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Einfach nur weil es mich bewegt hat ~ Ansprache, Asuna, Sword Art Online

Autor:  NateNarcieq
Nach dem Schauen der aktuelles SAO Episode musst ich das einfach irgendwo festhalten.
Für alle die sie noch schauen wollen ist es in einen Spoiler gepackt~
(und sollte jemand den Anime noch nicht kennen - schaut ihn. Es lohnt sich definitiv)


As each day passed, I felt that my life in the real world was falling apart
bit by bit.
After crying for a while, I'd go and fight as hard as I could.
All I thought about was winning,
making progress, and getting stronger.
But one day, I spotted someone
taking a nap on the grass at the plaza.
I got really mad
and told him to stop wasting his time.
Then he replied that this was Aincrad's
nicest weather during its nicest season,
and that crawling around in the labyrinth
would be such a waste.
When I tried lying down myself, I fell sound asleep.
It was evening when I woke up,
and he had an exasperated look on his face.
But during my time parying up with him,
I came to realize something.
He was making the most of his life,
even in this world.
You aren't loosing your days in the real world.
You're just spending each of them here.
The one who taught me that... is Kirito-kun.
I went to sleep thinking about him,
and I stopped having nightmares.
I started looking forward to seeing him.
It was the first time that I was glad I came here.
Kirito-kun gave meaning to the two years I've spent here.
He's the proof that I'm alive.
The reason I put on the NerveGear that day was to meet him.
-Asuna, Sword Art Online (Episode 13)

Weil Sword Art Online einfach jetzt schon einer der schönsten Animes ist, die ich bisher gesehen habe <3