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Let's play tag

14. Let's play tag

Ready for round two?

He stared at the sleeping form in front of him. Dean was not sure which emotion deserved to be punched in his face first, but he knew he could not fight them all at once. Castiel was back, alive and overall he seemed fine.

Just exhausted from whatever the demon had done to him. Sam had noticed the punctures on the angel's wrist and used his skill to solve riddles and shared his thought on what probably had happened.

The older Winchester did not care. All he knew was that Castiel never had slept in the whole time he knew him and the sight of him not faking sleep but sleeping for real scared him. He did not tell anyone, but he knew it and it pissed him off even more.

The night had fallen upon them and Dean had placed himself in front of the angel, observing him as if something would come and snatch the angel away again. He would not let that happen again.

No way! His arms crossed over his chest, he kept glaring holes into the couch and the figure hidden under the blanket, waiting for him to wake up or for himself to surrender to his own weariness.

He tried to stay awake though and started to whip back and forth with the chair, nearly losing his balance when the sound of a rustling fabric was hearable.


The only answer he got was a low moan and the shadowy figure started to move even more.

The angel tried to sit up properly, but his strength had not fully returned yet and he still felt weak after all.

It was a feeling he never thought he would experience in his existence. Dean forced himself to stay calm and not start to ask questions right now, but he reached out for the angel and patted his shoulder.

"Seems you should rest some more." he added and kept his hand on Castiel's shoulder, before that very angel turned away in a slow move, facing the couch and presenting his back to the hunter.

Since Bobby and Sam had used a thick blanket to cover the broken window Dean could not see much except the dark form of the angel, but it was enough, though.

Still, he could not understand the reaction and tried to reach out again and turn the angel towards him.

"What's wrong? You've been acting like that all day." Once more the sound of a shifting body occurred and he could make out that the angel was lying on his back again.

"Everything." Castiel's voice was barely enough to make it through to the hunter.

"Come again?"

Dean leaned a bit closer when the angel spoke up again, this time his volume was above adequate.

"Everything has changed! I can't return to my brothers and sisters. I can't return to my home and the worst part of it, I don't even know if what I call home is still there. I doubt! My first mistake on this planet. Those feelings... the pain. Emotions I never thought could affect me. They come and go and I don't even understand their purpose! I'm tired! An angel doesn't feel tired, Dean!"

Castiel pushed himself up weakly, but his own weight brought him down immediately and he huffed with exertion.

"But I think I found the reason for everything. It's all because of you! You have no idea what it feels like to give up everything you knew and loved." he continued and turned his gaze from the hunter to an invisible spot in the lurking darkness behind the hunter's head.

"I loved my father and I still do. I couldn't see the reason for all this. Why he did not interfere. But I think I finally understand that reason too. He doesn't care and he doesn't want to care anymore, so why should I care? I don't know what I am doing here anymore. Why am I still present and alive when my existence seems to have no meaning? My life was lead by orders. It had a direction and I followed whatever my superior told me."

Another sigh escaped him while the hunter kept staring at him in silence.

"Millennia after millennia I blindly followed and vowed to someone I never even saw once. But I loved my father because his love was spreading among each of us, but now, I don't know if it was really him or just the belief that he was there all the time."

Castiel turned his head away and faced the backrest of the couch. At least that piece of old interior would understand anything he was saying.

"Maybe he left us alone long before we even noticed. It's past. It can't be helped, we will never know." He made a pause before he decided to look at the hunter again.

It was way too dark to figure the human's expression out, but he could at least hear that the rate of the others breathings had increased slightly. He was angry for sure.

"I can't expect you to understand how it feels like, to be nothing but a tool. I let myself down to this and I should feel regret, but I don't. I feel nothing but this gnawing tired feeling that tries to push my conscience into a dark pit of nothingness and the best thing about it, I don't want to fight back." Castiel's voice broke at the end of his speech.

The anger and frustration from the beginning turned into something else. A new emotion and another one he despised. Sorrow!

No, it was more like sadness, if he remembered that one right. He knew that the hunter would probably start to shout at him each second. Pointing out how wrong he was and how everything would turn out just fine.

Everything was a lie and everything was false hope. At this point he knew it. There was nothing they could do.

It was simply hopeless, but Dean Winchester would make it better for sure.

"You're right."

The low voice of the hunter cut through the silence and the angel's eyes widened in disbelieve.

"I don't know how it feels, sure." A sarcastic snicker followed his sentence and he shook his head.

Like our father was always around, but that sure is different, he thought and cleared his throat. The mere amount of words that the angel had spit out made him feel way too happy than they should have.

The angel, Castiel, had spoken and that was all that mattered to him for now.

"You wanna know my reason for not giving up and talkin' the crap you did just now? It would be great if I could say my strong belief in the good things of this world would keep me goin' but if the world wants to end I couldn't probably stop it, but I sure know what I can do: I protect the people who don't deserve to die in a war between good and evil. I try to protect as many as I can, but sometimes, I have to admit to myself that I can't save them all so I tried to lower my intents. I fight for the people I care about and I won't let them die on me. I keep waking up and breathing each day until some crazy-mutant-ninja-killer-barbie-vampire will snatch my life away, but I won't stop to try and protect them 'til I breathe my last. I will fight whatever crawls out of hells pit or falls from heaven. Demons, angels, I don't give a fuck anymore. If it bleeds you can kill it. One thing I taught Sammy and my father taught me."

The Winchester made a pause and smiled to himself at the memory of his father trying to teach him the rules of this world.

He shook his head and looked up again, trying to use the bit of light in the room to make out Castiel's face.

"You know Cas, every person who keeps walking around with me has a rather high death ratio and everyone I care about died so far. Even my own brother." A heavy sigh escaped the hunter and he closed his eyes for a short moment before he continued.

"Sure, I don't know anything about those newly discovered feelings you're haunted by. At first I was glad to see you act a little more human and not like a bland doll sent from heaven anymore, but now..." Dean furrowed his brows in deep concern and stared straight into the others face which was still partly hidden in the dark.

"Back then I didn't need to worry about you getting hurt 'cause I knew you as an angel wouldn't even feel pain and just heal your vessel's body afterwards. Now it's different. Every time I see you bleeding, it reminds me that becoming more human also means you're getting closer to death. That thought never crossed my mind before. Seeing an angel die numerous times is fine, but I never thought you could die, too."

Something in his stomach curled up as he continued to speak. It was not a pleasant feeling to share his thoughts with the angel but he had no choice.

"You see, the list of people I try to protect has increased by one. One more to worry about! Like I wouldn't worry about pretty enough but it's fine. I know you're still capable of defending yourself, maybe not right now, but when you're recovered you can beat the shit outta me again. I'm sure of that!"

A cheerful smile had forced itself up onto the hunter's face even though he felt like he wanted to crawl towards the bathroom and puke into the holy toilet bowl.

"Yeah I surely have no idea what I'm talking about and of course I don't know how you feel." he said and finished his own speech before he let his head sink to wait for something the angel would say in return, but all he could hear were broken little gasps followed by heavy breathings.

Dean did not need to see to know what was going on.

The angel experienced another unwelcome emotion and he knew that one since he always tried his best to swallow and push it down. Mostly successful, but sometimes even he failed.

Talking was useless now.

He leaned closer, his instinct guiding him, and placed his lips on Castiel's forehead for a moment before he wandered down and repeated his action on the others lips.

When words of comfort failed, he could always express himself in other ways.

As he removed himself again, he thought it had been a mistake, but when he heard the rustling of the blanket he knew it had not.

Castiel managed to sit up a bit and moved back to create enough space for the hunter to join him on the couch. With silent understanding, Dean stood up from the chair and sat down on the couch before he leaned backwards, taking the angel with him in the process.

Placing the others head on his chest and holding the angel in a firm embrace, he could listen to his slowly fading gasps, which started to turn into a normal slow breathing again.

"He'll be fine, right?" The voice of his younger brother emerged from the entrance of the living room, but Dean was not in the mood to answer properly.

"Fuck off Sammy." the hunter simply said and did not even turn his head around. Sam grinned a little and continued his walk, leaving his older brother and his angel alone for the rest of the night.

Dean had eventually fallen asleep after Castiel's breaths became steady, telling him the angel was finally sleeping again. When he opened his eyes the next morning, he was lying on the couch. Alone! The angel was gone again and the trench coat, which Dean had hung over his chair had disappeared too.

e hated to admit it but, falling asleep with the angel was something he somewhat got used to and waking up, knowing there was someone with him, seemed to be a normal thing now. Waking up alone this time just felt wrong.

Actually he could not believe it, after last night. Dean growled dangerously deep within his throat and got up. In less than a millisecond his senses had gotten alarmed and his mood had dropped deeper than hell!

"That... angel..." he hissed low and stomped into the kitchen.

"Bobby? Sam? Where the hell is everyone?"

Cursing, the older Winchester turned on his heel and stomped out of the room heading towards the only closed door to the small study. Opening the door he found his brother, talking to the older hunter. Entering, the hunter faked a smile.

"What you doing? You've seen angel-boy?" Straight to the point, that was Dean Winchester!

Bobby granted him a glance before he turned his attention back to his beloved old and dusty book while Sam got up and smiled cheerfully.

"Yeah, we're good." he replied, aware that he had not answered his brother's second question. Dean's brows moved upwards, still waiting for his baby brother to continue, but when there was nothing more, the older brother snorted displeased.

"What?" Sam shrugged before he replied.

"Nothing, just wondering since when you're snuggling?" From behind both men could hear the older hunter bark out a laugh.

"Our prince is becoming a princess." The older Winchester's head snapped around, glaring holes into his daddy substitute while Sam simply started laughing.

"What? You tellin' me I become girlish?" Dean stuttered, almost choking at his tongue.

"This is biologically impossible, Dean. Men cannot change their gender." The hunter did not even have to turn around when he heard the fluttering sound of wings.

He knew this sound and right the fuck now he did not want to hear it!

Slowly, he turned around. His expression a mix of anger and embarrassment. He could feel the heat rising up and turn his color into a dark shade of red. Opening his mouth, Dean tried to make some kind of sound but he failed, not knowing what actually to say. Castiel was helping out when he said.

"Hello, Dean." All the anger vanished with those two words spoken by a fallen angel of the Lord. Looking into those blazing blue eyes calmed him down. He could actually not believe it.

"Hey, get a room you two, or stop undressing each other with your eyes, would you? Now, Cas, what did you get?" Bobby held out his hand, waving into the direction of the angel who responded immediately.

Handing over a small book he stopped right next to the old man.

"It was where you said it would be. They have filled all accidents in it which occurred within the last 5 weeks."

Bobby flicked through the pages, scanning every single one of them while he nodded in agreement.

"Sam? Take a look at that!" Sam rushed over to the table, leaving his brother stay put. What the hell...? Dean turned around watching the three men.

He even caught himself looking at certain parts he was not supposed to look at. Lowering his gaze, Dean cleared his throat.

"You guys need any help? By whatever you're doing right now?" Three heads turned around not responding in any kind of way.

"Well, I'll just leave you guys then. Enjoy... whatever it is you're doing."

With that, Dean left the small room. If they did not need him for whatever they were doing, he could easily find himself occupied with something he was good in: getting his gorgeous baby ready for the street by checking every part of her.

This would certainly distract him from other thoughts about some stupid angel!

Everything had worked out differently than Dean had actually imagined. He had not been able to check the spark plugs or clean the rims.

The only thing that actually had happened was him hitting his head on the hood after checking the engine.

He simply was not able to get his head off what had happened last night.

His brain was urging him to remember every tiny bit Castiel had said or done. Or looked like! Oh yes, Dean could not get that picture out of his head anymore.

Like so many other events it had burned itself into his memory. He had never seen the angel so human. And the hunter disliked it.

This was not supposed to be. This was not normal.

Those two things had come into his mind when he had seen the celestial being standing in front of him in Bobby's living room.

Now, the hunter was sitting on the hood of his beloved car, a bottle of beer in his hand, thinking.

The knowledge of having kissed a celestial entity still felt strange but it did not creep him out as much as it was supposed to be.

What a weird angel, Dean thought, smiling slightly.

Moving his gaze over the place he already knew by heart, the older Winchester startled when he noticed the reason of his very problems standing right beside him, quiet and observing. Swearing, Dean slid down the hood, putting a few feet between him and the angel.

He tried to calm his heart down as he spoke.

"Dammit, Cas. Personal space! How often do I have to tell you that?" Dean knew, it was a lie, but he felt completely caught off guard and he knew, he had to hide those thoughts in case some random trench coat wearing angel would try to read his mind again.

Apparently, Castiel had not done so because he had lowered his gaze, staring down onto the ground.

"I apologize. Currently, I am very confused regarding the meaning of certain actions. Especially yours." Dean moved his brows upwards in surprise.

"Never mind!" Waving his head, the hunter walked over to the utility table dropping himself onto the edge of it.

Waiting for the other one to speak up both men remained quiet until the atmosphere became so tense, it was unbearable for the hunter and he raised his voice.

"So, what's up?" "The ceiling." Castiel's matter of factly respond was something that caused a smile onto the hunter's expression.

"Very well. Anyway, what were you guys doing? With all those books and stuff, I mean? You shouldn't be moving around. You've lost quite an amount of blood."

"Bobby has found some proof for a possible hunt for you. He has collected information about killings in a nearby city." The hunter nodded understandingly.

"What about you? You've been flying out, haven't you?" The angel nodded.

"Yes, I have been asked by Bobby to gather all the reports about the happenings."

Dean pushed himself from the table, the bottle still in his hand.

With the other he made a fluid motion of some 'plain' taking off.

"And you just flew out to grab him what he needed, huh?"

"Yes. If you ask me for something I do it as well. I believe it would be the same with Bobby." Castiel tilted his head in this specific manner that always indicated his confusion about something.

"What did you expect me to do, Dean? I believe that you have a reason for asking me those questions." After a long sip, the hunter threw the bottle into the bin next to the table and stepped closer. Dammit stupid angel.

"You've lost a lot of blood and you're thinking you can keep jumping around after that? Seriously? If I didn't know better, I would have said you're still some powerful angel but you're not. Christ, you're friggin' losing your mojo, stop hopping around as if nothing happened, goddammit!"

The moment Castiel's body tensed up Dean knew he had offended the angel with his words. They were the truth, though!

When Castiel stepped closer and into the Winchester's so cherished personal space, blue met green and set loose a fierce battle of silence.

At the same time someplace else

John got out of the car and headed towards his lovely family home, passing his front yard and the small freshly built fountain with birds spraying water from their tiny beaks.

The air was filled with the chirping of birds and a light warm breeze was welcoming the man. The sky was clear.

The moon had risen and stars were already visible. It was a perfect end of the day and a perfect life, with a perfect home and a perfect family.

Just perfect. He listened to his feet scrunching over the pebbles, while he kicked a few bigger stones in front of him out of his way.

A heavy sigh escaped him as he reached out for the door handle and entered his house.

The familiar smell of the freshly cooked meal crawled up his nose and lingered on his tongue, promising the taste of whatever the woman of his children had prepared.

It had been a long, exhausting day but he had to work hard to keep his family in the upper class and pay the bills and the house.

His wife was busy keeping her eye on the newborn. Another mouth to feed, great John.

As he closed the door he noticed the sound of heels.

I told you to not wear them in the kitchen. The clicking of heels got faster and closer.

"Hey honey! How was your day?" The warm voice of a woman was hearable from the kitchen and shortly after, he could catch a sight of her, walking towards him and cleaning her hands with a green towel.

John kept staring at her until she threw her arms around his neck and gave him a soft peck on the cheek.

"Dinner is ready and Danny has good news! He didn't wanna tell me before you'd arrive. So let's hurry up! I'm burning to know what it is!"

She let go of him and left him alone in the entrance. A smile forced its way up his lips until his cheeks started to hurt.

He did not care that much about it, not even when he felt an aching pain rise.

John followed his wife into the dining room. A big table with enough room for his family and a few more for visitors was decorated with candles and a huge amount of cutlery.

Way too much in his opinion, but his wife seemed to think good news needed that kind of decoration.

He stopped his movement in the doorframe and stared at the shiny knives and forks and spoons which surrounded the white plates.

Red napkins had been folded properly and were set right on top of them. Such a useless waste of time. John observed everything but had to stop when someone poked him in the back. "Daddy! You've gotta move!"

The high voice of his little girl appeared from behind, shortly followed by a snort.

"Yeah dad. Your in the way. Move it old man!" A high pitched giggle and a snicker later, John walked into the room and took a seat.

Same place as every day and every week and every month and every year.

"Daddy! Daddy! What's that in your hair? What's that in your hair?" The little girl jumped on his lap and reached out for his hair but he grasped her little hand before she could reach any further.

He tightened his grip a little too much and caused his daughter to shriek in pain and shock of the sudden treatment.

He let go of her immediately and she jumped off his lap, straight towards her mother.

"Mommy, Mommy!" His wife stared at him in confusion while she hugged her girl and observed her hand. No damage at all but the little girl was still close to tears.

"Geesh. John what's gotten into you? It's alright darling. Daddy is just a bit stressed from work today." The mother knelt down and kissed the little girls hand softly.

"There all better." she said and smiled cheerfully.

"You're a strong little girl right?"

"Yes mommy." A fast nod and a gleeful smile followed.

"I'm strong!" She jumped up and down and clapped her hands together before she took a seat close to her mothers.

John felt a strong hand on his shoulder and turned his head a bit to see his oldest son staring at him with a toothy smile.

"If you hear what happened today you'll gotta buy me a damn motorbike or maybe two!" his oldest said, confident as always and slightly disrespectful as always.

He took a seat right next to his father and pushed the napkin out of the way. Ready to get straight to the meat. The woman still observed her husband nervously.

She never had seen John hurting her daughter in any way.

Not even while he removed a band aid or anything. The girl was his little precious princess. It was unbelievable that anything at work could have upset her mate like this.

"Danny you have to wait. John. Let's do the grace." she whispered and folded her hands, while Danny grumbled since he already marked his piece of meat with his fork before he pulled back again, folding his hands but leaving his eyes open.

John took a look around. His perfect little family.

"Dear god, bless this wonderful cooking and bless the woman who..." John started, feeling calm again when suddenly somewhere from upstairs the scream of an infant was hearable and his wife startled from her seat. Ready to check on her child.

"Sit the fuck down Denna!" Freezing in her position, her eyes widened at the sudden outburst and it took her a few seconds to say something.

"Laslie is crying, John. I have to see what's wrong with him. I'll be right back" she said and stood up fully.

"I said." John started and smashed his fist onto the table hard enough to make his glass start shaking and fall over, pouring its content onto the white cloth.

"Sit the fuck down." he continued without looking up at her. His voice was filled with hatred and an abnormal cold presence.

It was just not her John. Not the man she married years ago. Not the man that walked out the door this morning who kissed her goodbye. This was not John.

"Danny. Could you take your sister upstairs? Your dad and I gotta talk." A fast nod and her son was up on his feet, but a strong hand grabbed his arm and pulled him down.

"I said: sit down. What part of 'sit down' didn't you get boy?" he hissed sharply and forced his boy back on his butt before he stood up himself.

Staring straight onto the sliced meat he repeated:

"Sit down Denna."

"But John I..." He moved around the table and grabbed his wife by her neatly tied up hair. A surprised scream followed by agony escaped her throat.

"John! You're hurting me! Let go! What's gotten into you?" She tried to free herself and reached backwards when she felt her husband push her head forward.

He smashed her face onto the white plate once, twice and as he threw her down a third time, the plate shattered and cut into Denna's cheek and forehead.

While he watched his kids ran off and up the stairs screaming, he kicked his stunned wife's chair, sending it to the ground with her before he reached towards the candle chandelier on the table.

Pushing a single finger against it and sending it down onto the beautiful deep blue dress Denna was wearing. John did not waste time and left the dining room, while the dark fabric started to catch fire.

His little princess was waiting for him and the little prince would stop screaming soon, too. With a soft smile on his lips, he made his way upstairs while his walk was accompanied with the sound of pure agony.

Later, on the road

Dean changed the tape in the cassette recorder. Sam had shown up in the garage to inform them what Bobby had in mind for them. Now, the brothers and the angel were sitting in the Black Impala heading towards Wayne for their next job.

Since Dean had revved the engine none had spoken a word. Sam kept himself busy staring out of the window and brooding about their current case.

He and Bobby had come to the conclusion that whatever was going on was supernatural! If people started to murder their beloved ones, there could not be any other option than demons, possession or dark magic being involved.

No way.

Whatever it was they would probably find answers soon enough. As long as they had not to deal with the devil himself, nothing worse could happen.

His thoughts got cut off when his brother suddenly turned the up radio and something he called 'music' started to attack his ears.

"Dean! Seriously dude one day when we're old you'll be deaf!" Sam nearly screamed and reached forward to turn the volume down again.

An unamused snort was hearable before the older brother spoke up.

"If the predictions are correct, we won't be livin' long enough to get deaf. So stop whining Sammy."

Dean, nonetheless, did not turn up the volume again but instead, he glanced into the rearview mirror and observed whatever the angel was doing on the backseat.

Apparently, Castiel did nothing at all but when he felt the human's gaze on him he lifted his head and returned the look.

The hunter tried to focus on the street again, but found himself spying upwards again and again, waiting for the angel to say anything but he kept staring in silence.

A few more minutes passed before the oldest Winchester turned around completely to face the angel personally without a damn mirror between them.

"What?" he broke the silence and ignored the hands of his brother fumbling on his shoulder.

"Dean! You're driving goddammit!" Sam managed to pull the car over and prevented them from crashing into another bigger car.

"If you two have to stare at each other then let me drive! I'm not keen to die 'cause of your damn problems man."

Sam kept his hand on the wheel in case another car would approach them, but was pushed away by his brother, who finally turned his attention back to the street.

He knew that the situation was tense and the quietness of the angel made it worse. If there was tension, it had to be released and if his brother had to witness, fine, but he could not concentrate on this damn job nor could he concentrate on driving the damn car.

Crashing his baby would cause more pain than a broken nose, anyway.

"Hey Cas, why don't you go back to Bobby? Help him do some research or anything. We manage this on our own." he said and gripped the steering wheel tightly, causing his knuckles to turn white.

Sam threw his brother a 'what the hell dude' look before he turned towards Castiel, who was still staring holes into the front seat emotionlessly. Right when he thought that the angel would not even respond to Dean's stupid idea, that very angel spoke up.

"I don't understand the point, Dean."

"The point is you're getting back to Bobby's and stay there." was the prompt answer from the oldest Winchester. Seriously, we don't need you limping around and acting weird while we question the town's people, he thought, but immediately reminding himself that he had chosen the wrong words.

Expecting to see an angry angel staring at him he took another glance in the mirror but was surprised by the calm expression of the angel.

"You told me to 'not fly around' so much." Castiel raised his hands and marked the part of Dean's own words.

A deep growl formed in the hunter's throat and forced its way up.

"We're not that far away yet. It won't cost you much mojo to get back. Besides, it's not like you're helpful anyway!" That's it, keep telling the broken that he's useless, great deal. Dean shook his head and threw another glance towards the angel. Still nothing. Not even a furrowed brow. Castiel remained calm.

"Well I think it's a good idea to show Castiel how the job is done and how to get information. If we show him he can perform better next time.

It's not like you were born with the natural talent to act like an agent, Dean. Dad had to teach you too." Sam interfered and put on a cheery smile.

If his brother continued to talk like this they would end up in the roadside ditch eventually. When he peeked behind him, he observed the angel.

Castiel was still sitting in the middle of the backseat, no need for seat belts, his hands folded into each other and slightly bent forward. The younger hunter turned his gaze back to his brother, when the car was pulled over and came to a sudden hold. Earning a confused look from his brother, Dean got off the car.

He walked around it until he reached the backdoor and opened it.

"Out, now!"

When Castiel did not move the Winchester bent down to have a look onto the backseat but the angel was already gone.

"What is the purpose of your actions, Dean?" Castiel waited for Dean to close the door and turn around. Tilting his head the angel tried to understand the hunter's expression.

"My goddamn purpose is to get your ass back to Bobby's. I'm not letting you go with us on that hunt, Cas." I won't let you get hurt!

It would have been an understatement if one had said Dean was pissed. The last day had shown that Castiel was becoming more human and the hunter certainly disliked it! He could not cope with protecting another important person.

He already had to take care of Bobby and Sam and this was difficult since a lot of people tended to die lately. Don't make it so hard, Cas, please, Dean prayed in his thoughts, but the angel did not seem to notice even that.

Not a good sign!

The angel's voice pulled him back into reality.

"I don't want to stay at Bobby's, Dean. Why don't you understand such an easy thing? I'm going to stay!"

Apparently, Castiel had grown himself some balls, or he was just too damn stubborn. Whatever it was, Dean did not agree with it, not yet, at least.

"I said no, Cas. And this means you'll go back!"


The Winchester rolled his eyes. C'mon, Cas, why do you force me to this? Despite the fact that part of him wanted to have the angel around, the remaining parts told him to put this little celestial being to safety.

Threateningly, Dean made a step forward, looking down at the smaller angel.

"You won't stay, Cas. End of discussion. Don't make me force you to leave."

"Make me!" was the dead panned respond and for a moment silence sneaked up between both men.

"Guys, stop this. Just get back in the car, jeez." was Sam's voice to be heard from behind. "Sam, this is none of your business, shut up." Dean commanded before he made another step forward.

"Cas, I'm warning you."

"Dean, nothing you say or do will change my mind. I am coming with you!" The hunter nodded understanding and bit onto his bottom lip before he drew his arm back, ready for the first blow on the angel.

Before he could land a hit on the other man, Castiel had moved to one side and kicked his knee into the Winchester's stomach.

The fast move caused Castiel to freeze for a moment and fight the upcoming dizziness. Closing his eyes for a second he did not see the fist rushing forward, hitting him directly on the nose.

Blood started to flow immediately and ran down the angel's lips and chin before it dropped onto the trench coat.

"You still wanna stay?"

"Yes." Dean barked out a laugh of disappointment. As if a little punch would change his mind, great, Winchester! You're awesome.

Dean rushed forward, aiming for the angel once more, but his strength was one thing that apparently was not yet affected by the loss of his mojo, as Dean had to find out mere seconds later.

With one hand Castiel countered the hunter's attack and smashed him onto the ground. He could feel a sharp pain running from his knee to his head, leaving a tingling feeling. Trying to stand up, Dean failed that attempt when he realized that the angel had pinned him down. Straddling him, Castiel watched Dean trying to free himself from the strong grip.

"Dean." The angel started but was interrupted by Sam.

"Wait until he has stopped fighting. He won't listen to you, Cas. He never does!" The younger Winchester smiled a sad smile while he waited that his brother stopped this ridiculous behavior. Castiel did as he was told. And a few moments later, Dean stopped, glaring at him and his brother alternately.

"Dean?" The hunter locked eyes with the angel. "Don't make me go back, Dean."

With this Castiel let go of the hunter and stood up. Sam and his brother did it likewise. "He stays with us Dean. Just accept it and drive!"

Wiping away a few more drops of blood, Dean glared holes into his younger brother's chest before he shrugged, causing him to hiss at the sudden pain and agreed with a "Fine!" before he nearly limped back towards the driver seat.

Right in front of it he could feel a hand on his left shoulder, taking the pain away, but when he turned around to stare angrily at the one who healed him, there was no one.

Turning his head around again, he noticed that Castiel was already back in the car, staring straight forward and ignoring the Winchester completely.

And so the fun ride continued.

Wayne County Sheriff Police Department 5

The door opened and a young woman stepped out. For one moment her gaze wandered through the room until she found what she was looking for: three men in suits, one with a tan trench coat. Walking closer, she started to speak.

"Welcome to the WCSPD 5, gentlemen. My name is Stacy. I'm the boss's secretary. He's awaiting you, please follow me!" Dean and his brother exchanged a quick look before they rose to their feet and followed the red haired very small woman.

Castiel followed suit. He and the older hunter had not spoken since their fight, but threw deadly glares at each other nonetheless.

It was needless to say that Sam was sick of it and the only thing he could do by now was being professional for three and ignore those kids.

Right now, they had worse problems than a little fight between his brother and the angel. There seemed to be something happening in this town.

Something that could not be explained with normal logic and the three men were there to solve the case. Just ten minutes ago they had introduced themselves as FBI investigating the killings. Castiel had caught the people's attention immediately what they dismissed as being some intern from the GBI.

Apparently, this answer had been satisfying since nobody bothered to ask them any more questions.

Followed by the three men, Stacy entered the Sheriff's office and introduced them.

"Hey, Nick, these gentlemen are Mr. Hetfield, Mr. Sambora and Mr. Walsh." She looked at Castiel and smiled supporting.

"Mr. Walsh is an intern, Nick. Don't be rude, yeah?"

With this, Stacy left the office but turned around one last time.

"Oh and, keep your hands off, will ya?"

"Yeah, I'll do my best, Sweetpie." Nick replied and waited for the woman to close the door before he looked at the men in front of him individually.

"Gentlemen, what can I do for you?"

"We're here for the killing. The husband kills family case!" The Sheriff nodded understanding.

"Yes, I know. That was unbelievable. This bastard killed every single one of them. And then..." Nick shook his head and stood up.

"I guess you wanna talk to him in private. I'll take you!" The man grabbed one file from his desk and stood up, crossing the room and opening the door. He smiled at Castiel before he spoke.

"So, let's get going." The hunters and the angel followed suit.

While walking towards the interrogation room Nick kept talking. Mainly to Castiel. Since he was an intern he figured it would be helpful to know a little more about police work. Meanwhile, Nick completely ignored the Winchesters what made both hunters quite uncomfortable.

And not because they feared Castiel would say something stupid.

When they finally arrived at the door separating them from John Meldon, the Sheriff stopped talking.

At last!

Dean already had started to wonder whether this man was breathing or not. Opening the door, he stepped aside.

"Gentlemen, he's all yours, now!" The older Winchester had to force himself to smile when he walked by the Sheriff. When Castiel followed he earned a friendly wink before the door was closed again.

The man sitting at the table did not bother to look up when the three men entered the room. He kept his gaze onto his hands. Sam and Dean exchanged a look before the younger hunter sat down and started to speak.

"John Meldon? My name is Sam, this is Dean and Cas. We're here because..."

"I don't care why you're here. Just leave me alone." John interrupted Sam with a loud yell. Now, it was Dean's turn.

"We're just here to find out what happened. No need to get all rude, man!" Finally, John looked up, directly into the older Winchester's eyes.

"You wanna find out what happened? I insulted, slapped, strangled and burned my wife, my little daughter, my sixteen year old son and the baby in my house after I have been promoted at work. That's what figgin' happened. Now get the fuck outta here, goddamit." Dean and his brother went silent, not sure what to say about that reply. "You have been in love with your wife." Castiel stated matter of factly and three pairs of eyes rested on him. One warning him to shut up but he continued, anyway. "Why would you want to kill something that you cherish more than your own life?"

A desperate laugh escaped John's throat.

"I dunno, man. I really don't. I guess, I just... snapped?" Tears started to run down the men's cheeks.

"It was just an ordinary day. I came home from work, Denna had already prepared lunch. I dunno what happened. I just thought it was too much. She annoyed me, my daughter's cries annoyed me, my son's stupidity and impoliteness and the baby..." Now, John was sobbing miserably.

"I don't know why, but I couldn't take it anymore. I just wanted it to stop."

"Did you notice anything unusual? The smell of rotten eggs, or flickering lights, anything?" The man stared at Dean like he was an alien.

"No, what are you? Crazy? You should get the fuck outta here. I don't need some suits acting all helpful when they actually make jokes about me." Sam started to calm the man's upcoming anger down.

"We're not intending to make any jokes about what happened. It is important to know about that."

"Get the fuck out... Sheriff, Sheriff." The door opened and Nick entered the room.

"Get them outta here. I don't wanna see them again!" John was yelling at the four men in front of him. His eyes already dark red from crying, his nose running.

Leaving the room, Sam and Dean inhaled air deeply.

"What the hell happened?"

"He got upset." Castiel replied calm, his eyes trained on Dean.

"Okay, follow me." Nick led them toward another door. The room behind it was dark with a giant window built into the wall. Right through it, they could see John Meldon sitting at the table, crying and broken.

"Did he really strangle his whole family?" Sam asked, keeping the man in sight.

Nick nodded.

"Yes, all five of them. First the woman. He beat her, then, went upstairs to get the kids and the baby and then he strangled and hung them. Afterwards, he burned the whole house down."

"What about his belongings. Did you find anything strange?" Nick started to bite on his thumb, contemplating.

"No, nothing strange or unusual. Just a wrist watch, wallet, tissues. General stuff everyone's having in the pockets, you know." Dean nodded.

"So, what are you guys gonna do about it?"

"We'll need to get to the house. Try to find anything useful there." Nick laughed out loud. "Yeah sure, if you wanna crawl in the dirt, don't mind. You won't find anything there. Everything burned down. I'm telling ya, it's a mess." Dean rolled his eyes. This man was completely useless and definitely staring too much at the angel.

"We're going anyway." he said with a low voice. Still looking at Castiel, Nick said. "Sure, I can give ya a ride, if you want to!"

There were times when Dean Winchester could be very patient, but then, there were times, like right now, when his patience got to an end.

Tensing his muscles the hunter stepped forward towards Castiel, ready to insult the Sheriff of Wayne County for obviously being sweet on his angel.

Before he could do so, another police officer entered the room hastily.

"Sheriff, sorry to interrupt but we've got a rampage at the State College, Anderson Drive. Took several teachers and students as hostages! All forces needed." He was about to leave again when he stopped and took in a deep breath.

"It's Greg, your nephew. I'm sorry." With these words he left them alone again. Nick got a hold on his desk before those words hit him and lowered himself onto his chair. He looked shocked and could not even hide his confusion.

"It's fine. We're done here." Sam said and turned around to leave the miserable sheriff alone, his brother followed suit.

"He's a good boy. He would never... He was always nice to everyone. His teacher said he even was elected as a class representative." The sheriff covered his face in his hands in disbelieve.

Both brothers shared a glance before they nodded simultaneously.

"Sheriff it could be possible that your nephew's case is important to us too." The younger hunter started and moved towards the door.

Castiel kept staring at the human like he was some kind of complex artwork.

"We should go. Maybe it's not too late to fix whatever has cracked in your nephew's brain." Dean commented and pulled at the staring angel's shoulder. Nick stood up too and nodded. "I'm sorry gentlemen. I know Greg. He wouldn't do something that stupid. Let's go." They left the police department right away and followed the sheriff with the Impala.

Only a few minutes later they arrived at the Wayne State Collage, which was already surrounded by police officers and a huge amount of bystanders.

One of the officers ran straight towards the sheriff, holding up a megaphone and started to report.

Actually, it had been biology classes when the young man had obviously snapped. While dissecting a pigeon he had first attacked his classmates with the scalpel and right away killed his teacher before he took one of his classmates as a hostage.

Right now, he was on top of the building with the girl he had chosen and the police could take care of the victims.

When they entered the classroom they could not believe how a single boy could be capable to create such a bloodbath. He had killed most of them with several stabs but many more with a simple cut straight through their throat.

The only one he had not killed was the class mascot Niki, the guinea pig. When the deputy finished his report, all color had left the sheriff's face and he shakily grabbed the megaphone. The FBI agents were standing close by and looked up towards the roof.

"Greg! Stop moving! It's not too late to stop this!" The sheriff started to scream into the megaphone, while his nephew took a few steps closer towards the edge of the roof, shoving his classmate forward.

Dean furrowed his brows. Not too late was not quite the right definition in this case.

"Greg! Stop this lunacy and get down!" Nick yelled into the megaphone. He could not believe what he saw.

"Sheriff it seems he locked the door to the roof. We're working on it but..." A scream interrupted the deputy, drawing their attention back to the building and seconds later a body was thrown down the roof, hitting the ground with a loud thud.

The screams of the bystanders echoed over the place and the police tried to calm the people down and push them out of the way.

Dean threw a serious look at the angel standing next to him, but gained no response. Castiel kept staring upwards and was obviously not touched by the scenery.

"You're in a lot of trouble young man! Throw the weapon away and open the door!" Nick tried to remain calm, but he just could not prevent his voice from shaking.

The young man was already soaked with the blood of his classmates and whatever was left of the sheriff's nephew, seemed to have left him completely.

A few more steps and he was only inches away from the edge.

"Get a damn trampoline, a damn blanket, anything!" Nick yelled at his officers who had already called for the special units rescue team, but they had not shown up yet.

Greg had stopped moving forward and lifted his right hand, holding the scalpel up and towards his neck.

His uncle's eyes went wide, Greg could see it even though he was that far away.

"I'm in a lot of trouble." the young man whispered. As the police finally broke through the door behind him, he rammed the scalpel into his neck and fell forward.

Nick had forgotten about the offer to get the FBI agents to the burnt house. Seeing his nephew die in front of his eyes was too much for him.

The Winchesters drove to the remains of John Meldon's house, but the sheriff had been right. Black, charred wooden planks and molten glass was all that was left of the family home. Dean got off the car and slammed the door shut.

His brother looked at him suspiciously. Usually, when Dean slammed the door of his gorgeous car shut it meant that something was wrong. So he simply asked.

"Dude, you alright?" Dean threw him a threatening glare saying more than words could ever say.

When Castiel showed up next to him, he turned and grabbed the angel by his collar. Pulling him closer he stared directly into the confused blue eyes.

"Why the hell didn't you do anything? Were you enjoying watching this boy jump down? Tell me, why the fuck didn't you move a muscle?"

Sam could not help himself but roll his eyes. As if Castiel was responsible for keeping everyone and anyone alive these days! The young hunter inhaled some air to interfere with his brother but Dean was faster.

"None of your business, Sam. Start searching for any leads. Just need to finish this one first!" Dean growled and waited until his brother gave up and walked over to the burned place.

The hunter turned his attention back towards the angel who had kept his eyes on the other man.

"I want an answer, now! What the hell were you thinkin' dammit?" When Castiel did not reply, Dean's anger level increased to 'now I'm gonna kick your ass' and he was very close to start another beat down session with that angel.

Needless to say that it was very surprising when Castiel laid his hand on the other man's wrist.


One word and he was speechless.

He did not know how Castiel did it, but one thing he knew for sure: it damn worked! The only thing he could do now was to stare back into those blue eyes. Oh god, that's too close!

"I am sorry, Dean. I did not know..." Castiel trailed off, thinking about the right word to choose.

"I was in doubt. Usually you forbid to use any of my powers when we are among other humans. I did not know if I should do something or not. You did not tell me either."

A shiver ran down Dean's spine. He knew this was important but he was simply distracted by something that seriously should not ever distract him. Not at all!


Castiel tilted his head, his expression showed pure confusion.

"Are you okay? Is something wrong?"

"Yeah... no... I mean: yes, everything's alright. Nothing wrong... nothing!" Dean smiled a little desperate smile and let go of the angel.

"Cas, you don't have to do everything I say. You can decide for yourself. You need to start livin' man, not just existing!"

Castiel nodded and lowered his gaze, looking at his own hand holding the Winchester's. "Being human is difficult." Dean chuckled.

"As if angels would be easier to understand. C'mon, Sam's probably crawling along the floor. Let's join him before he gets all fussy about it." The angel nodded again but did not let go of the Winchester's wrist.


"Yes, Dean?"

"We... uh. We need to..." The hunter trailed off. Looking into those blues eyes made him feel like being hit by an iceberg on the open sea while swimming.

What did I wanna say? Dean forced his head to start working to tell him what he wanted to know, but he could simply not come up with an answer.

"You're invading my personal space, Cas. I can't think."

"My apologies." the angel replied but did not move an inch.

"You're too close, Cas."

"I probably am." And again, the angel did not make a move.

Standing close and staring at each other caused the seconds to crawl by until a loud dark sound cut through this moment, pulling both men back to reality.

Dean's head spun around just to watch a fat pitch black crow laugh at them and fly away. When he turned his head back Castiel was standing a few feet away. Good idea, Dean thought and waved his hand.

"We should really get going, man."


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Von:  SouthSoul
2012-05-12T17:22:10+00:00 12.05.2012 19:22
Es tut mir Leid. Das Schicksal macht sich immer einen mordsmäßigen Spaß daraus, mir erst die Eingabe zu geben, zu überprüfen ob ein neues Chap online ist, kurz bevor ich aus dem Haus muss. Aus diesem Grunde mal wieder ein recht sinnfreies und kurzes Kommentar meinerseits. Was soll ich sagen.. ich liebe die FF immernoch - ich mag die Art wie ihr Deans Gefühle wiedergebt, zwar bin ich mir an einigen Stellen nicht sicher, ob Dean in der Serie so handeln bzw. denken würde, nichts destotrotz muss ich mir immer wieder wie eine Wahnsinnige vor dem Bildschirm grinsen ;) ..zu dem komme ich auf diese Weise in den Genus meinen englischen Wortschatz um einige Wörter zu ergänzen, sehr schön.
Ich hatte in diesem Chap das Gefühl, dass sich euere Ausdrucksweise im Englischen verbessert hat. Obgleich mein eigenes Englisch grottig ist und ich nicht weiß wie viel Wert man in meine Aussage interpretieren darf.
Leider ruft jetzt Dusche und Schminktasche - ich freu mich aber schon sehr auf das nächste Kapitel.
Adios &schönes Rest WE =)
