Unknown Heroes – The Bearer of Tidings von Venedig-6379 (What happens behind Frodo's back) ================================================================================ Kapitel 1: ----------- I’ve waited, hiding in the trees, watching, listening. Noiselessly sneaking through the wood my comrades swiftly changed the look-outs after a set time, while our grey cloaks made us invisible. I was the one to receive messages and bring them forth. Today I sat on a huge branch near our beloved Nimrodel, where it crossed Celebrant, and wished for some refreshment.  A shadow jumped through the trees. He sung the song of a redbreast – I recognized the voice, a perfect imitation of that little bird, a slender Elf in reality, my friend. “They’ve arrived”, I thought and answered the call. Then I informed the guards and went nearer to the spot where they strangers should arrive.  I heard them before they came in sight. Those strangers chatted lightly. I stood up. My fellow guards also rose in tension. Eventually an Elf climbed down and encouraged his company to follow him. He wore the garment of our brothers of Eryn Galen. There was another tall man and five little figures, one of them exceptionally was hairy and noisy. They waded through Nimrodel. I translate everything I see and hear into bird songs and signs, but now that Elf sang a song. It was hardly to be heard amid the rustle of the leaves, but I knew the melody. Silently I communicated with the other guards. We decided that I would inform our chieftain in person.   ***   Haldir, his brothers and a dozen other guards, including me, followed the strangers. “It’s him, the Ringbearer”, Haldir whispered. “The one our Lady waited for. That Elf is Legolas, son of Legolas.” “What about the others? Shall we arrest them?” “We’ll decide that later. Let’s talk to them first. As soon as we’ve established contact you are going to bring tidings to the host that the awaited persons had arrived.” He instructed me further. The strangers came to a stop. “`I will climb up”, said the Legolas, “I am at home among trees, by root or bough, though these trees are of a kind strange to me, save as a name in song…” My eyebrows rose, I was amused. They strolled loud as a herd of drunken dears through our forest and didn’t seem to bother at all that they were surrounded by eyes and ears. Haldir gave us a sign. When Legolas  sprang lightly up from the ground and caught a branch that grew  from the trunk high above his head, Haldir commanded: “Daro!” Legolas dropped back to earth in surprise and fear. He shrank against the bole of the tree, whispered to his friends – they froze mid-movement. It was a hilarious sight, we chuckled. Finally the Elf answered our chieftain, telling us what we already knew. “Don’t be afraid!”, Haldir told him. “We have been aware of you for a long while.” “We heard your song”, Orophin explained. “You breathe so loud, we could shoot you in the dark”, I said. “We need to talk to you and that Halfling. Climb up! The others shall wait”, Haldir said. Quickly I let down a ladder, then I vanished in the shadows of another tree, waiting for commands. The little Halfling closely looked into the darkness, he wouldn’t see me. Haldir talked with them. They brought a dwarf… I shared my information with the other Elves and we parted, ran into different directions. I haven’t got time anymore, I must hurry.   ***   Sweat ran down my spine. It was important to communicate with words, now that the Fellowship has arrived. I ran into the north. I’ve got great endurance, but now I was exhausted, because of the turn of events. My mission was to tell the host about the arrival. I met my friend and fellow informant in a treetop. Quickly I summarized the events, then we made ourselves ready to hurry to our host together – this way it was safer –  when we smelled the foul odor and gasped. Straightaway we searched for the source – Orcs! Our enemies were going to cross our borders! We noticed with disgust that the Orcs bathed their feet in the cold water. We contemplated what to do and decided that I would return to Haldir immediately, while my friend would choose another, longer way, leading him secretly to two guards who would accompany him to the host. I met Haldir and Orophin halfway. I lead them to the Orcs and silently we watched them. “They are sniffing”, Orophin commented. “It’s the same place where Legolas and the Halfing stood”, I recollected. “They are searching for them.” Haldir had a stern face. “We can’t beat them in an open battle. We shall lure them into the woods.” “It’s time to feign some Westron”, I said. “I remember the way they spoke.” Haldir nodded. I imitated the voice of Legolas and gave an impression of chatting hobbits, Haldir spoke like Aragorn. I even dared to grunt like a dwarf. Orophin pressed his lips together, trying not to laugh. It was a serious situation, but I’ve got talent. We were successful. “Lure them further”, Haldir said. “And you, my brother, go back to our dwellings to warn our people.” “This should be my task”, I said, sounding like the fat Hobbit. “No, you’ve walked this way twice and ran it trice. Lure them in, let Orophin be the messenger for this time.”   ***   After our task was done and the host of Orcs got lost in the labyrinth of our trees, we returned. I took a deep breath. “Inform the Halfing”, Haldir told me. My heart hurt. Orcs, so near! I climbed the ladder fast and look into the Halfling’s eyes. “What is it?”, he asked me. “Yrch!” I hissed in my mother tongue, forgetting that he wouldn’t understand, and cast on to the flet the rope-ladder rolled up. He did understand, though. “Orcs! What-“ I didn’t hear his question.   “Come”, Haldir told me. “You need some rest.” “Wait, what’s that?”, I asked pointing to the tree whence I’ve come. A creature lurked in the shadows of the trees. “Oh, what a foul night. My eyes are blind and my ears deaf.”  “I’ll go”, Haldir said. As soon as he touched the stem of the invaded tree the creature vanished. Nonetheless Haldir went to the Hobbits, looking for their well-being. I waited, wary of all those intruders. I was told to sleep, other guards would watch, but I couldn’t.  Hosted by Animexx e.V. (http://www.animexx.de)