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A Raven Christmas

The Death of a Poet


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Christmas tales are merry and full of jolly and joys,

but today I’ll tell you a story without candy, nor toys!

One that has no happy end in this realm of existence,

But if you don’t mind that, read on ‘til it ends.

Somewhere in Ireland the day before Christmas

1836… the century of nineteen,

There was a young man, no more a boy, but keen

To write what his heart sent to his mind’s address.

Unfortunately the people didn’t seem to like his art.

And critique had always been hard

To digest for an artist’s frail soul

Especially if it was his goal

To gain money with it for his life…

And our poor writer did not sell a verse

He bought his last food (three days ago) by selling his purse

And he needed a wonder (from ol’ Ho Ho Ho) this merciless winter

If he wanted to survive

This terrific coldness, that cut like a splinter

Into his skin under his worn-out, jaded coat

With the pockets full of the poems he wrote.

He wandered through the streets

Snowflakes dancing around him

But he only freezing and tired of treats

He got from the people, they sent him away

Leaving him hungry ant the rim

Of starving on this cold pre-Christmas day.

His feet felt unfeeling

From his heart hope was peeling

Like from a gravestone gold paint

With people’s pity so faint

At his pitiful look.

The fingers frozen, numb, barely able

To hold his scrapbook

His writing unstable

From his aching head

And his burning throat…

°If this misery’s living

I’d rather be dead!°

He thought as he went through unforgiving

Snow to his rundown abode…

But humans are evil, humans aren’t nice!

They tear down your shed

If you can’t pay the price

Of the lawn where the box once stood

Where you had your home, your memories, your bed

And all your worldly good….

And as I said; our guy was a poor one

He was starving, freezing and ill

And when he came home, his home was gone!

It gave him a thrill

When he realized

That on Christmas night

He would sleep on the streets, which all where iced!

And overcoming did fright

Our penniless writer

He’d probably die

If his fate didn’t get brighter!

So he tried to sell poems the rest of the day

Sold nothing but begged all to please let him stay

In their houses, their cellars, anywhere

Just not in the ice cold winter out there!

But no one showed mercy, they all just ignored

The man holding his chest, for his lungs were sore-d

By the illness he caught

Just the scarf he once bought

Relieved slightly the pain

But all his trials and hopes were in vain…

When night finally came over town

Our penniless writer, powerless fell down

On his knees, close to crying:

“Oh God I beg thee!”

He pleaded to heaven

“I ain’t afraid of to leave here

But afraid of the ache

When my body doth brake

So show mercy, don’t let me,

Oh Grateful, be dying!”

And thus went his first tear

As mourning wept Devan

Over his fate…

While the evening got night

And the night got late

He heard some footsteps by his side

Small footsteps from children

Alone, lost, freezing, forlorn...

And like little pilgrim

They sat next to him

“Dear Sir, mayest thou help us?”

they asked like God’s scorn

of his pleas in vain

“We freeze, can’t find home ‘cos

we lost our parents in the crowd.”

“For Goldsmith’ sake!” He cried out loud

“Can’t you see I have problems of my own?

I’m dieing here to put it plain!

So just leave me alone!”

The children they shivered from cold and from fright

And our fate stricken writer sighed

In defeat and tried to speak calmer

“Oh Christ, so then come under my coat

and you’ll get warmer

I can’t let you be freezing with streets over snowed.”

He said that so softly with a smile on his lips

The children felt safe now with him

And flung their arms ‘round his hips.

He smiled and read to them a sweat poem

Though his heart and hope was dim

“Your parents will soon come, take you home

Have no fear, don’t let your hearts be clouded

They lost you when the streets were crowded

I’m sure they’re searching yet for you.”

He whispered ensuring while a chill ran through

His body again. The children were warm

But not enough to ease the harm

Cold had caused to the trembling man

But it was not before then

That he had felt the spirit of Christmas.

He read them stories and poems so jolly

“And thus” he said, “spoke the shepherds; Lord bless

this child in the manger

let it not suffer under men’s folly

and not experience harm under Herod’s anger.”

Yes the oldest Christmas story he told

To the children who warmed and grabbed a hold

On him, so they wouldn’t sink to sleep

Because he feared their slumber’d be deep

And forever, not like, but BE Morpheus’ brother

Cold unfeeling death himself, no other!

And even though our writer’s powers faded

And the children grew tired

He read on and warmed and aided

To keep their little soul flames well fired

Through the whole Christmas night

When all was clam, all expectations bright

And watched over them.

He felt almost warm, when the sun’s first ray

Shone on rosy aurora on Christmas day

His body felt like burning and yet so weak

On this Christmas morning and in his arms

The children were save, like protected by charms

But still in his chest, this feeling so bleak…

Worried he thought °I can’t warm them much longer…

They are frail and much younger

Then I, and I can’t take any more

Of this terrible cold. I said it before

And I’ll say it once more…°

“Oh Lord, hallowed be thy name!

I beg you please, if only their parents came

To take them home into the warm chamber

Because the sun with her rays like ember

Can’t warm them and neither can I so Lord please hear---“

But he was interrupted by a blissful cheer

It was a young woman with husband,

He looked quite relieved, she cried and

They ran over to the three...

The children so happy struggled free

From under the coat of the writer

And ran to their parents whose hearts got lighter.

“Mummy, Daddy we missed you so badly

‘tis was cold and we frightened so madly.”

Mother, father and children they were reunited

And our freezing poet who had recited

His stories and poems and rhymes through the hours of dark

He smiled at this family, his coughing a soft bark.

He felt warm now, much warmer than ever before

When they came over to invite him to spent

Christmas with them, he smiling closed his eyes

And opened them… nevermore

The parent’s quickly took their children, telling them lies

“He was an angel, from heaven sent

now he’s just sleeping before going home

Don’t worry he doth be alright, now come!”

The little family went away from the cold man

Having a cheerful holiday then.

You may think now, that’s unfair

That’s not how the story should be ending?

Well it’s all depending

On what you imagine, a complete end is rare…

Likewise for our dead artist…


From out of the snow and the Irish morning mist

Hobbled a raven, garb, beak and talons night black

No other human saw the strange bird

He picked softly against the dead’s temple

And suddenly the air around him was stirred

By a soft breeze and a glow, green and gentle.

“Ah there he is, little soul I waited for you.”

Spoke said raven to the aura. “You’re long overdue!”

“Overdue?” Asked a voice, deep, rich and mellow.

“Ay!” replied the raven. His eyes smiling not yellow

but ghostly emerald green

just like deceased writer’s had been…

A vivid shining green orb now emerged

From the dead man’s chest where the heart used to be perched

Small like a marble, but glowing so bright

Like the Morningstar in the deepest of night.

“Yes overdue!” spoke the raven anew

while life rose and people and children pressed through

the streets, no one noticing the raven.

“Thou arest to go to thy new home, thy haven.”

And thus he lifted his talon to pick

Up the little soul, holding it tight.

“Fear not for I am thy guide from eternal night.”

“Odin’s servant?! What happened? Why don’t I feel sick?

I just felt like dying, now I feel nothing at all.”

The bird cawed as it flew off. “Oh poet thy understanding is small

Of what thou arest now, thy mortality hath gone!

But be still now for we are entering the Ghost Zone!”

Through a whirl of purple and green they did soar

A flashing, a rumble, pandemonium the writer had not heard of before

And underneath them no ground could be seen…

“What’s this place? This ghastly purgatory?”

The soul was in awe, the raven in rage.

“How dare you! It’s the Ghost Zone in all it’s glory

So leave the Catholics out of this you miscarriage!

Poor imitation of a writer! You insolent twit

Can’t grasp the beauty and fait that awaits in it!”

“Forgive me dearest Nightbird! I am but a scared human”

Our little poet scorned regaining his pride.

“Thou shallst be a God then

For thou hast passed to the other side!

Ghost thou art for now, later we’ll see

Until then thou arrest allowed

To wander now where thy heart leads thee.”

With this the raven released the little sphere

Which grew to a new shape, humanoid and proud

Emerald green eyes, a violet coat, grey scarf and raven hair,

Elliptic glasses, pointy ears, sharp teeth and a goatee to complete the look.

A ghostly version of himself, as new shape, the writer’s soul took.

“I am quite impressed….” Said the new born ghost,

regarding his fingerless gloves with almost

amazement at his perfect new habitus.

“So this means we are to part thus?”

He asked to the raven who lifted a wing

And pointed into a direction. “No, to thy home I shall bring

Thee, then I shall leave, hoping wisdom will be earned.”

He started whispering as off he flew.

“And return I will, once thy lesson is learned…”

The poet did not hear the raven’s word as they passed through

The Ghost Zone until they arrived

At a ghostly mansion,

though old, yet revived

With the initials G and W at the gable I should mention.

And as they hovered on the steps our poet gulped in awe

In his head, this was the home he always saw

When he had imagined being but poor

“Yes this is the Ghostwriter’s home, this is YOUR

new home, I should say. Fill it with pride!”

Spoke the raven at the new baptized’s side.

“My WHAT!? Are you joking? This cannot be!

I’m poor, have always been, will always be the poorest guy you’ll ever see!”

He sighed at this memory… his life in one word:

Poor… that is it… “Have you ever heard

Of something called ‘karma’ the bird said annoyed

By the self-pitying specter who stared into the void.

“karma?... Uhm no… or yes, I think I did…

But as bad as mine is, how many crimes did I commit?”

Now it was enough for the raven, the ghost had a point there

But he didn’t fully understand the range of this thought…

“Oh poet what do you think were

those children to do,

had it not been for you?

Why do you think I brought

You here to this mansion which is yours?

Your Karma is splendid, that is the cause!”

The poet stared at him in disbelief,

He was too used to wallow in grief.

“You saved those two children, they would have died!”

Now the overworked and annoyed raven sighed.

“All this is yours, the house, library , stuff and each book!”

The writer still had a pretty dumbfounded look.

“Oh COME ON, mortal! Be happy! You just got

A chance many other mortals get not!”

Glowing emerald eyes under ebony brows

Shone happy and thankful and in curiosity aroused.

“If this word is true, dear raven my friend,

You are soooo invited to spend

This holiday with me in this marvelous place…”

And suddenly poorness and grief was replaced by grace.

“As nice as this would be, I have to say no,

Shall return one day, but for now I have to go

So farewell for now, may thy writing be of success”

Spoke the soul guard to the poet

Who replied with best demeanor:

“So be it farewell, may Hermes bless

you, graceful raven, to visit me soon in my new manor.”

How the story continues you know pretty well

… Now a rhyme on ‘poet’ I forgot to tell

you, so… AW CRUD!... nothing rhymes with poet!


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