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Einzelposting: Fantasy-Game Charakterdesign

Links hierher: http://www.animexx.de/forum/thread_189076/-1/11968128699573/

Von:    Yusuriha 05.12.2007 01:02
Betreff: Fantasy-Game Charakterdesign [Antworten]
auch ne gute idee für den zeitvertreib kyo~~ xDDD

uwahhh~ da machen so viele begabte künstler mit @____________@;
ich kneif da mal.. xDD oder doch nich?

mal sehn~ aber tolle idee! *Q*
"It's true that I fell asleep on the train and missed my stop. But you can't really blame me, in my dream, I was also on the train, and when it was my stop, I got out like I was supposed to."
- 赤西 仁

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