Reasons von abgemeldet ================================================================================ Kapitel 9: The normal abnormality --------------------------------- Updated Version 9. The normal abnormality Something is wrong He opened his eyes. At least he believed he did, since the sight in front of him did not change at all. Sam was surrounded by nothing but darkness, a black hole with no sound, no light, no exit. „Dean! Cas! Anyone hear me?" Screaming into the endlessness, he tried to move but he could not even feel his skin or any other part of his body. Nothing was moving. If he would not be able to listen to his own breathing and screams he would have thought he was torn apart and just something inside his brain had not recognized it yet, but he was breathing. His ears were working. His brain was working. His voice was working. „Anyone here?" he yelled again, waiting for any sign of response. If this was hell, it was not what he had expected. Not from what Dean had tried to hide from him, this could not be it. It felt like an hour, more or less, he could not figure it out but finally there was another sound than his own breathing and his slowly growing heartbeat. „Hello Sam, it's been a while since we had time to talk." The Winchester froze and his breath died in his throat. From all voices in the world he would never have begged to hear that specific one. Not this close to him and not in his brain. Maybe it was not real and his mind was just fooling around? If that thing was like a black box, people tend to go mad within minutes so he was lucky he made it to here. „No Sam, I'm real. I'm glad I sensed your state of mind soon enough to get here. You haven't been dreaming enough lately. You should sleep a little more. Just for me!" „Go away! You're not here!" Sam closed his eyes, replacing the current darkness by another even though he did not see the owner of the voice. It was all black, nothing else. He could not stand it and opened his eyes again. Still, there was nothing. „Oh Sam, you can trust me. I'm the only one you actually should believe in. Everyone else just wants you to behave like a good little boy but you're much more, Sam." the well known voice continued, a voice which was not even the owners real one, just the burning vessels throat that formed the words the owner wanted it to. „Shut up! I won't listen to anything you say. Every word from you is a lie and nothing else!" Sam moved his head around, searching, seeking any kind of reflection or touch since the voice seemed so close he could even touch or better punch the owner. „I won't do it. I will never give you what you want. Never." The hunter continued and finally he could feel his feet. He walked forward, tapping into the dark nothing that spread before him. Silence again. He's gone Sam, he's just in your head, the Winchester kept trying to believe in his own thoughts, when he suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around and was confronted with the burned and broken face of Nick, Lucifer's vessel, and he looked awful. Even his hand and arm looked like the skin was scaling off. „Sam..." „No!" The boy would not listen to anything anymore. Slapping the hand from his shoulder and moving backwards he felt the lack of ground under his feet but it was too late. He fell. The feeling made his stomach cringe for a moment, when a hand gripped his arm and held him right where he was. „Sam, I'm not your enemy. I'm sorry for everything you need to witness in the future but I have no choice. It's fate. You and I: we!" Lucifer smiled at him. Sam did not even know how he could see the devil since there was no light, nothing to reveal him but he was there. It made no sense. Panicked, he turned his head around, facing the deep nothing under him. Everything but him, Sam thought and ripped his arm out of Lucifer's grip. This time, he fell and nothing stopped him. Sam closed his eyes. He was ready for whatever would come. Death or not! He would never say ‚yes'. Never ever! Never! Dean flinched and opened his eyes. Jerking into an upright position he looked around, finding himself placed on a bed in his and his brothers hotel room. Sammy. The thought of his brother struck him like lightning. The older Winchester ran a hand over his face, then, he looked again. The room was not empty. In the darker corner of the room was the stony figure of his brother. „Oh, no, no, no, Sammy, oh please, don't. God please." Dean pleaded, rising to his feet and hurrying over toward the statue. At Sam's figure, the older hunter reached out but did not dare to touch the stone. „He is still there, Dean. Inside!" The Winchester turned around to see Castiel standing in the middle of the room. He had not heard the angel coming. Dean suppressed a sob, turning completely to the angel. „What do you mean, he's there, inside? Cas, get him out! Please tell me you can free him from this!" Castiel stepped closer, his gaze locked on the older hunter. „I am sorry, Dean. There is nothing I can do. I am..." His gaze dropped to the ground. „I am not strong enough." Dean shook his head. „No, Cas. Don't tell me that bullshit. I don't believe you. You're a friggin' angel. Use your mojo!" The hunter had stepped closer to the angel and grabbed his trench coat. Castiel, in turn, remained calm. Putting his hands onto the hunters he spoke. „I can't and I apologize for being useless to you, Dean." Dean let go of the angel, turning around in the process. He felt anger boiling up inside. It was his fault that Sam had turned into stone. If he had not looked at that gorgon he would have been alive and breathing, anything but this. Dean ran his fingers over the still warm stone figure which his brother had become. „Sammy, I'm sorry. So sorry." he whispered. „I'll find a way to get you back. No matter what it'll cost!" The angel behind him shifted uncomfortable. He did not like the scene in front of him. Did not like the way his charge was so dismayed. Something inside of him curled up and twisted painfully. Again, he felt this strange feeling he could not clearly identify. In an instant, he knew what he had to do. With a flapping sound of his wings, the angel was gone, leaving Dean alone. He had known where to find the demon. Crowley was still at the museum, some business he had to attend to. When Castiel appeared next to him, the demon was rising to his feet. „What a pity. The blood is already solidified but I'll take it as a souvenir of our little adventure." The demon turned the little bottle in his hand and made the thick blood wobble inside. Castiel was no fool, he knew when somebody was keeping secrets and this demon had certainly one, regarding the fact that he had stayed behind. „Shouldn't you be with your little hunter-friend? Suppose he needs somebody to hold him tight right now." Crowley said without looking at the angel while he placed the bottle into his jacket. „You know how to free Sam from his current condition." Now, Crowley was looking at him. „Oh, really, do I? What made you think that?" he asked, smiling innocently. „You would not act so calm about it, if you did not. You would be furious about it, since both, Sam and Dean, are the only ones who can help you defeat Lucifer." Castiel explained matter-of-factly. Crowley cocked his brows. „Guess, Sam is not the only one with brains here. Well, yes you're right. I might know... something." Pause. When Castiel did not reply, the demon continued. „There is indeed a way to release Sam but you can't be expecting me to honestly tell you, do ya?" Castiel tensed, clenching his teeth. He would do whatever was necessary. He knew Dean needed his brother. „What do you want?" The angel's voice was rough and low in a threatening manner. „World peace." was the fast reply. When he said that, the angel did not even smile about his little joke. Crowley rolled his eyes. „Geez, you really have to start developing a sense of humor. That's horrible, you know that?" Pause. „Whatever. Back to business! I will tell you what you need to do and in return you owe me." „What is it you want, demon?" Castiel kept his voice calm and distanced even though he wanted to kill this abomination in front of him. Crowley's smile grew. „I want you to owe me a favor! Whatever it might be, you will do it without questioning. What do you think, little angel? In return, I'll tell you how to bring little Sammy back to life." Castiel frowned. He did not like the idea of making a deal with Crowley, but he had no choice. He urgently wanted to help his charge. That was his duty, his responsibility. Castiel closed his eyes for a second. When he opened them again, his gaze locked with the demons. „I accept your offer. Whatever it may be, call me, I will be there." the angel said. Crowley smiled victorious. „Very well. Wise decision. But don't you dare to forget about it." „I will not." Castiel cut the demon off. „You need blood. Fresh, warm blood. Of a gorgon. Since you let one of them escape you and your little hunter-friend can track her down, collect the blood, cover stony Sam with it and he'll be normal again. Easy peasy, don't ya think? Embarrassing you didn't know that!" Crowley said, yelling the last words because Castiel was already gone. The demon snorted, shook his head and left the building, attending his own business. Dean did not bother turning around when he heard the fluttering sound of Castiel's wings. He had not even noticed that the angel was gone. Eventually, he turned his head when Castiel raised his voice. „Dean. We have to go." „Why? I'm not leaving him alone, Cas. I won't." Castiel's expression softened a little. Nonetheless, he did not make any attempt to move towards the older hunter. „Crowley said there is a way to bring Sam back." Immediately, Dean was back on his feet. „What? Why didn't he tell us earlier, that sonofabitch. He shall rot in hell. I'm gonna take care of that by myself." „Dean." The angel's voice was calm and patient, as always. The hunter's attention was back on him. „He said, the blood of a gorgon would be enough to turn him back. It has to be warm. We have to find the escaped gorgon." Dean sighed. Somehow, he could not help it, but feel relieved to know that the demon had helped them, again. Helped? The older hunter tensed. His eyes were wider than usual in shock of the realization. At ones, he stared at Castiel when the insight made his brain start working and evaluating the consequences. „Crowley told you? Just like that?" Dean asked suspiciously. The angel nodded. „Without expecting you to make a deal?" Castiel lowered his gaze. He could not lie. „You've got to be friggin' kiddin' me! Goddammit Cas!" Dean's frustration turned into anger and he took a few steps forward closing the space between him and the angel. „Dean..." „We don't make deals with demons! We could've asked Bobby! Or searched for a cure by ourselves, but we don't give in to damn demons!" Dean kept shouting at the angel, who had not even tried to look up again until Dean was finally done with his angry voice. „So what? You sold your soul to Crowley and he's coming to get ya in ten years?" Did you kiss that bastard too, Dean could not say that thought loud since it was obvious. Deals were always sealed with a kiss. „I don't have a soul to sell, Dean. I'm an angel of the Lord. Or at least, I'm still an angel. Jimmy's soul isn't mine to sell." Castiel immediately answered, tilting his head to the side as he noticed the way Dean clenched his teeth together. The hunter frowned, his mouth slightly open and stared into the angel's eyes. He took a deep breath before he continued. „Fine. So no deal like that but what did he want? What did he get from you to share this information? What Cas?" Dean stretched out his arms and gestured with his hands in the air. „A favor." Castiel could feel that the Winchesters rage was slowly vanishing. „What kind of favor?" „I don't know yet. He said when the time comes, he will come and I will do what he wants without any hesitation. That is all." The angel kept his eyes locked with the hunter for a while until Dean closed his eyes. Their ‚deal' was already done. He could not change it anymore. The hunter sighed and looked at him again. A smile on his features, he was about to reach out to pat Castiel's shoulder but stopped the movement and lowered his hand again. „What do we have to do then?" the Winchester asked, waiting for the angel's explanation. „Alright, so we need the monster bitch to spill her blood all over him. Fine, let's go find that bitch." he said confident that they would find her in minutes and return his brother to the way he was before, alive and bitching. „I don't think we need to search for her. She will come to us eventually." Dean furrowed his brows and stared at the angel in confusion. „Why would she be that stupid?" Castiel turned his gaze towards the stone figure of Dean's brother before he continued to explain. „We are responsible for her sister's death. She's the last of her species. Therefore she has nothing to lose but to get her revenge." With that, he locked his eyes with the hunter again. „She's probably as angry as you Dean. She lost her family so we shouldn't underestimate her." The angel said with a low voice, as if the gorgon was already waiting for them. „Well, she's on the list of endangered species! Let's make sure she won't stay there too long." The hunter turned towards the door, made his way to his beloved car and collecting a few bottles to carry the blood with them later. It would not be such a great idea to drag a dead gorgon body through a hotel room, much less the thought of the blood stains on the ground they would leave later, but he could not worry about that right now. Sam was important, who knew if that demon bastard did not lie to the angel. Castiel appeared next to him and watched as he placed the bottles into his jacket. „I think I know where she is right now." he said, moving his head around, staring into the darkness as he would sense her presence somewhere close by. „Let's go then! Can't let her wait!" Dean said and drew the long machete from his belt. A second later, they were back in front of the museum. The angel moved a few steps down the street and tried to somewhat pin-point the creature's location, but it seemed he failed to do so. „Why exactly would she come back here? I bet she's hiding somewhere close the hotel instead! Maybe she even followed us." Dean waved his head around and waited for Castiel to zap them to another place, but, instead, the angel kept moving forward. He entered a back alley, stopped his movements and waited, perking his ears for any sign of the gorgon. Dean sighed heavily and followed the angel into the alley. Castiel drew his blade and kept his ears and eyes open, he could feel the creature close by when the sudden surprised scream of the hunter behind him ripped him out of his state and made him turn around. The gorgon had appeared right behind Dean and had already disarmed the hunter by throwing his machete far away with her tail. Castiel ran towards her to help the nearly unarmed hunter who managed to keep the creature on distance with his colt. While her upper body was busy to dodge Deans attacks, her tail wiggled around and seemed to recognize the angel on its own. Without a warning the long tail smashed against Castiel's chest, lifted him from the ground and threw him into the air. A loud metallic impact was hearable, shortly followed by a ‚thunk' of a lid smashing shut. Dean did not bother to look where the angel had been thrown off to and tried to fire another salvo at the gorgon. The whip-like tail of the creature smashed against his side and he lost his precious colt just as he lost the machete before. „I may be blind, but I can still smell you, you little prick!" she hissed infuriating. The snake lady started to wind her lower body around the hunter and started to laugh maniacally. „I'll crush your little body and this time, you won't recover! That's what you get for killing my sisters! Vile human! Beast." she hissed and screamed into Dean's ears, staring at him with the deep holes where her eyes had been before she started to squeeze her muscles around him, leaving him no space to breathe anymore. The glass bottles bursted under the pressure and the shards cut into Deans sides. He felt the blood rushing through his head and heard the pounding sound of his heart in his ears. Just when he thought the next sound he would hear were his breaking bones again, the pressure started to weaken again and was followed by a few more twitches before the body of the gorgon fell backwards. Her head just rolled into the other direction and jumped a few times over the ground. The still hissing and moving snakes writhed a few more times before they grew silent too. Dean stared at the slightly with red sprinkles covered angel in front of him. Castiel was still holding his blade up high and was panting. A piece of wet paper was stuck in his hair and his clothes were covered with bloody stains and several black- greenish wet spots. Under his left shoe Dean could spot even more wet and dirty paper. The angel lowered the blade and moved forward pulling at the snake's body which was still curled around the hunter. „Oh my god, Cas! What's that? Did you go into a dumpster?" He waved his hand and smiled, the color of his face turned back to normal in the meantime. „Exactly." was the short, not amused reply of the stressed looking angel who started to pull the beheaded body up, so the blood would not run all onto the ground. The hunter stumbled for a few seconds but managed to stand by himself. „We have nothing to take the blood back! The bottles are broken, useless!" he told Castiel and flinched as he felt his own sticky wet liquid soaking through his shirt. Picking up his gun and the machete, Dean listened to what the angel said. „We've got to hurry. We might need a lot of blood to free your brother." With this, Castiel reached out for Dean, touching his forehead and getting both of them and the dead gorgon back to the hotel room. Without any hesitation, they moved the dead body over to Sam and lifted her upper part over his head. Her thick blood started to drip slowly and turned into a small trickle. Dean even squeezed and shook the gorgon, but it seemed not enough to make her bleed more. The hunter pulled out a knife and started to cut into the flesh and veins under the lost neck of the beheaded woman. Finally the blood seemed to run properly and covered the stone figure of his brother. The trickling died slowly and as they wanted to drop the body to the ground, its color changed to grey and bursted into pieces, leaving piles of sand on the ground. Dean had no time to wonder about that and turned his attention to his brother, who was still only a fossil and not alive at all. „It doesn't work. That bastard Crowley! I knew it!" He clenched his fists together sunk to the ground right before his brother. The Winchester felt dumb for even thinking that a demon could say the truth at least once. Castiel did not move at all. Why would the demon lie? He would get nothing from the angel if the cure did not work. It made no sense. A dull smashing sound was hearable as Dean tried to punch his fist into the ground, causing him to hiss at the pain that caused the sudden exertion to his still bleeding wounds. He did not even look up when he felt the hand of the angel on his shoulder. His brother was gone and he had no idea how to save him. It was hopeless. „Dean." Castiel could see the pain the Winchester was in but he could do nothing to stop it. He tried to comfort the hunter and placed both his hands on his shoulders and squeezed them a little. Castiel did not know if that would be a comforting gesture but he could not come up with anything else. „We have to find another way. There has to be another." the muffled voice of the hunter rose. He was obviously fighting the urge to give in into his sorrow, but his voice was already trembling. Castiel could simply not lie to him. He did not know what else they could do but he just did not manage to tell Dean that it was probably impossible to find another cure. The hunter would not listen anyway. Suddenly Dean turned and his hands shot forward. He buried them into the dirty fabric of Castiel's trench coat. His hands were shaking and the Winchester managed to look up to the angel, his face expressing despair, anger and fear. The angel's eyes were filled with sympathy and pity for the hunter. He tried to come up with some sort of comforting words when a loud yawn followed by a body crashing to the floor made both their eyes go wide. They turned their heads around simultaneously and stared at the younger Winchester who was rubbing his head slightly and sat up from the ground. As Sam noticed his brother and the angel, he grinned wickedly. „What did I miss this time?" he said, before he glanced around and noticed that they were back into the hotel. Trying to remember what had happened he rubbed his head a few more times and stared at his brother who was obviously close to tears again. Before Sam could say anything else, Dean was wrapping his arms around him, hugging him as if he would never want to let go again. Trying to say something, Sam opened his mouth but closed it again. He looked at the angel, confused and not knowing what happened. Castiel's gaze moved to the pile of dust that had been the body of the gorgon, Sam's followed suit. It did not take long until he connected the points in his head. Like a switch that was pushed he remembered. Those eyes, the sudden feeling of tiredness, the darkness in the end! With a soft smile Sam wrapped his hand around his brother, petting on the small of his back. „It's okay. I'm okay." he said softly. It took the older hunter one more moment before he let go of his baby brother, smiling into his face. „If you do such thing again, I swear I'll break your nose!" he told the younger man and at that very moment Dean knew everything was alright again. He had his brother back. Sam smiled back, wiggling his brows. „So, you're gonna tell me about the thing going on between you two now or do I have to turn to stone again?" Dean stood up. „What the hell are ya talking about? There's nothin' goin' on, dude. You're the one I have trouble with. Not him!" He glanced back, catching Castiel's gaze. The older hunter frowned. The angel looked like a mess. „You should clean yourself up, dude." he said, when he heard Sam sniffling. He wrinkled his nose and replied. „I'd suggest he takes a shower first. He smells like a walking dumpster." Dean shrugged. „He fell into one earlier." The younger Winchester could not help but laugh, especially when he saw the angel's confused face. Castiel looked down at his vessel. „I don't understand. Why do I need to get wet?" His gaze moved back to Sam and then, to Dean. „Because you're dirty! And when people get dirty, they get a shower!" „And in the meanwhile, I'll get some food and look around for a launderette. I need to wash my stuff as well." Sam added, having a big smile on his lips like nothing of this ever happened. „Oh, what? You're not gonna do this, are ya?" Dean stood up and crossed his arms over his chest. Sam looked indignant. „What am I not gonna do?" His smile grew wider. „Seriously? C'mon, I'm not his babysitter!" Castiel closed his eyes for a second. He simply did not understand this human. First, he was close to rage, then, he was all happy again and now he was in a different mood once more. Obviously, feelings were quite a complicated thing. For an instant, he was scared. He did not want to become a human being. He already had feelings and they were already bothersome. He simply did not need any more of them! Castiel lowered his shoulders. „Just tell me what to do." he said patiently. Sam beamed when he heard the angel and hurried to gather his wallet. Before his brother could say anything else, he stated. „Dean will explain to you. I'll get supplies. Enjoy!" With this, the younger Winchester ran out of the room, slamming the door shut. As soon as Sam had left the room his mood was down at zero. His smile had faded. Walking down the floor and out of the building he decided for one direction and started walking, deep in thought. He could not tell Dean about Lucifer. About his dream or whatever it was. It had to be a dream of some kind. Lucifer had said it, too. He ran one hand through his hair. He must not let the devil convince him to say ‚yes'. Sam sighed. He did not want to think about that right now but he knew this would be not possible at all. Suddenly, his phone was ringing. Ripping him out of his thoughts he stared at the display. Furrowing his brows he answered the call. „Dean?" „Hey Sammy. Since you're already on the run, I've noticed a lack of clothing here. Maybe you could get our angel something to wear? I don't think we want him to walk around in his coat only, right?" Now it was Deans turn to tease his brother. He tried to overact the fact that he was way more concerned of having either a dirty or clothless angel around them. „Oh! C'mon Dean! I'm not your housewife who keeps washing your stuff, getting your food and waking you up in the morning! Every morning! Go shopping with him yourself dude! Besides, it's still a couple of hours before the shops open!" Sam protested, but continued to walk towards the newly spotted launderette on the other side of the road, checking time and prices to make sure they would not waste too much time. „Oh man. Sam be a good little wifey and just do it. You always say my taste in clothing is bad so friggin' do it. Just something that looks similar and I dunno what size he wears, but mine should be fitting, maybe a bit smaller, ‚kay?" The voice of his older brother was replaced by a quiet laugh and followed by silence. Sam sent a few cursings into the air but also thanked his brother for dragging his thoughts into a different direction. He would look for some new clothes for the angel. Good, he always took his wallet with him. Preparing himself for the shopping he seriously felt like a mother figure. Looking down at his watch he frowned. It would take at least two more hours for the normal shops to open! The younger hunter sighed. Dean hissed painfully. The water burned terribly in his wounds. He wanted to scratch but he knew this would make things worse. The hunter rested his head against the cold tiled wall of the shower cabin. He had told Castiel the purpose of ‚taking a shower' and the ‚how to' as well. First, the angel had stared at him in confusion, but then he had understood. Dean had taken a quick look on the angel's clothes and frowned. There were bloodstains and other dirt he did not dared to guess what it was. The button-down was not white anymore, more yellow-ish and the pants had some holes in it. Therefore, Dean had guessed Castiel's size and called Sam to get the angel a new everything. Luckily, the tan trench coat was just slightly dirty but not torn. The younger Winchester had protested against buying Castiel new clothes since he did not know what to buy, but Dean was confident he would manage it. This was his little sweet revenge for explaining the procedures of cleanliness to a socially awkward angel of the freaking Lord! The older Winchester washed out the shampoo and turned off the water. Grabbing a towel he wrapped it around his waist. He really had needed this shower. He could feel it in his muscles. They were still sore but started to relax. Castiel was deep in thoughts when the bathroom door opened and a dripping Dean stepped out. One towel wrapped around his waist another rubbing over his body and hair which was sticking up all over the place. The angel tilted his head, not moving his gaze from the hunter. Dean had noticed that and cocked his brows. „Stop staring and get in there. Your turn and don't forget: shampoo for the hair and gel for your body. And now move, I wanna get dressed." he said a little too impolite, but Castiel did not seem to care about it anyway. The angel stood up from the bed, his eyes traveling down towards the towel and remained there for a few seconds. The deep cuts the glass had caused the wounds on the hunters body were still fresh and shiny red. When he passed Dean, he kept his eyes on the floor. That carpet had to be very interesting. As he moved his hand upwards slightly touching Dean's skin, the open wounds started to heal off. Dean had not seen that coming but recovered from the sudden touch immediately. Before Castiel closed the door, the Winchester raised his voice once again. „Don't you dare to put those clothes on again when you're clean! Sammy's getting some new ones for you!" „I understand." was the deadpanned reply of the angel. After closing the door, Castiel recalled what the hunter had told him. He took off his trench coat, followed by the blazer of his suit. He opened his button-down and shrugged the fabric off his shoulders. When he reached out for his shoes, he could not suppress a soft smile, as the memory who had last tied them came up. Shrugging the thought and the feeling off Castiel walked over to the shower. He froze when the corner of his eye caught his image in the mirror. He had never seen his vessel without clothes before. Curious, he moved a hand over the body. Castiel frowned. The feeling of his skin was strange. „You okay in there? Cas?" Castiel's head turned immediately toward the door when he heard Deans voice. „Yes!" was the prompt reply before the angel moved into the cabin. A little confused he looked around. There he found the shower gel and the shampoo. Castiel looked up at the long silver pipe ending in the showerhead. He lowered his gaze again to the mixer tap and turned it around. Castiel flinched when the cold water hit him without warning. As fast as possible, he turned the tap into the other direction. When the water changed from icy cold to burning hot he moved it again until the water had a nice temperature. After Castiel had closed the door behind him the older Winchester had started to dress up. He chose his favorite denim, a black t-shirt and a nice green button-down. Sam had been right. He needed to wash his clothes as well. He was running out of briefs. After an unbelievable long time Dean started to wonder what might have happened to the angel, but before he could ask the door sprung open and Castiel walked out of the bath. When Dean turned around his mouth fell agape, eyes wide. There was an angel of the Lord standing in the middle of their hotel room. Naked and dripping of water and he was staring at him, his head in that tilted position, that was so Castiel-ish. Dean cleared his throat. He felt a little uncomfortable right now. „Cas, where is your towel?" he asked. The angel turned completely, which meant, Dean had a full sight of his front. Needless to say that his mind was already blank. Castiel walked back into the bathroom and returned with a towel in his hand, holding it in front of him. The hunter could do nothing else but stare. His eyes followed every move the angel made. „Dean?" Castiel move forward, this confused look of his on his face. „You... uhm... have to wrap it around your... uhm... waist." Dean's brain was still not working properly, that was not a good sign. Not at all! He was not supposed to react like that. To make matters worse, Sam opened the door in that very moment. „Hey, Dean, I've got some holy shit..." Sam almost dropped the bags and in fact he did, but after he closed the door again and leaned against it. Eyes wide in shock, he inhaled the air deeply before he held his breath for a moment. He really did not want to see that! From inside the room he could hear his brother curse and obviously ordering the angel to do something. He waited for a moment. „Dean? Is it safe to come back inside?" he asked, his voice a little high in his opinion. Sam could hear his brother curse once more before he opened the door. „Yeah." was the cold reply of the older Winchester. Sam peeked around the door and saw Castiel wrapped in a towel. He was safe again! „I've bought you a new suit and underwear, Cas." The hunter started, closing the door. „Dunno whether it fits or not. Try it anyway, first." Sam frowned. Was it just him or were both men embarrassed? At least Dean's cheeks were quite red and Castiel, well, he was Castiel. Perhaps a little more blushed than normal though. The younger Winchester felt the urge to kill himself right now. Right where he was standing! „So you brought food too?" Dean asked, trying to cut through this very embarrassing silence. Sam handed Castiel the bag with his new clothes and indicated him to dress up in the bathroom. Dean, in the meanwhile, had already attacked the food bag, searching for burgers and pie but the first thing he pulled out was salad. His mind was only capable to care about one thing at a time, so, the images of a completely naked angel in their room were blocked with his need to eat. „So, how exactly did you manage to get me out of that death trap? I didn't even know that it's even possible to turn from stone into flesh again." Sam grabbed the salad, placed his butt onto his bed and shared a few looks between his brother and the bathroom door, where the angel had disappeared behind. Dean did not stop searching in the bag for pie, when he heard his brother's question. „Dude, where'e the pie?" The older hunter grabbed the burger when he finally noticed the little box with a cake pictured on it. „Aah, there you are." „Dean?" The older Winchester turned around, unwrapping the burger. „Dean? How. Did. You. Get. Me. Outta. There?" his younger brother pressed. Sam knew exactly what his brother's behavior meant and he did not like it. „Crowley." The hunter replied with a full mouth. The door opened and Castiel stepped out of the bathroom. Both men turned their heads to the angel. They were quite surprised that the angel had managed to dress up on his own. Dean cocked his brows. There Castiel was: black suit with a modern cut, a white button-down and a navy-blue tie hanging around his neck not knotted. The tan trench coat was in his hand. „Guess you bought the right size, Sammy." Dean said, whipping his hands on a paper towel. „Well, no thanks to you, dude." Sam replied and turned his attention back to his wonderful salad for another bite. The older Winchester stepped closer toward the angel and grabbed his tie. „You have to learn how to knot it." he said, closing the top-button of Castiel's shirt before knotting the silky cloth. When he was done, Dean glanced down to the angels shoes and smiled. „You tied your shoes, good." The hunter could not help but being a little disappointed though. „I watched you doing it." was the calm reply. When Sam cleared his throat both men froze. „Dean, I asked you how you knew what to do to get me out of there?" The young Winchester was not stupid. He knew exactly that having the angel around he would find out what he wanted to know. Castiel could not lie. As expected, Castiel raised his voice. „I asked Crowley to tell me what to do. In return he can ask me for a favor." Sam frowned. He turned his attention to Dean who obviously had to fight the boiling anger inside him. Apparently, the angel did that without involving his older brother. „What favor?" Castiel moved his head from one side to the other. „He did not say." Dean had walked back where he was standing before, attacking his burger again. „You mean like, he's showing up whenever he wants and can ask for whatever he wants?" Sam stopped poking into his salad for a second and stared at the angel since his brother was obviously not in the mood to talk anymore about deals and demons. „Exactly." was the short reply from the angel, who slowly turned his gaze from the younger hunter towards his older brother. Sam sighed heavily but his expression softened. „Well, thanks Cas. You shouldn't have done it but still, I'm glad you got me out of there so fast. I dunno what might have happened if I went on dreaming too long." The confused look of the angel made the younger hunter purse his lips. They seriously should thank him more often just to receive that startled look in Castiel's face. „Which gets me to the more important question." Dean said with his mouth full and swallowed shortly before he continued. „How was it? Being a fossil?" Sam closed his eyes and waited a few seconds until he had finished chewing. He threw a happy smile towards his brother and shrugged softly. „No big deal. It wasn't painful. It just felt like you were tired, like you haven't slept for days and it was relieving to close your eyes and just fade away. Not as bad as you might imagine it." „Just sleeping and dreaming while we got nearly smashed out here. Lucky for ya Sam!" the older hunter growled while he opened the little pie box in front of him. His eyes filled with happiness and joy. Pie! Everything was just pie. „I'm sorry? It's not like I wanted to be turned into stone or something. Besides, it wasn't that enjoyable to dream on forever. I don't want to remember that part." When the younger Winchester noticed the concerned look on the angels face next to them, who was still standing at the same spot, holding his dirty coat over one arm, Sam got up from the bed placed his salad aside and took the dirty fabric from him. Dean seemed to be rather satisfied with his answer even though he knew he would have to tell him about Lucifer, but maybe he could wait a little longer. Since his awesome big brother had tossed his bloody and dirty clothes around, he felt the urge to shout at him again, but remained calm and collected instead. „By the way. I found a launderette. You can go and wash our stuff there." He simply stated, gathering the stuff from the ground before he threw the stuff on Dean's bed. The older Winchester made a face that spoke volumes. „Sam..." „No Dean." „Sammy..." „No." „Saaaam." They stared at each other in silence for a few seconds. Non-visible sparks flowing and swords were clashed against each other. The angel switched between Sam and Dean, but could not figure out what was happening. He simply did not understand all of this. Sam broke the intense staring and huffed angrily. „Fine! I swear that's the last time I do it! You can't always expect me to do the dirty work and you sit around and do nothing. I'm not, I repeat, I'm not the one who's responsible for cleaning!" He grabbed the now empty bag and smashed all of the dirty clothes inside, grumbling in annoyance. „Sure Sammy. You'll be my hero if you get me some fresh undies too!" Dean could just not hide his victorious grin and received another death glare and a ‚jerk' from his younger brother. He finished pushing all of their clothes down into the bag and turned towards the exit. „Hey Cas." The angel turned his face toward the younger hunter. „Keep an eye on him for me, ‚kay?" Sam continued and grinned a little. He was not serious at all, but he felt like Castiel needed some kind of ‚work' to do instead of standing around staring into space. Before he left the room the angel gave him a slow nod in return. Sam closed the door behind him, still feeling a bit annoyed since he had given in to his brother once more. At least I've got time to call Bobby, he could not tell Dean yet, but Bobby would listen to him for sure. With this thought, he left his brother and the angel alone. An awkward silence had spread throughout the room when the door was shut. Dean tried to concentrate on his pie again, but his eyes travelled towards the angel automatically. „Like he has to tell ya to look over me!" he said and grinned a little, since his brother had left them Castiel had not stopped staring at him for even a second. A tickle ran down his spine. Sometimes the angel did not even need to do anything but stare to creep him out. He took in a deep breath and smiled at his trench coat-less friend, before he patted the empty place next to him. „You make me way more nervous standing around and staring, sit down will ya?" With that he turned his attention towards the little box of pie again, took a look inside once more and the sight and scent filled his heart with joy. Dean felt the bed move slightly when Castiel sat down next to him. Grabbing the plastic fork he started to enjoy the pie. Again, he felt the awkward silence over them gaining control and eating him from the inside out. „Hey Cas, I know you... normally don't need to eat but I'd say you'd be an idiot for not trying this pie at least once!" The hunter broke the silence and threw a glance towards the angel. Castiel opened his mouth to obviously say he had no need for anything like that, but before he could start to refuse Dean ripped the box into two. He moved one piece of pie on the other half and placed it into the angel's hand, piercing the sweet treat with another fork. „Enjoy." he simply stated before his mouth attended to the very important mission of devouring his own pie. Castiel stared at the human made food in his hands, exchanged looks between pie and the not attention paying hunter. He wanted him to eat that thing? The Winchester always seemed to have a thing for these so called ‚pies' and since he shared it with him he might try to appreciate it. Gulping, he moved the fork decorated with a little piece of pie towards his mouth. Several minutes passed with neither of them saying anything, just devouring the sweet treat in silence. Dean somehow missed the second piece on his side and when he finally finished his last bit, he turned his gaze towards the still chewing angel. Waiting and staring at him. He really ate it, he thought and placed his trash on the night table next to the bed. A second later Castiel moved past him and placed his part next to Deans, before he sat down again, hands on his legs and staring curious at the hunter. The Winchester nearly started to laugh when he noticed a little bit of pie crumb remaining on the angel's mouth corner. Castiel did not know why the man was smiling, but he seemed to be in a rather cheerful mood so he returned the smile and nearly grinned at the other. His smile froze when he felt one fingertip of the hunter on his lips, brushing against them and taking the remaining pie away with it. Dean was not sure if what he did right now was a good idea but it was too late to change it. With a swift move he sucked the crumb of pie from his finger while he kept staring at Castiel. A weird feeling grew in his stomach, but he kept smiling at the confused looking angel. When Castiel lowered his head a bit, staring at the carpet in front of the bed, the hunter's attention moved towards the angel's hand which was tightly grabbing into the sheets. Dean furrowed his brows and slowly placed his hand on top of his friends, firmly squeezing it. Immediately, he felt regret when the angel flinched a bit, and buried his hand even deeper in the sheets and started shaking. Castiel remained at the same spot nevertheless. His upper body was actually leaning a bit towards the hunter. „Cas? Everything alright?" Dean's hand reached out towards the angels shoulder, receiving a slight shiver from the other once more. When Castiel finally looked up at the hunter he could not grasp what he saw in those blue eyes in front of him. Sam tucked the clothes into the washing machine, added washing powder and closed the door. The machine started to rattle and their clothes started to do barrel rolls in front of him. It would take some time for them to finish. Since he could not really stand the interested looks of the women inside of the salon he decided to take a walk around outside, instead. Sam wondered why the hell anyone would wash their clothes so early in the morning. Maybe this town was known for early birds. He had to call Bobby anyways, wondering if the demon, if Crowley, was still seeking safety from the old man or was just wasting space and nerves of the aged hunter. Waiting for his friend to answer his call, he tried to gather his thoughts about his meeting with Lucifer. Maybe it had been a dream after all? „Sam? Is that you? Is everything alright?" The fast and surprised voice of Bobby was hearable. So the demon had told him about the accident and that he was a non-walking fossil for a while. „Yeah Bobby, everything's fine. Except that I'm reduced to do the laundry." There was a short moment of silence before the old man replied. „Well, at least better than being a stony figure, don't ya think?" Sam smiled. Bobby made a point. „Tell, me boy. How're you doin'? What happened anyway?" „Did Crowley not tell you that part?" A low growl was to be heard before the older hunter spoke. „I wanna hear that from you, idjit, since this demon was way too happy in my opinion." Sam cocked his brows. „Happy?" „Yeah, didn't tell me why but it can't be anything good." Sam's smile disappeared. He knew exactly why the black suited demon was ‚happy'. „Is Crowley there with you?" „Na, had some work to do. Finally got some time for myself!" Bobby snarled a curse the young hunter could not understand but he did not need to. The young Winchester inhaled as much air as his lungs were capable of to store. „When I was trapped in that stone, you know..." he blurted out. „I met Lucifer." Silence. For a moment there were only Bobby's breaths he could hear. Then. „What did he say?" Sam's expression softened a little. Bobby did care about him and he would never stop. „He tried to convince me to say ‚yes'. Tried to convince me that he's the only one I could ever trust." He sighed. The young hunter stopped walking and looked around. He had not noticed where his feet brought him, but now he was standing in a park. At the other side he could see the Museum of Art. From the outside, it looked quite normal. No signs of any intruders. Sam bit his lower lip. He should go back to the launderette. „Boy, don't let him get to you." Bobby said, worry in his voice. „He needs you more than anything. Without you, he can't do anything. Well, not more chaos and death he already caused, I mean!" „I know. It's just, I want it to be over, Bobby. All of this." „I know, son, I know. We will find a way, I promise." The old hunter paused for a moment. „Does Dean know about it?" Sam frowned. „No, he has his own problems of some kind." „What does that mean?" He could not help but smile a little. „There's some tension between him and Cas, lately. Even Gabriel noticed! Honestly, there's nothin' more I know. You know Dean, he's not talking and well, Cas is Cas!" He could hear the man laugh. „Whatever it is, hope they sort it out soon! For now, I need to check on the laundry. Hear you later Bobby and thanks for listening, man." „Yeah, yeah, whatever, boy." was the grumpy voice and a curse followed. Apparently, Bobby was cooking something and let it burned. Again, Sam could not stop laughing. What would they do without this old man, he did not know. The Winchester hang up and hurried back to the launderette. He went surprisingly far for such a short chat. „Cas? What's wrong?" Dean repeated himself and kept staring into the angel's half closed blue eyes. Something was wrong. Suddenly, the angel stood up from the bed and was about to walk away when the hunter grew tired of the silent angel's behavior. He grabbed Castiel by the arm and pulled him back before he could walk away. He opened his mouth to ask the angel once more but he did not have the time to say any more, his back was pushed down onto the bed, his arms pinned next to his head and he could feel a sudden weight on top of him. How the hell could the angel be so fast? Dean was way too confused to yell or scream at first and remained quiet for a moment, immovable and just staring up towards the other man. When his brain finally started to work again he realized what exactly the angel had done. His wrists were tightly trapped in Castiel's grip and it felt like a heavy weight was nailing his arms down. The angel was sitting astride on top of him, his lower body pressing against the hunters and making him unable to move. Only his legs were somehow free but right when he tried to move them Castiel used his own legs to secure that Dean could not move away, not even if he wanted and did his best. He caught him and could do whatever he wanted, even kill him right there. „Cas, you have ten seconds to get the fuck off of me and explain what the fuck you think you're doing!" Struggling against the tight grip he yelled at the angel. As expected he did not gain any kind of reply from the topping angel who just kept staring straight down on him. „Dude, get off of me! I swear I'll...!" Castiel lowered himself down and nearly touched the forehead of the hunter under him with his own, but, instead, he remained a few inches above of him. „This isn't funny anymore. Get off me!" Dean kept yelling at him but he knew it was pointless. The angel was not listening to him or he did not want to listen at all. All he could do was to stare into Castiel's face and search for any kind of sign, but all he could see was desire. Dean could not help it. The angel was way too close to him, and either someone had turned on the heater in the room or his cheeks were burning. The weight on top of him and the closeness of the other body made it even worse. No, don't think about it, just don't think about it, he tried to keep his eyes shut and ignored that view in front of his face, but closing his eyes did not help him ignore the warm breath on his skin nor the heat that was building between their bodies. Castiel moved. That was all Dean could recognize for now and he could feel the pressure against his lower half increasing. His eyes shot open again and he realized what exactly was going on. The angel pressed his hip against his own and moved slowly but precise backwards and forwards, increasing the friction with each movement. Dean inhaled sharply at the sudden tension. Not good, that's not god. He felt everything and it was definitely not supposed to feel like that. Castiel could not make him feel like that. When he felt his body giving in to the treatment he tried to struggle once more. „Cas, snap out of it, that's not you!" Dean felt like talking to the angel, who was pretty much out of his mind, was useless but he could not do much else. He had to admit that Castiel was strong, way too strong for him, a simple little human. Someone seemed to think it was necessary to remind him of that fact at least once a day. „You're not like that Cas. That's not you!" Dean repeated himself, less strong and confident than before since the movement of the angel made his mind go crazy. It could not be that his body reacted that way, it just could not be, but it was and there was no way to deny it since he could feel it down in his crotch. When the door of the hotel room opened, both men froze, but kept their gazes locked on each other. „Hey guys I'm back. The clean clothes mission is..." Sam was about to enter the room when he finally recognized what was going on or better, what he thought was going on right now. „I'll be waiting in the car." he shortly added before he smashed the door shut again, walking away from the hotel as fast as possible, trying to remove the image from his head. „Sammy? Come back!" Dean needed help and not some intimate time with the angel, but his brother was already gone again. A relieved sigh escaped him as he noticed the harsh grip on his arms weaken. „Cas?" Castiel slowly sat up, still connecting their hips but his expression had changed from, Dean did not even dare to call it what it truly was, but the closest thing that came up in his mind with, was simple, lust turned into a blank stare. „Don't touch me again." The words lingered in the room, but the angel had vanished into thin air, leaving the confused and slightly aroused hunter behind. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (