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Super Extreme Horror Voices


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So, this is mai story, no title yet ;_; (I suck at coming up w/ names for things, all the characters have names based from Jrockers ^o^). It might start a bit slow, but it gets more, uhhh, interesting further in. Alright, I hope ya like it, and feel free to e-mail me: cosmic_violet@hotmail.com ^_~


"I have to keep running, keep going.

"What are you running from? Where are you going?"

"You know! Them. I have to get away before they find me!"

He ran through the forest, his heart beat throbbing. He unwillingly stopped in a clearing, he had no control over his body. A deafening silence hung over him. "Don't stop! Move!! You have to keep moving or they'll find you."

He could hear them now all around him, there was no use in running anymore. "I can't move. I can't, I. . ."

One by one they came out from the concealing veil of the forest. They gathered around him forming a circle. To the boy they were a mixed crowd of strangers and vaguely familiar faces. A soft buzzing sound grew around him. "No, not again! Please, not again."

Like a tidal wave their voices rushed into his head. In an instant the deafening silence was replaced by a deafening noise. He clasped his hands over his ears in a futile effort to stop the intruding voices. He dropped to his knees and screamed out in pain. "Stop! Please stop! Please, please...stop."

His body jerked up into a sitting position. He frantically looked around the dark room while trying to regain control over his erratic breathing. He put his hands to his temples messaging gently trying to alleviate the throbbing pulse in his head. "Not again." Eventually the pain began to subside and he looked at the clock beside his bed. He moaned. "Ugh, already time to get up."

He got out of bed and stumbled into the bathroom. He splashed his face with the cool, crisp, almost painfully sharp water that flowed from the faucet. He dried his face then took a moment to look at his reflection in the mirror. Large eyes, full lips, almost shoulder length brown hair. He had a nearly feminine beauty about him while still retaining an overall masculine look. He threw on an outfit and began walking to the lower level of the housing building that his living quarters were located in. He unintentionally ignored several 'hello's' while making his way to the main door of the building. Lately it seemed like he was in a state of conscious unconsciousness; in the passenger's seat while someone else was driving his car. He left through the main exit doorway and slowly walked, as though not to disturb his dreamlike state, to the education building adjacent to the housing building. He stopped, having a moment clarity, and looked at his surroundings. "As far as the eye can see there are buildings; cold, heartless, identical looking buildings. Not a plant or animal in site. I've never seen a plant or animal unless it was printed on the page of a book or in my dreams." His moment of reflective clarity was broken suddenly by the rush of a crowd heading into the education building.

"K-yo, wait up." The words came spouting from his mouth and left his stream of thought just as quickly as they had entered. His body now moved forward effortlessly.

"Hey Shin! Where you been man?"

"Uh, I've been...around."

"Huh, well you missed a lotta stuff man. I'll fill ya in."

Shin and K-yo walked now almost in step into the building.

"...and then Dai asked Yui out again man! She actually waited a few this time before saying no. It was all like 'denied'."

In the relaxed state of listening to his friend talk, Shin slipped back into his trancelike condition.

"Haha, it was so funny man, the look on Tono's face when the PC blew up, you shoulda been there!...Dude?" K-yo waved his hands back and forth in front of the much taller Shin's eyes. Shin was trying to talk to K-yo. He was practically screaming his thoughts, but his lips wouldn't form the words.

"Yo Shin!...Shiiiiiin?! Whatever, I gotta get to class. Bye man."

Shin stood in the hallway watching K-yo jog off to his class. Shin sluggishly lifted his wristwatch into view and saw that he was already late for class. He walked slowly as he made his way up the three flights of stars to his class room. He walked into the class room unnoticed as he took his seat in the last desk in the right corner of the room. The instructor began his usual lecturing in the same dull, toneless, mechanical voice.

"Protons, electrons, and neutrons are all found in the atom. Protons are positive, while electrons are negative, and neutrons are..."

None of the students were paying attention, but their instructor had come to expect it.

"The day these students start paying attention would be a day to question your whole belief system, heh." the instructor laughed inwardly to himself.

While not paying attention Shin looked at his surrounds again.

"The room seems so big when you first walk in, but from back here it looks so small." That thought was very comforting to Shin.

He looked at the other students in the class room. "They've always been here. Most of them arrived with me at the complex. All either orphaned or abandoned. We all have a lot in common really, too bad I don't get along with most of them."

When his gaze reached the front of the room he noticed an unfamiliar person. "She must be a new arrival. Such a stupid tradition to call new people that. Lots of people think it's stupid, but they still do it. I wonder why."

Shin studied the new girl, his gaze contently resting in her direction. After a while Shin turned away and focused his vision on the clouds through the window.

"You wont get way with this! I wont let you, I'm going to tell them, I'll tell everyone!"

A wave of shock and confusion came over Shin. "Wha-who said that?!"

He looked around the room thinking he would see some one talking. "That would explain it, yeah, it would." But to his dismay no one was talking. "I-I don't understand. What happened? Who wont get away with what? What's going on?..."

"Young man, young man...Shin!"

"Huh, what?"

"Your class has been dismissed for lunch."

"Oh, umm, ok. Thank you Instructor."

Shin stood up languidly and left the room.

"Maybe I fell asleep and was dreaming, that has to be it. Everyone else is already gone, how long was I asleep?"

The instructor waited until Shin left the room and then made contact.

"Sir, I do not think his treatments are working. His condition is getting worse. If his progression continues at this rate, we may have to-"

"It will not continue. His treatments will simply have to be increased."

"But, Sir, they have already been increased three times."

"Then we will increase them a fourth time. We have kept them under control for almost eighteen years. This has never happened to any of them before and it will not happen now!"

"I hope, for his sake, that you are right."

hehe it took me a while before I finally figured out how to put up a second chapter! **feels silly** . . .but here it is, part2 yay!^^ haha


Shin began his descent down the empty stairs where he knew his friends would be waiting for him. He often thought about his friends. They were a small group, but they were all very close. "Wook-yo's always talking about something he calls 'surfing'. No one else knows what he's talking about. If some one asks him about it he gets this glazed over look in his eyes and just says 'you gotta become one with the wave'. Most of the people here think he's crazy, but K-yo doesn't seem to mind...Kumina is practically a genious, a really weird genius. She's really 'out there', like K-yo. Tonoashi is the computer wiz kid/nerd behind the weekly news letters at the complex. Yui is the editor of the news letters. That's how they met, and then Tono introduced Yui to us. Daisuke, Dai, was one of the best sport players at the complex. Then one day he just stopped playing. He went from being popular to being nothing in a matter of days. Before he became a social outcast like the rest of us he dated Mai, the most popular girl at the complex and Kumi's older sister. He and Kumi got really close in that time, they're practically like brother and sister. Dai's got a thing for Yui now. Poor Dai, he's never gonna get Yui..."

"Hey, Shin! Man, what took you so long? I'm starving."


"No biggie. D'you see that new arrival? Man, she looks kinda 'off' yo. Somethins not right about her."

"Ha! Speak for yourself K-yo. You're not exactly the picture of sanity."

"Dai! Dude, that's harsh."

"Yeah, but so true." There was a short pause then everyone burst into a fit of laughter. Shin, still a few stairs up, smiled down at his friends. "I'm really luck to have them."

The laughter slowly faded and the group began to walk casually down the hall. "Umm, Shin, aren't you coming?"

"Yeah Kumi."

Shin stepped down the last few steps that separated him from his friends and joined them walking down the hallway.

"They're serving that 'mush' stuff again? When are they gonna give us some real food?"

"Just be happy you're at least getting something Tono."

"Yeah, Yui's right man, plus I kinda like the mush."

"Well, then you can have mine K-yo."

"Duuude! Tono thanks man."

They all took their seats at their usual table. Tono and Yui talking about next weeks news letter, Dai interrupting at random to give his opinion, Kumi staring in their general direction, K-yo stuffing his face with food, and Shin observing it all. "Lunch as usual" he sighed.

"Excuse me, you are Shin?"

Shin turned around to see a tall intimidating figure holding a slip of paper.

"Um, yes I am."

The man handed Shin the piece of paper. "You are to go see the Head Master at once."


The man turned quickly and exited the nutrition building.

"Ok, so maybe it's not lunch as usual."

"Yo Shin, what do you think he wants to see you for?"

"I don't know, I'm not sure."

"Well, you better get going, that guy said 'at once'."

"Yeah I guess you're right Tono. I'll see you all later, bye."

They all said their bye's and watched silently as Shin left.

"So, what you guys think is up?"

"Up with what K-yo?"

"Come on Kumi, with Shin!"


"It could be anything really. I think we should just wait and ask Shin when he comes back."

"If he comes back Yui."

"What's that s'posed to mean Dai?"

"You know the rumors Yui, we've all heard them. Some one gets called to see the Head Master, and they never come back."

"That's just ridiculous Dai."

"Oh, I've heard that too Yui. It happened last year to some kid named Jae. No one ever saw him again. But I doubt anything bad happened to him, he probably just got transferred to a different complex."

"I hope that doesn't happen to Shin. Is there a reason he should be transferred, K-yo?"

"Why you asking me Kumi? I don't know."

"You're his best friend K-yo, that's why she's asking."

"Yeah, well dude doesn't exactly open up to me Dai. He's really secretive man. Likes his privacy.""

Shin was waiting nervously outside the Head Master's office. "I've been here for almost 20 minutes now. Whatever he wants to see me for must not be very important."

The door swung open abruptly, startling Shin. "Come in Shin."

Shin walked into the office timidly and took a seat.

"It has come to my attention that you are the only person at this complex that does not have a roommate. Are you aware of this?"

"No, I didn't know Sir."

"I see. Well, early this morning we received a new arrival and because you are the only person without a roommate, and there are no empty rooms, she will stay with you until we can make other arrangements for her."

"She? Umm, Sir isn't that-"

"Against the rules? Not really. It is frowned upon yes, but there is no rule that says it is not allowed."


"You can expect to have her rooming with you for at least a week beginning today."

Shin nodded his head in understanding. "Was that all Sir?"

"Yes, you may return to your lunch now."

"Thank you. Goodbye."

Shin left the Head Master's office and began walking back towards the nutrition building. He ran into K-yo, Yui, and Kumi on the way. "Lunch must already be over."

"Shin!" Kumi ran up to Shin and hugged him briefly. "Dai and Tono said you weren't going to come back. That would have been so awful! Everyone would have missed you so much."

Yui rolled her eyes. "Stupid Dai and Tono scaring people like that with ridiculous rumors."

"I'm not going anywhere Kumi, don't worry."

"That's great Shin. I'm happy about that, but Kumi and I have to get to class or we'll be late. Bye Shin. Come on Kumi."

"Ok, bye Shin."

"Bye guys."

Yui and Kumi left for their classroom while Shin and K-yo walked in the direction of the housing building. This was their free period. Most used the time to study, they played games and relaxed.

"So, like what happened Shin?"

"They're giving me a roommate. He said I'm the last person here without one."

"That's all? Man, they made it seem all secretive and important and stuff. So, who's gonna be your roomie?"

"They just said it was a new arrival, and that...it's a girl."

"A girl?! Dude, that's like against the rules I thought."

"I thought that too, but Head Master said it wasn't. So she's gonna be my roommate until they can get her a different room, I guess."

"Dude, it's a new arrival and a girl, it's sooo gotta be that girl I saw!"

"Maybe, I guess I'll find out when I see her."

They reached Shin's room and opened the door to find a girl sitting at his desk with headphones on bopping her head to music while reading from random books and writing things on the dozens of lose pieces of paper she had spread out everywhere. Shin and K-yo glanced at each other in surprise then awkwardly walked into the room. Shin came up behind the girl and tapped her shoulder. She jumped in shock and turned around to see who her assailant was. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I'm Shin, you must be my roommate."

"You're a guy!"

"Yeah, I know that."

"But, they can't give me a guy roommate."

"Dude, they didn't even tell her man."

"They didn't tell me what? And, who are you?"

"That's K-yo. They didn't tell you I'm a guy? They told me you'd be a girl, but only about 10 minutes ago. But the Head Master said you'd only be my roommate for about a week til they can find another room."

"Huh, it figures. The people who run these complexes can be so incompetent. Well anyways, it's nice to meet you Shin."

"Yeah. You too, umm, did you say your name?"

"Oh, no, it's Aru."

"Ok...so, umm Aru, why were you transferred?"

"Eh, something about not being able to control my behavior. I don't know, I just remember one day I was walking down a hallway and I got this really overwhelming feeling that something wasn't right about that place, ya know? Like there was something shady going on. A few days later I'm being transferred cuz, the Head Master said, 'you cannot control your behavior'. It all seems just a little too coincidental if you ask me."

"Dude, bitter much?"

Aru sneered at K-yo "Ha. Ha."

"K-yo!" Shin sent K-yo a glare.


"Don't be rude."

"Whatever." K-yo rolled his eyes grumpily.

"So Aru you have this period free too?"

"Yep, just catching up on some studying."

K-yo grumbled under his breath, "Figures." Shin gave him a menacing look to which K-yo responded with a mouthed "Sorry."

"Well, K-yo and I were gonna play Samurai Drive, but I think we might disturb your stud-"

"I love that game! Mind if I play too?"

"Umm, K-yo you mind?"

"Not at all man. Maybe she'll actually be a challenge to beat. It's waaay to easy to beat you dude."

Shin's jaw dropped at the comment, but quickly turned to wicked smile. "Oh yeah? Well, I'll show you! I can to beat you!"

They quickly got the game started and Aru watched intently as K-yo beat Shin five times in less than ten minutes.

"Haha, wow Shin! K-yo was right, you're not very good at this game, haha."

"But he's really good! It's not fair, he's been playing longer than me."

"Here, let me try." Aru took the controller from Shin's hands with ease.

"No, no! Don't do that. No, dude you killed me!"

"Oh my gosh! You beat K-yo! I don't believe it Aru, you beat him!"

"That wasn't s'posed to happen yo. You're s'posed to challenge me, not beat me!"

"Haha, awww poor little K-yo can't handle losing?" Aru playfully patted K-yo's head and ruffled his hair. She and Shin laughed together while K-yo childishly pouted.

"I wanna rematch!"

"Bring it on little man, bring it on."

OOOooo, someone gets to go all psycho in this part ^^! And soon a big deep dark secret will be revealed! **queues the spooky music** DON DON DON...but that's not till the next part ^o^ haha


Before long the free period had passed and the three had to leave for their last class of the day. "Dude we gotta get going or we'll be late."

"Oh, yeah you're right K-yo."

What class you guys have next?"

"K-yo has Trig.-"

"Man, that class is soo...ugh."

"-and I've got English. What class do you have?"

"I have English too, maybe we can walk together."


The three left Shin's room and walked back to the education building. They walked K-yo to his class on the first floor and then made the journey up two flights of stairs to the English class. "Why do all my classes have to be up stairs? All this work just to get to class."

"At my old complex the education building was so much smaller than this one. There weren't any stairs!"

"What? Really? I wish I was at that complex."

"Haha, trust me you don't want to be there."

"Why not?"


Shin could tell by the look on Aru's face that something was troubling her. Not wanting to be nosy, he decided to let it drop. They reached the classroom and took seats towards the back.

"Ya know, I usually sit up front. Why do you always sit in the back? You seem pretty smart. Usually the slackers sit in back."

"I don't know. I never really thought about it much."

"Huh, oh well. Oh, the instructor's talking now."

Shin looked at Aru as she attentively watched the instructor, every so often writing something down.

"She's so focused on the instructor. How does she do that? He's so boring. I could never-I know what's going on. I know what you, they, did. How could you? How could you do that! We're human beings!"

Shin looked around the room hysterically. He stood from his seat shakily.

"Who said that? Who! Who said it!?"

"Young man, what do you think you're doing?"

Shin struggled to control himself, but the words relentlessly flowed into his mind and out of his mouth. His body moved uncontrollably to the front of the class room.

"You wont get way with this! I wont let you, I'm going to tell them, I'll tell everyone! Let go of me. Let go!" Shin fought against invisible hands, his body jerking violently in different directions. Aru stared at Shin in bewilderment. He stopped suddenly seeming to have escaped his unseen attackers. "You think it's that simple? Just get rid of me and no one will ever know? It doesn't work that way."

Shin made a mad dash for the door and ran.

"Oh man! The little freak's finally flipped."

"Haha, well all knew it was gonna happen eventually."

Aru rose from her seat and turned the other students. "Shut up! All of you! Just shut up."

Aru emphatically marched to the instructor who was frozen in surprise. "Don't just stand there like an idiot. Do something!" Aru ran out of the class room hoping to catch up to Shin. The instructor faced the class. "You are all dismissed for today. Go immediately to your rooms."

"All right! I guess the freak was good for something after all, haha."

The remaining students eagerly exited the room.

The instructor immediately called the Head Master to report the situation. "The student Shin just had an episode. As the students put it, he 'flipped out'. I dismissed the students and told them to go straight to their rooms."

"Where is he now? We must locate him as soon as possible."

"I do not know his exact location. He ran from the class room, the new arrival followed him."

"I have alerted security of the situation. Report to my office at once."

"Yes Sir."

Aru managed to catch up to Shin just in time to see him go into the housing building. "He has to be going to the room. Where else would he, could he, be going." Aru quickly ran into the housing building and straight to their room. "Shin?" She walked into the room. The door had been left open. "Shin where are you?" She looked around the room but couldn't find him. She was nearing the bathroom when she heard a faint whispering. "Stop. Please make it stop. Stop, stop, stop. No, no, st-stop please. No more..."

"Shin?" Aru walked cautiously into the bathroom. Shin was huddled in the corner of the room. Knees drawn to his chest rocking back and forth slowly, he was softly mumbling to himself. Aru approached him carefully. "Shin? What's wrong? Are you ok?" She reached her hand out gently and touched Shin's shoulder trying to comfort him. "Ahhh! Don't, don't touch me! You made it worse. Please, stay away." Aru backed away in alarm and settled herself on the floor in the corner opposite Shin.

"Shin, I don't understand. What's going on? What gets worse?"

"Voices...so many. It hurts. Ahhh! Please stop. Too many. Stop please, please?...I can't make them stop, they wont."

"What voices Shin? What are they saying?"

"You can't silence me! They've tried before, but it didn't work. Haha! You see?...We're human beings! You can't do this. Please no, no..."

Aru looked around the room helplessly. "What can I do? What can I do...I don't know, I don't know...I don't know what to do." There was suddenly a loud crashing noise outside the bathroom. "Shhh, Shin it'll be ok, everything's gonna be ok." Aru ventured out into the room to see what was happening. Three men burst into the room. "What are you doing? Why did you-" Aru was seized by one of the men. Her vision became blurry and breathing difficult. She could hear screaming. There was a struggle, but it wasn't her. "Shin." She stayed conscious just long enough to see two men carrying an unconscious Shin from the bathroom.

"How was this problem not found until now? You are all professionals in your fields, such a careless mistake should not have been made! You all know that two with similar conditions are not to be paired. Particularly two that have a history of relapsing."

"Sir, we honestly could not have predicted such a drastic outcome."

"This is true Sir. They have both been exposed to others of their kind for extended periods of time before with no effects. We did not think their effect on each other would be so volatile."

"Where are they now Sir?"

"They are being stabilized and prepared for treatments."

"Where are we?"

"Aru? You're here!"

"Yeah. Do you know where we are?"

"I'm not sure. I think I've been here before though."

Shin and Aru were standing on the edge of a immense mysterious forest.

"Do you feel that? Shin! Do you feel it? Like someone or something's watching us."

"Yes, I do. This is it...this is my dream!" Shin's gaze became distant and troublesome. "We have to run, now!"

"What? But why?"

"If I don't run they'll find me...they'll find us."

Aru speechlessly searched Shin's face for answers.


"Just trust me. Come on!" Shin grabbed Aru's wrist and ran into the forest.

"Shin, you have to slow down. You're going to fast, I can't keep up with you...Shin!"

Shin kept running, ignoring Aru's request. They came to a clearing in the forest. They had reached the middle when Shin stopped. "No, it can't happen this way again." A deafening silence hung over them. The scene was playing out like the tired rerun of an old television show. Aru reached the other side of the clearing before realizing Shin was no longer by her side. "What are you doing Shin? Don't stop there! They'll find you."

"I can't move. I can't, I. . .They're here! They found us! Run!"

"No, I'm not just going to leave you here."

The crowd slowly came out from the forest and gathered around Shin in the familiar circular pattern. The faces that once were only vaguely recognizable were now becoming very clear. Shin was surrounded by instructors and staff from the complex. Head Master was in the crowd too.

"What are you all doing here? I don't under stand." The familiar buzzing sound started building up around the clearing.

"Shin, what's going on? Shin?!"

Aru made her way through the crowd and found Shin curled up on the ground. "Shin, come on. Get up, we have to get out of here."

"I can't, I can't move. Don't you hear it? Their voices? It's so loud."

"I hear them too Shin, but I'm still moving! You have to be strong. Now get up!" Aru clutched Shin's arm and helped pull him to his feet. They ran from the center of the circle and the voices slowly faded. They reached the edge of the clearing to suddenly find themselves inside a dim room. "I don't recognize this place, do you Aru?"

"Yeah, I do...shhh, he's coming."


"It doesn't matter, just hide, over there. I can handle this."

Aru took a position near the door and looked to be mentally readying herself for something.

"Young lady what are you doing hear?"

Aru hesitated to look up. "I think the better question would be, why am I and every other kid here. I know what's going on. I know what you, they, did. How could you? How could you do that! We're human beings!"

Shin watched in amazement. "The voices...that's what I was hearing!"

"You do not seem to understand. What you found here, it does not explain everything. We had our reasons...There was a war. Nuclear and biological weapons were used. Many people died. The people who survived, did not seem to be effected. There unborn children however, were different. They looked normal, but parts of their brains were enhanced. Doctors said it was caused by their parents' exposure to weapons in the war. Some were really smart or incredibly artistic. Others were excellent athletes, talented writers, or gifted musicians. It varied with each child. When the 'enhanced' children became adults, they had children with their own kind, other 'enhanced' people. No one could have foreseen what happened. Their children could do things...things that no one could have imagined were possible. Some of them had super human strength, others could make fire or water appear spontaneously. Some-some of them could even. . .it all just got out off hand. The children did not seem to be able to control their 'abilities'. Something had to be done with them. All leaders of the surviving nations agreed. There was only one solution. The children had to be confined. They had to be secluded where they could not cause harm. To others or themselves."

"So our parents just let the government take us?"

"Some did. Others were...more resistant. There was nothing they could do in the end. It was ordered by the government, they were powerless to stop it...Once all the children were gathered they were sedated. It was the only way to be sure that they would not, could not, use their abilities while they were being transported. After all the children were settled we did experimental treatments to suppress their abilities. For some it was a success. They were sent home. They had required monthly check-ups and daily medications, but other than that they led normal lives. They were young enough that they would not remember ever having such abilities. For most though, it was too much of a risk to send them back. The positive effects of the treatments never lasted long enough...We suppressed, or changed, their memories. We gave them new memories of being orphaned or abandoned. We chose at random. We thought it would just be easier that way, for the children. If they did not remember their parents, or thought their parents were deceased, they would not feel the need to...escape, to return to them."

Shin's vision became distorted. The room began to fade along with Aru and the man's voice. "Aru! Aru!" He screamed but there was no response.

Everything was black for a few seconds then Shin felt as if someone had reached their hand straight through his chest and was pulling out his soul with their bare hands. He gasped a long deep breath and his body shot up. "Where am I? Aru? Aru!" He looked around until he saw her on the other side of a glass wall laying in a bed. "She's sleeping?" There was a long thin tube attached with tape to the back of her hand. "An IV? Why is there..." Shin slowly walked forward. "Argh, my head hurts so much, OUCH!" He looked down at the source of pain on his hand. "I've got an IV too? But why?" He carefully pulled the IV from his hand and continued his walk towards Aru. He reached the glass and tapped it lightly. "Aru. Hey, Aru. Aru!" She languidly turned her head to face Shin. She hoarsely spoke, "Shin? Are you ok?"

"I think, what about you?"

"I think I'll be ok, once my head stops hurting. Where are we?"

"I don't know. Do you see a way for me to get over there?"

"No, it looks like a solid room. I don't see any doors."

"What happened? I remember we were running in a forest, and then they came, and-and then we were in that room, and that man...what he said, I don't understand, what does it mean?"

"You don't get it? They took us from our parents, our families, and put us here. All this time they've been lying. No one's parents died, no one was abandoned...They took us, because they didn't know how to deal with us."

"Is that-is that why you were transferred? Because of that? You found out."

"Yeah, I think. They did something, made me forget a bunch of stuff. But now, I'm starting to remember it all."

There was a jolt and bright lights came on. Shin and Aru could see the Head Master and several instructors standing outside the glass walls. There was a crackling noise and then the Head Master was heard over an intercom. "Welcome back Shin, Aru. How do you feel?"

"Shin, don't tell him you know, don't let them know. Please..."

"I feel ok, I guess. What happened?" Shin said looking a bit confused at the Head Master.

"You both seemed to have contracted an acute case of influenza. At one point you were both experiencing full blown hallucinations. But you should both be better now."

"Then, can we get out of here?"

"Of course...And Aru, I'm sure you'll be glad to know that we have found a new, more suitable roommate for you."

"Oh, that's great."

Shin and Aru were escorted back to their room. Aru began to pack her things. Once finished she was escorted down the hall and out of Shin's sight.

As weeks went by life at the complex returned to a normal routine.

"Yo Shin, man what's buggin you? You're like more distant than ever."

"Oh, it's nothing K-yo I was just thinking...I haven't seen Aru in a few weeks and she used to be in all my classes, now she's not."

"Ooh. You liked her right? I mean like, really liked her."

"No! No, It's not like that. It's just...I don't know, let's get to class."

Shin spent that night tossing and turning. He eventually drifted to sleep and found himself back in that all too familiar forest. "Not again..."

"Shin! Over here!" Shin turned around to see Aru standing by a small stream. The sun shown down and reflected in the water. "Aru? Is it really you?" Shin walked happily to her side. "Yeah it's really me...I missed you."

"I missed you too."

They stood together and basked in the worm glow of the sunset.

"Look at all the trees Shin. Isn't it beautiful?"

"Yeah, it is. . ."

hmm, not much happens in this part really. It just kinda helps the story move along untill something more exciting happens ^^


Aru turned her head slightly to study Shin's profile.

"I wish this could be real."

"It could be. . .Shin you have to tell them, the kids at the complex."

"Tell them what? What are you talking about?"

"You can't keep it a secret from them, they deserve to know."

"What? Aru, I don't understand. Tell them what?"

"You have to tell them. You have to. . ."

Aru's voice faded away gradually, as did her image. Shin was alone. The previously beautiful scenery turned dark and cold until it faded away.

Shin's eyes formed small slits as he peeked around his dim room. Small glowing rays of green light emanated from his bedside clock. He reluctantly looked to the clock, then rose dizzily from his bed. Using an outstretched arm he steadied himself against the wall as he walked forward. Shin stopped just outside the bathroom to lean against the wall. He slid down to the floor shakily. "The room won't stop spinning. . .I feel so exhausted. I'll just rest here for a bit, it'll pass."

"Shin!" K-yo pounded on Shin's door. "Man, he's not answering."

"He has to be in there, where else could he be." Dai banged on Shin's door some more.

"May-maybe he got. . .transfered." Kumi said with tears building in her eyes.

"No way man! He wouldn't leave without saying goodbye."

"Ok, then I guess we have to break the door down, cuz he's not gonna answer."

K-yo nodded showing his agreement with Dai.

"Come on K-yo, you have to help me."

"Me?! Dude I can't knock down a door!"

"Relax! I'm not asking you to do it by yourself, you just have to help me."

Shin, still resting on the floor in his room, could hear a distant sound of familiar voices bickering. Shin rased his head and carefully lifted himself from the floor. He curiously made his way to his door, where the voices were coming from. The voices were becoming clearer, "On 3. 1...2..." He cautiously rested his hand on the doorknob and slowly turned. Shin opened the door to find K-yo and Dai charging at him. Their expressions changing from determination to shock as they rushed into Shin. Shin colapsed to the floor with K-yo and Dai toppling onto him. K-yo quickly sprang to his feet, Dai following seconds later.

"Oh man! Shin you ok?"

"Yeah, we were banging on your door for a while and you didn't answer, so we just. . ."

"Shin! Are you ok?" Kumi took a few steps into the room and reached her hand out to Shin, clumsily helping him to his feet.

"How long. . .why are you. . .what's so important that it couldn't wait til after 1st class?"

"Uhh, dude, it is after first class."

"Yeah, lunch is," Dai looked at his watch, "over in about 20 minutes."

"What?! But, it was just 7:00!. . .I got up and I was dizzy so," Shin recalled his morning events now more for himself than his curious friends, "so I sat down. I only closed my eyes for a bit. . .then I heard you guys. I managed to make it to the door just in time to be pummeled to the floor by you two." Shin glared at K-yo and Dai in mock annoyance. Kumi watched giggling as they squirmed under Shin's stare.

"Wait, wait...You mean to tell me that we were all worried something bad happened to you, so worried we knocked your door down, and you were just sleeping, cuz you had a headache?!"

Shin looked to Dai with a guilty look. "Yeah, I guess...but it was more than just a headache! I-I could barely walk, I was sooo exhausted. My head hurt so much!"

"Well, how do you feel now Shin?" Kumi asked with consern.

"Eh, better I guess, but still a little hazzy." He walked to his bed and sat down heavily. "I don't think I'm gonna go to last class today. I just don't feel up to it."

"Well, ok. We're gonna go now. Kumi and me have class next. You gonna come K-yo?"

"Nah man, I'm free next. I'm gonna stay and uhh. . .I guess I'll like hang with Shin?" K-yo looked to Shin anticipating an answer. Shin nodded "Yeah, sure. It doesn't matter what I say anyway, you're still gonna stay...I've got more games."

"Yesss!" K-yo quickly got to Shin's computer and started a game.

"Just try to keep the noise down, ok??"

"I hope you feel better Shin. Bye K-yo."

"Huh? Oh, by Kumi, Dai. . .Ahh! No, up up, go up!"

Kumi and Dai left the room, Shin lying in a daze on his bed and K-yo fully engrossed in his game.

Some one makes a triumphant return, and carries out the great escape! haha ^^


"A268 was just spotted."

"Did you send security after her?"

"I doubt out security staff is adequate enough to apprehend her. She took out 5 men twice her size while escaping, and 2 others in the last hour. From what they've told us she was aided by more than just physical strength."

"She's advancing that fast?"

"It appears to be that way."

"Any idea where she's going?"

"Complex 7, B153."

"The boy?"

"It makes the most sense. He will be the easiest one to convince."

"Then we have to get to him first. Those two together, they could do some major damage."

"We've already got transportation on the way."

"Shin. Yo, Shin! Man, wake up!" K-yo struggled to wake Shin, shaking him harshly. "Shiiiiin!!"

"Uhh...what? Stop shaking me!" Shin looked at K-yo with heavy eyes. "What are you doing?!"

"Man you were like doing some weird stuff in your sleep. Yelling and kickin and stuff. You was startin to scare me yo. Musta been some dream, huh?"

Shin's expression filled with confusion as he tried to recall the dream he'd had. "Bright room, dizzy...long, dark hallway...so many doors, witch one...struggle, fighting...running...Complex..."

Shin's eyes were distant as he was caught in contemplation.

"Well?!?" K-yo looked at Shin with an intense curiosity.

There was a knock. K-yo and Shin turned their direction to the door. The knob slowly started turning. K-yo walked to the door, Shin sat on the edge of his bed. K-yo grasped the doorknob and roughly opened it. His eyes widened with surprise. "Aru?" His voice barely a whisper.

She looked at K-yo with an intensity of confusion and determination. She pushed past K-yo and stumbled to Shin.

"Shin! You have to come with me. Come on we have to hurry." She faced Shin with urgent and pleading eyes.

"W-where have you been? What...I, umm..."

"Shin, there's no time to explain. You just have to trust me!"

K-yo watched still standing by the door.

Shin hesitated, unsure. "Ok, I'll go with you."

"Good! Now come on!" Aru yanked Shin up by the arm and pulled him quickly to the door where she exchanged another glance with a curious K-yo. "Ooooh!" Aru sighed in annoyance looking at K-yo. "You have to come too."

"What? Why?"

"Because if you don't, you'll have to keep this little visit a secret. I only knew you for a few hours, but I know you're not capable of that...and even if you were, they have ways to force you to talk. You don't wanna go through that. Now come on!" Aru grabbed K-yo's wrist and pulled out of the room along with Shin.

They rushed quickly down the hall at Aru's command. "Wait, stop!" Aru halted in front of a window. "A transport vehicle...they're here. We'll have to go the back way out." Aru turned in the opposite direction and continued with Shin and K-yo following closely behind her.

"We've arrived at complex 7."

"Excellent. Inform us as soon as you have B153 in your possession."

"Yes Sir." He turned off the communicator and turned to the man sitting beside him in the vehicle. "All right, I'll take the front entrance, you take the back. Be on alert. A268 may be here already. If you encounter her take quick, swift action. There is no reasoning with her so don't hesitate to use extreme force."


The two men got out of the vehicle and entered the complex.

"We've got a few flights of stairs to go down, then we'll be in the basement. There should be a door...but sometimes it's hard to find."

"You sound as if you've done this before."

"Several times actually. I've gotten out of 5 complexes."

"Yeah, but dude you always ended up back in one, right?...And why you wanna leave anywayz? It's not so bad here."

Aru stopped sternly and turned to face K-yo and Shin.

The man made his way quickly from the basement up towards Shin's room. He was nearing a corner when he heard someone talking.

"Listen little man! You have no idea what I went through to get here, so just shut up!

"She's here...well this should make things more interesting." The man readied his weapon and moved slowly around the corner.

K-yo and Shin looked at Aru attentively as they saw an armed man come around a corner a few feet ahead of them. They widened their eyes no sure what to do.

"Why are they looking at me like that? They look like they've just seen a ghost or..."

Aru paled the realization. She clenched her hands into tight fists at her side and slowly closed her eyes. K-yo and Shin looked on, frozen with confusion and fear as the man took aim with his weapon.

"Get down!" They heard Aru's voice, but neither saw her talk. They violently dropped to the floor as they heard the weapon fire, followed by a loud thud. Both remained on the floor, eyes closed tightly, fearing to see the result of the altercation. Footsteps were heard coming towards them. "Oh get up! I swear, you two are such babies!" Shin and K-yo scrambled up from the floor. "How did you...what did you...uhhh..." they both stared at Aru in awe.

"If he's here there's gonna be others, so prepare yourselves." The three walked past the man lying unconscious on the floor and turned the corner. They continued down the hall to an unmarked door. Through the door a dimly lit staircase. They walked quickly down the stairs to the basement. A large dark room with several filing cabinets. "Before we go, Shin find the file B153, K-yo...umm," Aru squinted her eyes massaging her temples, "H83. Get the file marked H83." K-yo and Shin went to work finding the files while Aru looked for something herself.

"Got it!" K-yo held up a thin file folder in triumph.

"Me too." Shin stood a few feet away holding a slightly bigger folder.

"Good, I've got what I wanted." Aru held a folder considerably larger than the others. "Alright guys, let's get outta here."

"So, uhh...where's the door?" K-yo looked at Aru with a sarcastic smile.

Aru rolled her eyes and let out an exasperated sigh. "Well it should be somewhere around..." Aru walked forward around some filing cabinets, "here!" She stopped in front of a small concrete staircase leading to two cumbersome metal doors.

Shin and K-yo followed Aru's voice and found her standing at the top of the stairs holding one of the doors open slightly.

"When we step out this door we have to move quickly. Don't stop for anything, just keep moving and follow me. Got that?"

Shin and K-yo shook their heads up and down fervently. They exited the building swiftly, Shin and K-yo closely following Aru. They ran to the front of the complex to the transport vehicle.

"Get in!" Aru looked around nervously.

"But the doors are locked." Shin pulled on the handle roughly.

Aru turned her head sharply towards the vehicle. "Try now."

To his amazement the door opened easily. Shin in the vehicle followed by K-yo. Aru took her place in the driver's seat and started the van. They quickly drove away.

it's been a while since I updated this story, I had this chapter done a long time ago but I just now got around to adding it ^^;; I've fallen into a bit of writer's block -__- so it might be a long time before I update this again...this part of the story has a bit of shonen-ai in it cuz some of my friends pressured me into it XD Really though, it's nothing major, trust me!


Kumi and Dai walked down the hall casually, stopping just outside Dai's room.

"See ya tomorrow, bye."

"Bye Dai."

Dai entered his room anxiously. He looked at his watch with a sigh, "2:15...", and sat at his desk a bit restless. "I guess I can do some studying."

Kumi continued down the hall toward her room. "I wonder if Shin's feeling any better...he probably didn't get much rest with K-yo there. Maybe I should go check on him." Kumi's face brightened and she smiled as the thought came to her. "I will go see him!" She passed by her room and made her way to the stairs up one flight to Shin's room. Still a few feet away Kumi noticed the door to Shin's room was open. "That's weird." She reached the room, and found it empty. "Maybe they went to K-yo's room...but the computer is still on, and the door was just wide open...Something isn't right!" Kumi quickly left Shin's room and headed back to Dai's.

A knock at the door. Dai turned his head startled. He walked to the door and casually opened it. "Tifui...", he smiled happily. "Hi."

"Hi..." Tifui looked at Dai expectantly.

"Oh! Umm, come in. Come in."

Dai moved aside allowing Tifui entrance and peered into the hallway before shutting the door.

Tifui walked to Dai's desk noticing the open books. "Did I interrupt your studying?" Tifui asked still looking down at the desk. No answer. "Dai...?" Tifui turned to find Dai a few inches away. Dai placed the palm of his hand gently on Tifui's cheek. They looked at each other, eyes full of longing and uncertainty. Both moved closer, a bit hesitantly, until their lips met in a soft kiss.

Kumi came to Dai's door and swiftly opened it not bothering to knock. "Dai! Shin and K-yo are go-" Kumi stood frozen in shock at the scene before her.

Dai was in a passionate embrace with. . . "He...he's kissing a...a guy?!" Kumi, overwhelmed by the situation, fainted.

Tifui heard a soft thud and opened his eyes to se an unconscious girl lying in the open doorway. He nudged Dai away quickly. "Dai!" He pointed to the girl. Dai turned around confusedly. "Kumi!" Dai rushed to Kumi and picked her up. He walked to his bed and laid her down gently. Tifui shut the door then walked to Dai's side. "Who is she?"

Dai remained silent, staring blankly at Kumi.

"Dai?. . .Dai...?" Kumi called out softly, eyes still closed.

Dai walked to his desk and roughly sat down with a blank expression.

Tifui looked at Kumi confused. Kumi slowly opened her eyes as a tall, slender, beautiful...boy came into view.

"Are you ok?" The boy asked in such a delicate and concerned tone that it made Kumi smile. Her eyes drifted down noticing Tifui's exposed chest. She smirked, slowly lifting her gaze back to Tifui's face. "You're cute!...Dai has good taste."

Tifui blushed deep red with a shy smile and embarrassedly pulled his shirt closed, fastening a few buttons.

"I'm Kumi, one of Dai's friends." She said as she carefully sat up.

"Tifui...", he said with a smile, "So you're the Kumi that Dai is always telling me about? It's so great to finally meet you!"

"Really...he's told you about me?" Kumi turned to Dai a bit upset and mumbling, "never told me anything about you." Her mood quickly changed as she turned back to Tifui with a sweat smile. "Sooo, how long have you two, ummm...known each other?"

Tifui laughed softly, "Well, about 3 months...but we've had classes together before. Right Dai."

Both Tifui and Kumi looked at Dai.

"I don't know what he's talking about. I'm not gay! Don't trust what he says. . .he's-he's gotta fever, he delirious! Yeah, that's it, he's delirious. That's why his shirt was unbuttoned, cuz of the fever!"

"But what about you? Your shirt is completely off." Kumi asked in a mock naïveté.

"Oh! Right...well, umm, I'm delirious too ^___^!!"

Kumi and Tifui looked at Dai as if he was losing his mind.

"Maybe he really is delirious" Kumi whispered to Tifui. Tifui smiled sensuously as he sauntered to Dai. "Daaai~ don't be silly." He sat in Dai's lap. "Face it," he tapped Dai's nose playfully, "you think I'm sexaaay ^o^!!" Tifui started kissing randomly on Dai's face and neck.

Kumi giggled wildly at how uncomfortable Dai looked.

Tifui stopped his kisses, "Oh poo! You're no fun with other people around," he whined teasingly and pouted.

"Oh!," Kumi suddenly came back to her senses, "Dai, I came here to tell you...Shin and K-yo are gone!"

"What?!" Dai stood so suddenly Tifui fell to the floor. "Ah! Sorry." Dai looked down at Tifui and offered a hand to help him up from the floor.



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