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SO Test *_* Links, Star Ocean

Autor:  Aquana
Which Star Ocean Till The End Of Time Character Are You?

Fayt Leingod You are Fayt Leingod. A true hero at heart, you are always willing to help even if your life is on the line. You are an honest person, and find it difficult to turn your back on someone in need. Your charming character draws people to be fond of you, yet in turn, you are a bit oblivious to their affections. You can be slightly indecisive at times, but in the end you always go with what you think is right. Sometimes, you can be very stubborn, but most often you follow others as long as you know they can be counted on. You are intelligent and can see through a persons exterior, so you are willing to give them a second chance when necessary. Your manners and kindness are impeccable, giving off the impression that you are a goody-two-shoes to the extreme. Nevertheless, you stick to yourself and viciously snap back when you are angered. Incidentally, you are also somewhat shy when dealing with the opposite gender. The renowned sword is the weapon you use to defeat your enemies. You fight with balance, nothing about you is below average except for your symbology, which you need not use in the long run anyway. Your defense is especially high, making you a hard target to take down along with your amazing agility. Because of your great speed, you are able to strike your opponents quickly and evade their attacks with ease. You are an excellent fighter at close range, you cannot attack from a long distance very well. Your skills usually knock your enemies up in the air, giving you an advantage to charge up again in order to strike multiple attacks.
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Tihihihi xD~

Datum: 26.06.2007 16:32
Ich bin auch Fayt xDDD
~° "おまえ に 守る もの は ある か?" °~
~* "Lord,...I'm Not Serious About My Feelings..." *~
Datum: 26.06.2007 17:32
Hab den Test auch gemacht! XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD"
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