No catchy titel available von abgemeldet (NiSaki) ================================================================================ Kapitel 1: Flying ----------------- Ever since Sakito had become Ni~ya’s boyfriend the bassist knew that his greatest desire was to fly. For hours the smaller one would talk about heights that made Ni~ya’s head spin around in anxiety, ideas of learning how to fly a plane to be with the beloved and envied birds, sky diving, paragliding, nothing seemed to stop him. Maybe that was also because Sakito was a cat-like person, because he felt no fear at all when it came to heights. Although, for some reason he never wanted to become an angel. He mentioned once that it was because he would have to leave Ni~ya to do such a thing ("… and what the fuck Ni~ya, angels are so cheesy and overrated!"). And ever since, he had thought about a possibility in which he could grant him this wish. Of course he presented him with paragliding classes ("… I think thats the least dangerous of your ideas.") And he even let Sakito pull him on a lot of roofs to accompany him… yet he never felt that Sakito was satisfied. His beautiful, slender, melody-huming boyfriend brushed his hair in front of the huge mirror of his wardrobe, when the older one finally came up with an idea. He stood up from the cushions, where he lay naked, and strolled over to Sakito where his bare hands met warm skin. The way around Sakitos body never was a long one and he pressed their bodies together from behind, but today he had something different in mind. "What’s up, love?" Sakito purred after he lowered his arms, placed them above the one around his hips, smiled over the kiss that were placed on his neck and twitched a bit when his lover pulled away from his embrace. Though Ni~ya’s hands never did leave him. He only let them slide to his back, upwards where his shoulder blades sat in place. Their glances met in the mirror, Sakito’s questioning and Ni~ya’s confident and caring. He felt the goosebumps under his fingertips when his lovers eyelids lowered and the bassist himself started to stare at the slightly pink lips from their fresh encounter a few minutes ago. "I thought about a way to let you fly." A snicker came over those beautiful lips and his head made soft contact with his own. Closed eyes. "But you won’t pick me up and spin me around like the last time, will you?" Ni~ya smiled due to this memory. "No. I’m the only cage you step into by your own will and I love that you can stay with me… forever caged in my arms, but I hope … I can be your wings, too." So the taller one spread his arms away from their bodies like opening wings and smiled shyly into the mirrored image of them both. There he met the quiet shocked face of Sakito who stared him down, but not in a negative way. His gaze wandered over the arms of his boyfriend and Ni~ya felt a new rush of goosebumps washing over his body, until he met his eyes again. "So, will you let me?" Before he could notice anything other, the guitarist swung around and closed the distance between their lips, arms wrapped around his neck and kissed him down like the world ended right here and now. Ni~ya wouldn’t forget this feeling even in death and pulled their bodies together in an union… after all, they were one from the very beginning anyway. He felt the heat on Sakito’s face, the quiet dampness of his sweaty bangs and two fresh tears rolling over his cheeks. Ni~ya never cared about time when they kissed, but Sakito pulled away. suddenly, and placed his hands around the curves of his cheekbones and looked at him like a fresh married woman, face and eyes all flushed. "But Ni~ya, you already are my wings! You release me from so many strings I put on myself, you give me love, the freedom to love you endlessly and entirely. I know your heart as you know mine. I’m the happiest bird in the world caged in there." He said, and placed his right hand over his beating heart, looking into the eyes that showed him every emotion Ni~ya felt at that moment, completely smashed. "Oh you Baba baka. Let’s kiss!" Kapitel 2: Snapshot ------------------- Since staring at each other was a thing that would have naturally resulted in wrong thoughts to the wrong minds, they did it when they were alone, and even if it happened around others—it wouldn’t be a stare, rather a subtle glance, albeit nothing was wrong about the thought that they may love each other. But it simply wasn’t something the press and fans would understand. And then there was also their attempt in keeping it a secret to the world, after all, they didn’t need the world to be involved in their love—Ni~ya’s entire universe was enough for Sakito as well as Saki’s was for his Baba. Even so, they gave each other a hard time standing in front of their fans, sending each other sideway glances, grabbing every reason to look at each other or share a smile—it was almost painful, to an extent. Yet most of these occurrences seemed to pass by rather well… a few heartbeats here, some blushing there - when they were in public the make-up on their faces was doing a very good job in hiding their secret love. And it was kind of exciting knowing that they were in one another’s mind, when everybody else seemingly had no clue. Sometimes there were moments of pure tension, maybe words can’t actually express the chemical firework which was going on between the two band-mates. Though these experiences usually lasted for mere seconds, these moments seemed like those explosive and precious moments in which a new star is given birth to in the upper universe. And by this time, the lovebirds were left with a kind of breathless will. Only they would see the shortly hooked eyes, sparkling with promise. They knew that their love was a special one—they shared a connection which was mainly unspeakable-of… it sank into the innermost parts of their souls, intertwining, and flourishing - it was quite beautiful. And Sakito knew very well that there wasn’t another single human on this earth who would compare to Ni~ya. Because, yes, he was in his band and there was hardly enough time for himself, friends and family, but this did not at all come near the actual reason. He didn’t think about these things when he had realized that he was in love with the bassist. It was some kind of destiny that had been cast upon the two, like the reincarnation from former lovers, god given or only two paths crossing the same and right road, quite perfect, actually. At least for Sakito, Ni~ya was the moon and sun of his life; they had matured together, they already knew about one another’s every good and bad side. So why present this to someone new and strange? Ni~ya was the only one who could actually understand his difficult personality. Of course, you can’t transfer all this within a blink of an eye, it has to strongly develop over time, and for them it surely has. Yet at the same time there’s still so much to look forward to. It’s thrilling. And they both love that. But for now Sakito likes to think about the present and also the simplicities of their relationship… And so the next time he sees Ni~ya, he will kiss him, just because he’d like to see that very cute smile of his - it’s simple, but also his favourite one. Sakito knows that even during MCs, Ni~ya not only shares that very smile with the audience, but with him as well. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (