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Autor:  Aquana


Which Kingdom Hearts II Character Are You?

You are Sora. Fun, nice, sweet. I love you! You have a caring personality, though a little impulsive at times. You can be naive at times but as long as you're willing to fight for a good reason your heart will lead you to the right place.
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Von dem Ergebnis bin ich begeistert >w<



Are you a Heartless or a Nobody? (Kingdom Hearts 2)

You are a nobody.You exist in between the light and darkness. You are all that is left of the person who turned into a heartless, their body and soul. You seek to find your lost heart and reunite it with your body. You are an empty shell that doesn't really exist.
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Nett x3

In which Kingdom Hearts (or KH2) world should you live?

You definitely belong in The World That Never Was or Traverse Town- you love big city life all the way! Very sophisticated, cultured... if you can call TWTNW that... (shivers)
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Damit lässt sich leben xD~ Aber wasn das fürn Bild dazu O___O

Which enemy from Kingdom Hearts 2 are you?

you are Xemnas. the big baddy of the orginization. you are the baddest next to sephiroth.
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WTF? O___O"

Und weil mir grad langweilig ist >_>'

What Beginner Pokemon Are You? (Pictures with 9 Detailed Results!)

You're Squirtle; a water type.Some info on Squirtle: Squirtle, when it is just born, apparently lacks a shell, and its long neck can be seen, making it look rather odd. Soon after birth, its back swells and hardens into a resilient shell. When it feels threatened, Squirtle retracts into its shell and powerfully sprays foam from its mouth, either to attack its opponent or merely to intimidate it. Squirtle's shell is not just used for protection; The shell's rounded shape and the grooves on its surface help minimize resistance in water, enabling this Pokmon to swim at high speeds. When hunting, it shoots water at prey through its mouth with strong force.
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 Ich wusste, dass es was mit Wasser wird xDDDD Aber warum nicht Karnimani? ;O;



Which Legendary Pokemon Are You?

You are Articuno, the freezing bird of winter.Element: Ice/FlyingBest Attacks: Blizzard, Ice Beam, and (my personal favorite) Hail.Hail is found in FireRed, LeafGreen, Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald. It powers up ice type attacks, as well as damages non-ice type foes.
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 Schön *___*



What is Your Ideal Pokemon Generation Four Starter?

Your ideal starter is Turtwig!You like to take things easy and be carefree.But do you sometimes zone out and miss your school bus?You should try to be more careful.
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Süüüüüüüüß *___* Das hatte ich eh vor zu nehmen x3



What First Generation Pokemon Are You?

You are Jigglypuff!Cute and vindictive, you choose to spite those who won't be your friend, and keep those who are at a distance.
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Ich mag Pummeluff nicht ô_o



Which form of Eevee are you?

You are Eevee! This normal-typle pokemon can turn into 5 different forms, depending on the conditions. Eevee's are usually very even-tempered. Gentle. Sweet. However, Eevee's are not the strongest pokemon in existance. If you use a Water Stone on it, Eevee can become a Vaporeon.If you use a Fire Stone on it, then Eevee will become a Flareon.If you decided to use a Thunder Stone, then your Eevee with become a Jolteon.And if you can tame the Eevee and it evolves during the day, then your Eevee will become a Espeon. At night, the tamed Eevee will become the Umbreon.
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Aber ich mag Evoli ;___________;



Which Anime Kitsune are you? (Revised with AWESOME PICS!!!)

You are NINETAILS from "Pokemon". Considered to be very beautiful of all Pokemon, you love to enter and win beauty contests. But when faced in battle, your opponents better beware of your Flamethrower and Confuse Ray attacks!
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Boa schön *___* Ausserdem wars sehr gut, dass nix aus Naruto rausgekommen ist xD

What Disney character are you???

You are Snow White. Your perky and have a high pitched voice. No wonder the queen wanted to kill you!
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Which Evil Disney Character are you? (Cool PICS)

Madame Mim (Sword and the Stone)
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Falls ihr auch bei den Tests mitmacht, würden mich eure Ergebnisse sehr interessieren ^__^

Aber nun das Beste von allem...

who is your kingdom hearts 2 boyfriend?

ur bf is sora he will always be there for u. and has the most gorgeous blue eyes.
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Ich bin so wahnsinnig x///D"""""""""""""""""""

(und Test geschädigt...)

Datum: 10.06.2007 16:15
Kannst in mein Weblog gucken für die Ergebnisse. X333~

Leider konnte ich nicht alle Tests machen, weil das im Weblog irgendwie scheiße is und man nicht auf die Links kommt. ;___;""
Hab aber alles gemacht was ging.

(Außer dem letzten Test, der war SOOOO dumm, das geht gar nicht. XDDDDDDDDDDDD")
Ganon: "Link! How nice to see you again. And you brought your friends for my coming out party..."
FingerTips: "Benutzt keinen Radiergummi wenn ihr mit einem weichen Bleistift zeichnet. Brot radiert viel besser."
Datum: 22.06.2007 19:55
LOL woher hast du den letzten Test? XD~ den will ich auch machn XD
das mit Madame Mim ist ja geil O.O XD

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