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TV-Meme Meme

Autor:  Yoite
Source: tumblr :D

Television Challenge
Pick 5 of your favorite shows (in no particular order) and answer the following questions about them:

1. Torchwood

2. Doctor Who

3. Vampire Diaries

4. Merlin

5. Sherlock

Who is your favourite character in #2? 
The Doctor and River Song!
Both are such great characters!

Who is your least favourite character in #1?
Oh, let me guess... Suzie Costello or Gwen Cooper. Argh! Can't make a decision :/

What’s your favourite episode of #4?
Season 1, episode 11. “The Labyrinth of Gedref”

What is your favourite season of #5?
There is only one season? XD

What’s your favourite relationship in #3?
Caroline x Tyler ^^;

Who is your anti-relationship in #2?
The Maste x The Doctor
Don't misunderstood! I do love both characters and i kinda wish that they will travel one day together. But not as a lovy-dovy-couple or anything. ò.o

How long have you watched #1?
um... Nearly 2 years?

How did you become interested in #3?
Have heard something about the book but i wasn't interested in reading so i began to watch the telvision show xD

Who is your favourite actor in #4?
Colin Morgan, for sure!
Well, his outfit as "Merlin" is not really the best... and he looks like a little bubby...

Which show do you prefer out of #1, 2 & 5?
argh! 1, 2 and 5 are great BBC productions and i never compared each other...
but I started with Torchwood... so... 1!

Which show have you seen more episodes of , #1 or 3?
1! <3

If you could be any character from #4 who would you be?
Actually... well.. i dunno. There are not really characters which i would like to be... I could imagine Merlin or Arthur kind of... well...

How would you kill of your favourite character in #2?
River actually died.  But she is so awesome that she wouldn't ever allow her soul to die! (And if there is no other choise.. the doctor finds his way to save her! hohohohoho~)

Give a random quote from #1.
of course my favorite ;)
Dr. Owen Harper: "My name is Doctor Owen Harper, and this is my life. A life that is full of action and violence and work and wonder. Secrets and sex and love and heartbreak and death. My death. The death I survived. The death I am now living through. Except that it isn’t living. Every day is the same. I get up. Get ready for work, same as everyone else. The thing is, I’m not the same. I get to work and everyone’s doing the same old thing. Babbling away about aliens and weddings. I’m not real. Three days ago, I died. And they think I’m fine, but they’re wrong."

Would a #3/4 crossover work?
Not really. Different timezones and their storylines are to different.
But if there is a good fanfiction or anything, I will read it for sure! :)

Overall, which show has a better cast, #3 or 5?
5! FIVE! Definitly!

Which has better theme music, #2 or 4?
2 :D
Datum: 06.06.2011 13:22

1. Torchwood

2.Dr. House

3. ALF

4. Beyond Belief (Germany:X-Faktor)

5.The Tribe *whee*

Who is your favourite character in #2?
Hard too choose Ö_Ö
Would say Wilson or 13 *lol*

Who is your least favourite character in #1?
Suzie Costello (man, her character was written to be hated, and it works ^^')

What’s your favourite episode of #4?
Very hard one. I liked the one with the ghost cat pretty much, 'cause that one was sad.

What is your favourite season of #5?
First one, the others were so-so.

What’s your favourite relationship in #3?
ALF and his blind girlfriend. ^o^

Who is your anti-relationship in #2?
Taub and his wife? I mean come on, he cheats on her, yet they're still a happy couple. That's nuts.
And~ Amber/Wilson. Puppy Wilson doesn't get over her death, which is narf~

How long have you watched #1?
From the day Episode "Captain Jack Harkness" of the first season aired in the UK. Which was 2006, wasn't it? ö-ö I found it through JackxJack vids, which I randomly found on YT. Hell yeah!

How did you become interested in #3?
I watched it randomly when I was a kid <3

Who is your favourite actor in #4?
Jonathan Frakes, of course, nah?

Which show do you prefer out of #1, 2 & 5?

Which show have you seen more episodes of , #1 or 3?
ALF, I guess ^^'

If you could be any character from #4 who would you be?
Jonathan *haha*

How would you kill of your favourite character in #2?
13 will die by Huntington's disease anyway *orz*
And Wilson would die in the arms of House of course *haha*
But it would be boring to kill Wilson, since we already have Amber in House's mind

Give a random quote from #1.
"Torchwood: outside the government, beyond the police; tracking down alien life on Earth, and arming the human race against the future. The Twenty-First Century is when it all changes. And you’ve gotta be ready.” – Captain Jack Harkness

Would a #3/4 crossover work?
Would be hilarious. :D

Overall, which show has a better cast, #3 or 5?
The Tribe.

Which has better theme music, #2 or 4?
Hard to choose, I like both :D
BB reminds me of my childhood, Dr. House is cool in it's own way.

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