same worried and caring expression on him. "So, why do you think telling me this, makes any difference? Dean's the one in charge here. I kinda know that the time he spends with Cas expanded lately but since he has only me and Bobby, that seemed normal to me in the beginning but now... Hell, I can see it in his face and still that douchebag doesn't figure it out by himself!" As Sam kept talking about the problems of the others, Gabriel moved slowly and undiscovered closer towards the hunter. "Yes, Sam and that's why I want you to watch over them for me. Dean needs to stop treating my little brother like a loyal servant. Castiel always tries his best to satisfy him but your brother keeps assaulting him." "I'm not blind Gabriel. I can see that each day straight from the horse's mouth but why do you expect me to do more than watch and shut him up from time to time?" Sam seriously was not blind, he had noticed and he had tried but as always, it seemed in vain. Dean just would not listen to him. "I'm actually only talking about Cassy but for your brother, it would be healthy too if he'd watched his mouth. If he doesn't stop treating Castiel like a dog, than he might feel his teeth sunk in his neck one day he wakes up. Take care Sammy-boy." He wiggled his eyebrows and was gone with another snap, finally leaving the tired man alone in his huge princess bed. Dean had fallen asleep quite fast, not caring whether Castiel left or not. Now, that the older Winchester was asleep the angel had enough time to watch him. Castiel appreciated that the hunters had tried to make him smile even though he had failed. The angel moved his head a little at this thought. No, he had not failed! He actually had smiled, but too late. And now, this man sleeping so tight in front of him was angry, again. Castiel escaped a sigh. Dean Winchester was one of the biggest riddles he had ever tried to understand or to solve. Castiel's eyes had locked on the hunters face immediately when he heard a low snarl. He stepped back. He remembered that smell. It was so familiar. The scent of burned flesh! He was able to tell what stage of burning the flesh was in. Yes, he remembered everything. Dean moved his head to see, anything, anyone but it was dark. Somehow. He heard himself groan. Was his voice really that deep? Apparently, yes. He groaned again. This felt wrong but still familiar. Trying to see something, Dean looked down, at least he thought so. He did not know where was up and where down. There it was again, this sharp pain in his left side. He tried to touch it but he could not. His arms did not move, neither his feet. "Hurts..." Did he actually say that? He did not know but he had heard his voice for sure. Surprisingly, the pain stopped just to start on another place again. Dean sighed under the pain. It was on his upper arm, maybe his biceps, he could not see. He fucking could not see. He focused "See..." was all he was capable of before he started coughing. The pain stopped again and then, something or someone turned off the dark. The light was shining so bright it hurt for a moment. Narrowing his eyes, Dean could see somebody. A shadow first. Getting clearer with every second that passed! He felt another pain and closed his eyes for a second. When he opened them again, the shadow was gone. No, not gone, Dean lowered his head. It was still there. He could see it, a little spongy but his view getting better. The shadow moved upwards again, being directly in his sight of view. Now he saw what that shadow was, or better who. Dean opened his mouth, but his throat was already sore, perhaps from screaming but he could not say that for sure. He tried anyway. "Cas..." The angel in front of him nodded slightly. "Yes Dean." he answered. "What..." was everything he was capable of. "Look down and you'll see, Dean." the angel replied and Dean did as he was told. Dean's eyes widened. Panic rising inside, he moved his head to see everything. His feet were cuffed, as well as his arms. He was tied to a wall. His flesh was hanging down his legs, torn apart. Some places were burned with blisters, some without. His arms were covered in blood. He could see his own bones. He looked down onto his chest. The thorax was open! He could see his intestines, his heart beating. Dean tried to scream when he heard the quiet voice of the angel. "Don't Dean, you know, you can't get away. Screaming won't help you. You can't escape." The calm voice was so typical the angel's voice. Dean could feel something warm on his cheeks. Was he crying? The angel showed him his blade. The whole silver angel blade was covered in blood, his blood. Castiel tilted his head. "I'm gonna end this now, Dean. It's time, don't you think so too?" he said, moving the blade down to his heart and forcing it slowly into the warm pulsating organ. Dean tried not to scream too much... ... when he jerked in an upright position. He felt two strong hands gripping on his shoulders and when he recognized Castiel, he swiped his hands away, still affected by the painful memory of his dream. Massaging his forehead, Dean closed his eyes. It had been so real and since the angel was standing so close to him, he could nearly feel the pain slowly vanishing from his body. "It wasn't real, Dean." The low voice rose from Castiel, who was obviously trying to comfort him but failed all the way. "Cas, I told you, keep the hell away from my dreams!" The hunter bursted out and threw an angered look towards the angel. "Dean, I was not... You seemed uncomfortable that is why I woke you up. I did not mean to make you angry." Again, he did not mean it, but made it worse in the end. Dean hid his face in his hands, rubbing over his temples, trying to convince the upcoming headache to leave him alone. After a few moments of silence, the angel finally spoke up again. "I wouldn't do anything like that to you. I could never hurt you like that." So he was watching me for real, Dean thought while he kept staring straight forward, honestly trying to ignore every word the angel used to make him feel better. He could not make him feel better, not with these empty words. The hunter took in a few deep breaths and eventually managed to look up at the angel. Actually he could not believe what he saw, the angel was not even looking at him anymore, instead he was facing the floor and Dean could have sworn that he wanted to burst right through it, just to make him happy again. The sight in front of him was just too much to bear. He noisily cleared his throat to gain Castiel's attention, moving backwards toward the edge of the bed and pulling up the blanket. The angel turned his gaze and stared at the hunter in confusion. With an annoyed grumble, Dean murmured something and pulled on the blanket once more. Don't make me regret my decision now, he thought, hoping that Castiel would read his mind, even though he had said he should not do it. When the angel finally made a slow move forward, Dean sighed with relieve. Castiel seemed nervous but followed the silent order of the hunter. Before he could join the hunter on the bed, though, Dean snorted. "Your shoes. Your trench coat and the blazer! Take them off. You don't wear those things in bed." The angel worked on his shoes and removed trench coat with blazer before climbing into the bed and turning his back towards the hunter, since Dean seemed to prefer it that way. The man pulled the blanket over them, refusing to say anything right now. It was weird enough that he allowed a fully clothed angel sleep in his bed, who just had tortured him in his very dream. A few moments passed, when Castiel felt the arm of the hunter moving around his waist, the same way he did the night before, in the tent. But this time Dean decided to do something utterly different. He grabbed into the angels side and started to pull a little, to make the angel turn onto his back. With nearly no protest, the angel turned around, when Dean moved his arm around him once again and made him turn towards him. Castiel stared into Deans eyes with confusion written all over his face. The hunter took in a deep breath, feeling himself growing tired again. "I want you to sleep. Just, close your eyes and sleep, okay?" he said, hoping that he would gain another excuse why the angel does not need to sleep. To his surprise Castiel slightly nodded. "Is that what you want me to do?" "Yes." Dean furrowed his brows a bit and watched as the angel closed his eyes, refusing the hunter to stare into his blue eyes. "Cas?" The Winchester gained no reaction and decided it was best to just keep quiet now. With a nearly pleased sigh, he moved his arm around the angel again and closed his eyes. It seriously had been a long day and Dean was pretty sure, he would not wake up screaming again this time. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (