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The Vampire Diaries – Every End Has A Start



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I'm Staring At The Mess I Made

Neues Kapitel^^ Jetzt erfahrt ihr endlich, warum Katherine kommt und welchen großen Fehler Damon damals begangen hat. Viel Spaß^^


Should've held my ground

I could've been redeemed

For every second chance

That changed its mind on me

I should've spoken up

I should've proudly claimed

That oh my head's to blame

For all my heart's mistakes

I'm staring at the mess I made

Half an hour later Elena arrived, obviously not happy to see Damon again but somehow Stefan had persuaded her to come. He had sounded very worried. When Elena entered the parlor Damon was sitting, apathetically on the couch, staring into the fire and she was surprised to find Anna sit there, too.


"Hey, Elena. How's Jeremy?" Anna asked her smiling.

Elena ignored her. She walked around the couch and came to a halt in front of Damon. She looked sternly at him with her arms crossed.

"This better be not a trick to get me to listen to you," she said through clenched teeth.

Hearing her voice Damon snapped out of his trance.

"It's about life and death. Is that a good enough reason for you to come?" Damon spat.

Elena's eyes narrowed. "What did you do now?"

"Not now, back then," Damon corrected. "Sit down. I need to stand."

Damon got up and Elena took a seat next to Anna who was watching them curiously. Stefan sat down on the arm of the couch, taking Elena's hand and looking at her encouragingly. Elena's gaze wandered from his face back to Damon's.


Damon inhaled deeply and started pacing around.

"Remember when I told you that I knew how you were connected to Katherine but that I didn't want you to know it?" Elena nodded, suddenly attentive because she was about to receive answers she had been searching for ages. "Well, I still don't want to tell you but now with Katherine coming here I have to."

"Wait, Katherine's coming here?"

"Yes, apparently she knows about you. Some of the guys we didn't kill must have told her."

"Didn't kill?" Stefan repeated.

"Yeah, we played Van Helsing and staked a few vampires from the tomb," Damon told him briefly. "Can I tell the story now without interruptions?"

"Wait, a second," Elena said. "Why is she coming after me?"

"You're her doppelganger. Of course she wants to meet you," Anna replied matter-of-factly.

"Yeah, but that's only part of it." Damon resumed telling the story. "Back then when I met Katherine I did something really stupid."


'Sure, go ahead," Katherine encouraged him smiling.

"Look, I know it sounds stupid but…" Damon began. "Some time ago I saw a woman who looked very similar to you. Did you by any chance have a sister? Or a child before you were turned?"

Katherine's smile didn't fade. "Yes, in fact I had twin sister called Vivien. You probably saw one of her descendants. Where did you see her? I haven't seen family in years."

"Oh, I can't remember," Damon evaded quickly. "I've been traveling around a lot. I lost track. I was just curious."

"I see," was all Katherine said before she fell silent. Damon watched her closely. She seemed to be lost in thoughts and maybe even sad? He wasn't sure. "Unfortunately, I never had a child before I was turned. And vampires can't give birth… But I've been trying to get a child."

"You mean adopt one?" Damon asked.

"No, silly," Katherine answered, treating him a like a stupid little boy. "Everyone could tell that it's not my child because it wouldn't look like me."

"Then how are you gonna get a child if not through adoption?" Damon inquired.

"I'll tell you but you have to promise to keep it a secret," Katherine replied sweetly and put one finger on her mouth. Damon made the promise, knowing he would break it some day for the sake of Elena. And the Katherine began telling him how she had been trying to get a look-a-like child.

"As I can't have a child I waited until my sister got pregnant and I wanted to steal her child just after its birth. My sister knew this and she managed to have the child without my notice and gave it up for adoption, impossible for me to track it down. It took me years to find my niece and I tried it over again. But someone must have told her. She outwitted me like her mother before and I lost her trace and her child's. They've fooled me. But they won't next time. Next time I find one of her descendants I'll make sure that her child will be mine."


Damon's gaze fell upon Elena. She was sitting on the couch, hugger her knees to her chest. Her gaze was empty as she stared into the fire.

"So I am related to Katherine in some way," she murmured after a while. "She's my Great-great-great aunt."

Damon stared at her in disbelief that that was the only thing she cared about. "Haven't you been paying attention or are you intentionally ignoring the most important part of it?"

Elena head snapped up and she looked straight into his eyes. Her cold gaze pierced them.

"Oh, I have been paying attention. Your psychopath vampire ex terrorized my family since back the 1800th and now she's after me because she wants to capture me until I have a child she can steal from me!" She got up abruptly, standing only inches away from Damon now. "And everything just because you couldn't keep your mouth shut and ask her. Like she wouldn't get suspicious! Oh and this," she added furiously to Stefan, ripping her necklace off and throwing it past him. It first hit the wall and then the ground. "You can keep it. Something you had for a while? Of course because it's Katherine's! I saw on her in the picture you've kept until now! How stupid do you think I am? Putting some verveine into it doesn't change the fact! And you," she turned back to Damon.

"You're missing the point, here," Damon cut her off. "I only asked because I know there was someone brooding over Oh, how am I connected to Katherine and why do I look like her?" he imitated her. "You even begged me to tell you when we were on our way to Florida. Thank God, I kept my mouth shut. That subject would've clearly soured the mood."

Elena turned away from him, facing Stefan. "I don't know why you're freaking out. I'll be welcoming her and give her what she deserves." She turned back to Damon. "Where'd you put the stakes?" But Damon only shook his head in disbelief.

"It's enough if one of us already holds some grudge against her. Two would be… unhealthy."

"So you're defending her?!"

"No, I'm not. Certainly not but–"

"The thing is–" Stefan began.

"The thing is that the last thing we need now is a vengeful Elena," Damon said. "I'm sorry but you have no chance against her. She'd kill you. And don't even start. I definitely won't play the Good Samaritan and save you on your suicide mission."

"Thanks, Damon," Elena snarled.

"I think Damon just wants to point out that it's useless," Stefan said and Damon nodded affirmatively.

"Oh, screw it," Anna chimed in. "Don't listen to him. The only reason he doesn't want you to kill her is because he doesn't want her to die. What part of 'She didn't care' didn't you get?" Anna added to Damon. "No, go for it. I might even join you. I'm sick of that bitch."

"Don't call her that!" Damon shouted.

"See?" Anna said to Elena. "He's so obvious." She got up. "Call me when you're up for it. Your brother has my number. Bye."

"Where are you going?" Damon demanded as she walked to the front door.

"I'm gonna pay Jeremy a visit," she answered smiling. "Rekindle our friendship."

"No, you're not!" Elena snapped angrily. "Don't think I've forgotten what you were up to the time he got close to you."

"She won't do anything to him if she isn't incredibly stupid," Damon commented.

"Which I'm not," Anna confirmed. "Things changed. It's none of your business, Elena but I actually like your brother. I won't do anything to hurt him. Not anymore."

Elena nodded slightly and Anna left.

"We're leaving, too," Damon said now, grabbed Elena's hand and dragged her to the front door.

"What? Where are you going?" Elena demanded.

"Believe it or not, I'm actually going to make up for my mistake and make sure she won't find you so easily."

"Damon!" Stefan said.

"You'll stay here!" Damon told him. "She'll come to this place first. I need you to distract her for a while until we're done. Don't lose sight of her!"

And with that Damon opened the door and left with a protesting Elena on his trail.


Okay, zwei Dinge.

1) Ich weiß, es ist nicht dieselbe Kette, aber sie sieht Katherine's meiner Meinung nach ziemlich ähnlich. Also tun wir einfach mal so als wäre es die selbe, bitte? Ist ja Fiktion.

2) Hat bestimmt viel damit zu tun, dass Katherine wirklich HASSE. Ich glaub das ist der Grund, warum ich sie so etwas Grauenvolles tun lassen würde.

Das nächste Kapitel könnte schon Dienstag online sein, weil bei mir viele Stunden wegen Abiprüfungen ausfallen. Haltet die Augen offen!

Bis dahin

Eure Asu


Kommentare zu diesem Kapitel (2)

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Von:  Pueppi
2010-05-02T21:03:31+00:00 02.05.2010 23:03
Und weiter gehts!
Ich liebe dieses Kapitel. Auch wenn es jetzt eher Zoff zwischen Elena und Damon gab, so merkt man trotzdem, dass er sich um sie sorgt und das widerum ist doch wirklich ein gutes Zeichen, abstrakt gesehen ;D
Direkt der Anfang war schon klasse, Elena bereits jetzt ziemlich aufgewühlt und dann trifft sie auch noch auf Anna und natürlich auf Damon, gegen den sie im Moment ja ohnehin einen Groll hegt.
Bei seinem "Sit down. I need to stand" musste ich irgendwie schmunzeln. Wenn man da jetzt mal was reininterpretieren will, könnte man annehmen, dass Damon klarer Herr der Lage sein möchte und das vermittelt man nun mal am besten, wenn man größer als sein Gegenüber ist ... but who cares xD Ich fand es trotzdem ganz nett ;)
Und dann darf er nicht mal ausreden, ständig wird er unterbrochen. Das ist aber auch nicht die feine englische Art ;D
Der Rückblick ... gosh, ich liebe Flashbacks, aber das weißt du ja schon. Und dieser hier hatte es wirklich wieder mal in sich. Damon kann manchmal so ein Trottel sein, er müsste Katherine doch mittlerweile besser kennen xD Aber gut, eigentlich tat er es ja für Elena, was sie nicht einmal zu schätzen weiß ... naja okay, kann ich allerdings auch verstehen, schließlich ist jetzt nun eine Psychopathin hinter ihr her, die darauf lungert, dass sie schwanger wird, um ihr letztendlich das Kind wegzunehmen ... gut, könnte ein Problem werden, wenn Elena weiterhin nur mit Vampiren anbandelt ... außer die Vampire glitzern in der Sonne, dann sind sie nämlich auch fortpflanzungsfähig ;D
Aber Katherine ist wirklich ... cold-blooded, wenn sie nicht einmal davor zurückschreckt, das Kind ihrer Schwester/Nichte/Großnichte/etc. zu entführen ... Das ist wirklich krass! Und ich mag es, dass du dir hier etwas eigenes ausgedacht hast, inwiefern Elena mit Katherine verwandt sein könnte. Find ich gut ^^
Was ich mich jetzt allerdings frage, ist, wie du die Verbindung zu Isobel einschlagen willst ... also weshalb gab Isobel Elena weg, wird dann aber selbst zum Vampir? Falls du dir da überhaupt was zu überlegt hast, bin ich schon gespannt, was =)
Oooh ich mochte Elenas kleinen Wutausbruch =D Erst giftet sie Damon an, dann giftet sie Stefan an (die Idee mit der Kette fand ich gut ^^) und dann will sie wieder auf Damon los, doch natürlich weiß er sich zu helfen ;D
Allerdings merkt man auch, dass er noch nicht ganz über Katherine hinweg ist ... das filtert Anna ja auch schon heraus, fand ich auch echt gut gemacht xD War lustig ^^
Aber oha, Anna will gemeinsam mit Elena Jagd auf Katherine machen? Uh lala, das verspricht spannend zu werden ... sollte es je soweit kommen. Damon scheint nämlich andere Pläne zu haben, wenn ich mir seine Aktion so ansehe ... gemeinsam mit Elena verschwinden? Sollte das nicht eher Stefan machen? ;D Aber okay, ich habe nichts dagegen, wenn sie beide zusammen verschwinden - Damon bekommt vielleicht endlich die Gelegenheit, sich zu erklären und die beiden können sich wieder ein wenig annähern. Seems to be a good idea ;D
Ich bin jedenfalls schon sehr gespannt, was du dir bezüglich dieser kleinen Flucht überlegt hast und freue mich schon auf das nächte Kapitel <3
Auf das Zusammentreffen von Katherine und Stefan ... auf Damon und Elena ... und was sonst noch hübsches passiert. Vielleicht ein kleiner Sneak Peek auf Jeremy und Anna? =D Ich fands übrigens toll, dass du sie eingebaut hast <3 Team Anna ♪ =D
Alles Liebe ^^
Von:  Luna_Lovingly
2010-05-02T19:42:42+00:00 02.05.2010 21:42
*____* Omg, das ist ja wirklich mal ein dialogreiches Kapitel...Ich finde es toll wie du diese Verbindung zu Katherine geschlagen hast ohne exakt die Serie zu kopieren. XD allein diese Idee...ma merkt wirklich dass du sie nicht leiden kannst...Aber ich kann dir da nur zustimmen, ich mag sie auch nicht besonders. ^___^ Mal abgesehen davon, dass ohne sie Damon und Stefan nicht mehr existieren würden!

Elena ist ja wirklich aufbrausend in diesem Kapitel! Aber ich glaube an ihrer Stelle wäre es auch mein größter Wunsch Katherine zu töten. Davon wird zwar Damon zwar nicht soo begeistert sein (ich denke im tiefen inneren ist er eben doch noch nicht ganz über sie hinweg) Aber er wird es überleben, und dann steht außer Stefan auch nichts mehr zwischen ihm und Elena..! <3

Ich freu mich schon aufs nächste Kapitel und vor allem auf Damons plan. ^^ Mal sehen wie Stefan auf Katherines Besuch reagieren wird. Jetzt kann sie ja nicht mehr seine Gedanken kontrollieren <3

<3one of your great fans,
mistress strange
