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Steckbriefe meiner OCs Avarus, Darya, Krenar, Laneia, Makaro, OC, Peggy, Saira, Thanatos, Zilia

Autor:  Isi-Daddy
Ich bin gerade etwas zu faul das zu übersetzen, evtl kommt das noch.
Auf dA nutze ich den Journal dazu Fragen gestellt zu bekommen, die ich dann jeweils mit einem Bild beantworte, wie ihr evtl aus meiner Galerie entnehmen konntet. Das müssen nicht unbedingt nur Fragen sein, ihr könnt den Charas auch irgendetwas sagen und ich antworte entsprechen drauf. Also genau so wie ein ask-blog auf tumblr.
Das könnt ihr hier natürlich auch gerne machen, also wer Lust hat nur zu. :3

~ ~


Saira Amaya

Age: 22
Birthday: 22nd October (Libra)
Height: 1,63m
Hobbies: reading, working part time at Darya's mother's taverne, doing research/science
Likes: her laboratory, books, sweets
Dislikes: injustice, stupidity, hypocrites

She is brilliant, ambitious and dedicated. In her freetime she likes to got to the fountain in the park to clear her mind.
She is introverted so she's most comfortable around her close ones: Avarus who is like family to her and Darya, her best friend, who's also like a sister to her.

Quirk: When she gets nervous she is twirling a strand of her hair around her finger and has to adjust her glasses every minute.


Age: 27
Birthday: 13th May (Taurus)
Height: 1,92m
Hobbies: (secret)
Likes: (secret)
Dislikes: sudden changes, complications, silence, heat, Thanatos

He can be very stubborn and uncompromising. Thanks to this, People see him as arrogant and not caring about anyone but himself, but once you gained his trust you can always rely on him.
Because they often view him in a bad light he doesn't like to be around people that much and tends to hang out around pubs to stay informed nonetheless. This is partly why he avoids to get close, so he cracks silly comments as soon as someone talks to him.
The only one he considers his friend and family is Saira.

Quirk: He isn't into material stuff, he considers it to be waste, because nothing lasts forever except for memories.


Darya Uzuri Diya

Age: 24
Birthday:  (Leo)
Height: 1,74m
Hobbies: martial arts, archery
Likes: music, flowers, romantic
Dislikes: egomaniacs, arrogance

She is very confident, vigorous and also sportive. She is studying history and has a part time job at her mother's tavern. She has three siblings, a big sister, a big brother and a little brother. That's how she was forced to learn asserting herself.
Because of her hectic life she is thankful for having Saira around as her calm anchor.

Quirk: -tba-


Age: 12
Birthday: (Cancer)
Height: 1,38m
Hobbies: collecting stuffed animals
Likes: animals, sunflowers, chocolate fruits
Dislikes: boredom, violence, homework

She is sweet, lively and a little sunshine. She is raised by adoptive parents.
She doesn't really understand much of technology but she is amazed at it and likes to ask people how they are working which is why she loves to just take a walk around the city she is living in when she has nothing to do.
She has a weakness for reptiles.



Age: 68
Birthday: (Leo)
Height: 2,09m
Hobbies: Swordplay,
Likes: sweets, being well-dressed, his moustache
Dislikes: strawberries

He is sophisticated and a true gentleman who likes to spend his afternoon in a café. Preferably, every day in a different one.
He isn't fond of any kind of insurgence and doesn't mind to stop those himself, if he is somehow involved.

Quirk: He takes tea time very seriously. Very.


Age: 32
Birthday: (Aquarius)
Height: 1,86
Hobbies: collecting sea-formed glass, playing harp
Likes: warmth of sunrays
Dislikes: -tba-

She is reserved and seems to be unapproachable, but she still knows how to seduce men and women to get what she wants. Distracting people is also one of her greatest talents.
Apart from that, she has a special bond to Makaro, for her, his heart is talking more than words could ever say.

Quirk: -tba-


Age: 25
Birthday: (Capricorn)
Height: 1,58m
Hobbies: -tba-
to take advantages, being right, having the control
Dislikes: Avarus, dishonesty, the word "friend"

She is very impulsive, persuasive and insouciant which sometimes makes it seem like she would leave anyone behind who can't keep up with her.
But despite this she is actually a very compassionate person although she would never admit that.
When she is not about to get into trouble together with her gang she loves desert races.
You don't want to call her your enemy.

Quirk: -tba-



Age: 16
Birthday: (Pisces)
Height: 1,71m
Hobbies: -tba-
Likes: silence,  animals
Dislikes: crowds

He is observant, despises himself and seems to be kind of torpid but that's just because he usually approaches every task with inner calm and a clear head.
He is calm-natured and a good listener. Although, he avoids people and prefers to be alone, he don't mind having Laneia or Peggy around.
He doesn't talk.

Quirk: -tba-

Kamatayon Thanatos Tilar Dunya

Age: (???)
Birthday:  4th April (Aries)
Height: 1,80m
Hobbies: puzzles ?
Likes: Avarus, people
Dislikes: loneliness, perfume

He is eloquent, very conscientious and sometimes a little absentminded.
He is kind of a workaholic and takes his business very seriously. And yet, he uses every opportunity to visit Avarus, which isn't very often...
Apart from that, he often talks to himself when something doesn't quite go as expected.

Quirk: Wants to shake hands with everyone.

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